You can find the Super Challenge registration thread here, and the Super Challenge discussion thread here. Please see these for more information about the Challenge!
Here are some other things that might not be obvious at first glance:
- We have an "Active topics" page linked from the header. This will show you what's new, all in one place.
- Much of the interesting stuff takes place in people's Language logs. Please feel free to start your own log, and to subscribe to other people's logs! This is a great source of inspiration and of recommendations for things to read and listen to.
- The Practical questions & advice section is a great place if you have any questions. There is a huge amount of experise and advice available here on the forum, and beginner questions are welcome. One of the neat things about this forum is that we're not dedicated to a single "right way" to learn languages–people here have succeeded with a wide variety of approaches.
- The house rules are fairly simple in spirit: This is a place to have fun and interesting discussions about language learning, to share our progress, and to encourage each other. Politics is generally off limits, and political or personal fights in particular will be removed or locked by the moderators. Do not hesitate to use the reporting tools if you want the mods to see something.
Anyway, please have fun, and enjoy learning your languages! And good luck with any challenges you decide to undertake!