Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:23 pm

SCO: Jaguars hae ringshapit spots, leppards an cheetahs hae wee dark spreckles, but as Vogeltje richtly wrote cheetahs hae smaller heads (an lemme add: longer legs). The current pets o' Aberdeen are nae dout jaguars, an they are dancin an havin a merry time.

SW: Dagens målning åskådliggör en dikt av svenskan Snoilsky som var sekreterare i Utrikesdepartementet i 1870-årene og poet i sin fritid. Men han var en melankolisk typ: "Jag har förspillt mitt lif och orkar ej byta om", skrev han i et brev från 1874, och så skrev han bland annat ett dikt med följande rader:
Gammalt porslin

En kung i Sachsen samlade porslin,
Men samlingsvurmen blef en riktig sjuka.
Han bytte bort till kungen i Berlin
Sitt garde -- tänk -- mot en kinesisk kruka!

Femhundra man med sabel och karbin,
Som preussarn visste att förträffligt bruka,
I exercisen smidiga och mjuka,
I krig en mur, tänk, mot -- en blå terrin!

Femhundra man med hårpung och med puder!
Slikt dårhusdåd allt vanvett öfverbjuder
Från världens början -- ja, så tycker ni.

Se’n bytet gjordes, har ett sekel svunnit:
Femhundra tappra hjärtan brista hunnit,
Den gamla krukan -- hon står ännu bi.

Men i 1879 lämnade han Sverige, giftade seg med en ny dam og reste runnt i Europa och Nordafrika og bosatte sig i Dresden, och så ble han glad igen. I 1890 återvände han till Sverige och blev snart Academy president och chef för Kungliga biblioteket - det var nog inte så illa, det, och stämningen höll förhoppningsvis. Han dog i 1903.


EN: As you may have guessed, today's poem is in Swedish - written by Carl Snoilsky, who spent much of his life as an expat in Dresden. And the theme has something to do with that: it describes a barter between the king of Saxony and the king of Prussia: one Chinese pot against 500 soldiers. The claim is that the 500 soldiers have died, but the pot still exists. But you could see the matter from another angle: who became emperor of the United Germany around 100 years later? Yes, the Prussian king. And where is there German capital today? Yes, Berlin, the Prussian capital - not Dresden. And if the pot has survived the bombing of Dresden it is pure luck, but I have visited the town, and it actually still has a lot of china there in the Zwinger and the reconstructed palace. But I still think the Prussian king got the best deal, even in the long run.

GE: Ich habe versucht herauszufinden, wer die zwei Könige sein könnten. Der Sachse dürfte August der Starke sein, der ein reiches Leben mit Luxus, Hurerei, Porzellan und feine Schlösser lebte. Eigentlich war er aber 'nur ' Kurfürst von Sachsen - sein Königswürde bekam er in 1697, wenn er als polnischen König am 15. September 1697 gekrönt wurde. Jedenfalls mochte dieser Herr Porzellan sehr, und er war es, der in 1710 die Meissner manufaktur gegründet hat. Un wer regierte in Berlin um dieser Zeit? Ein gewisser Friedrich I, der sich tatsächlich zu König von Preußen ernannte wärend der Regierungszeit von August - und dafür mußte er nur Kaiser Leopold im Spanischen Erbfolgekrieg gegen Frankreich stützen, was auch geschah. Preußen war aber lange nicht so stark wie später - sein Sohn war aber der Soldatenkönig Friedrich Wilhelm I, der nur Geld für Soldaten ausgeben wollte. Er hätte sicher auch gern etwas Porzellan gegen 500 Soldaten getauscht.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Jar-Ptitsa » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:38 pm

Iversen wrote:Pendant mon dernier séjour en France j'ai acheté deux numéros de "Science et Vie", qui est ma révue préférée de science populaire en français. Chaque numéro a un thème, mais il y a aussi des articles qui ne touchent pas ce thème. Dans les deux exemplaires que je vois devant moi les thèmes sont "La Terre cette inconnee" (hors série juin 2015) et "Vous avez dit bizarre? Le paranormal décrypté par la science" (août 2015).

Le problème avec le paranormal, c'est que beaucoup de ceux qui y croient ne croyent pas à la science. Et parfois il faut avouer que les soi-disant "explications" qu'on a proposé sont assez peu convaincantes. On problème commun pour tous ces phénomènes est qu'on ne devrait pas se fier uniquement sur les témoignages humains , même pas dans les salles d'audience, mais d'autre-part il est impossible d'ignorer des milliers témoignages de personnes normalment crédible à moins qu'on peux expliquer d'une façon rationelle ce qu'elles ont vu.

Par exemple: "vous avez dit hantise" (p.50)? Il est en effet possible the repliquer les sensations de hantise par des moyens artificiels, `savoir une stimulation des lobes pariétaux et temporaux avec des faibles courant électriques. Dans une autre experience on a touché légèrement le dos des volontaires avec un bras robot qui mimait leurs mouvements. Si il le faisait avec avec un petit décalage ils sentaient qui "quelqu'un" ou "quelque chose" était là avec eux. Ajouter les sensations provoquées par des infrasons (inaudibles), fluctuations dans un champ magnétique ou de température, ou mêmes des influences de nature chimique. Ici je pense aux émissions de télévision sur les chasseurs de spectres, qui souvent mesurent des baisses de température ou autres changements physiques au moment où ils ont senti ou écouté quelque-chose d'inexplicable.

Sur la page 58 on discute la paralysie du sommeil. Il est tout à fait normal que les muscles du corps sont paralysés pendant le sommeil REM, mais parfois cette condition peux durer un peu après le reveil, et dans cet étât rêve et sensations réelles peuvent se mêler - ce qui ressemble les descriptions donnés fra les soid'disant 'abductés' (sauf que leur rapports ont quelques thèmes et 'protagonistes' communs, tels les petits types gris avec les gros yeux noirs). Pour les sceptiques des "abductions" l'existence de sensations artificiellement provoquées ou naturelles suffisent à expliquer tous les témoignages de cette sorte. Mais pour ceux qui croient vraiment que des extraterrestes sont venu ici pour nous examiner ou pour tout autre cause il est du moins aussi logique d'interpréter leurs mémoires comme des mémoires d'évènements réels. Et d'ailleurs on peut gagner plus d'argent avec les films qui excitent notre goût des choses surnaturelles qu'avec des films ou livres ou site d'internet qui disent que nous sommes tous des idiots crédules qui ne savent distinguer la fiction et la vérité.

Le problème, c'est que cette loqique fonctionne aussi dans le sens opposé: on ne peut pas exclure définitivement qu'il y'a des phantômes ou que le monde est plein de bigfoots.

many things exist but they don't want to admit this at all. For exmaple the phantoms or the ghosts, I don't know so much about the ghosts but I know that the dead people talk in the wind because I hear them. but those are not the evil ones at all, but the families and the grandparetns, greatgrandparents etc. The ghosts are the scary ones, but I haven't met them or seen, fortunaetly.

About the extraterrestrials, they exist. I am not sure if they want to abduct the humans, birds, animals or other life from this planet, but for sure they infiltrate and examine, also like to control. they are not always little of a particular colour like grey or green, or have large eyes, but mosly they can adapt their form, especially the one which is invisible for this planet's habitants. their form is muhc more different than for example the human form, in effect they are not in this planet's form at all, and how they move and where they put themselves is completely different. The human scientists only believe what they can prove, btu for this they must see or hear it, but they didn't realise that the extraterrestrials are not in this type of visible or audible form. in the future the scientists will discover their 21st cenutry ignroance and learn this other form. I suppose that it's physics.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Jar-Ptitsa » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:43 pm

Iversen wrote:Jaguars hae ringshapit spots, leppards an cheetahs hae wee dark spreckles, but as Vogeltje richtly wrote cheetahs hae smaller heads (an lemme add: longer legs). The current pets o' Aberdeen are nae dout jaguars, an they are dancin an havin a merry time.

Is dit schots? wel hartstikke leuk!! :)
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:31 am

EN: It is an attempt to write in Scots, but there is not one single standardized way to do so, so let's just say it's in my own idiosyncratic variant of Scots
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Jar-Ptitsa » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:41 pm

Iversen wrote:It is an attempt to write in Scots, but there is not one single standardized way to do so, so let's just say it's in my own idiosyncratic variant of Scots

It's like Limburgs then or Walloon. I have my own version of this langauges as well. :lol: Is your Platt writing your own variant?

I think that more people must visit your log and see your wonderful paintings. I will tell them on the other languages' threads.
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-w- I am Jar-ptitsa and my Hawaiian name is ʻā ʻaia. Please correct my mistakes in all the languages. Thank you very much.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby PeterMollenburg » Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:54 am

vogeltje wrote:
Iversen wrote:It is an attempt to write in Scots, but there is not one single standardized way to do so, so let's just say it's in my own idiosyncratic variant of Scots

It's like Limburgs then or Walloon. I have my own version of this langauges as well. :lol: Is your Platt writing your own variant?

I think that more people must visit your log and see your wonderful paintings. I will tell them on the other languages' threads.

I've been dropping by :) The bird paintings are great! Your Scots is interesting :)
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Jar-Ptitsa » Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:31 pm

Hi Petermollenburg

I agree with you, Iversen's bird paintings are beautiful, wonderful and great. :)

Mostly I've seen white swans and on the River Thames there are many as well. One time I've seen a black swan, and he or she was FURIOUS :? and then we have noticed that her nest was near. she was truly vicious and loud!! :lol:
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-w- I am Jar-ptitsa and my Hawaiian name is ʻā ʻaia. Please correct my mistakes in all the languages. Thank you very much.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:30 pm

EN: My preferred source for truly Scots vocabulary is the "The Online Scots Dictionary", and the voice I hear in my head has an uncanny resemblance with that of Billy Connally. Besides Wikipedia is a reliable source, but it has not a insane amount of long articles. Besides I have got two paper dictionaries: the tiny "Collins Gem Scots Dictionary" and the somewhat larger "The Essential Scots dictionary".

For Low German the unofficial spelling standard is that of Sass - I have a very small dictionary with his name on it. But it often quotes a number of different spellings, and then I tend to use those with the darker wowel sound because that's how Platt sounds in my head. A larger dictionary which I bought in Berlin, "Neues Hochdeutsch-Plattdeutsches Wörterbuch", uses a different spelling, but then I try to guess how Sass (or the Low German Wikipedia or Ina Müller) would have spelled the words in question.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Jar-Ptitsa » Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:15 pm

Iversen wrote:My preferred source for truly Scots vocabulary is the "The OnlineScots Dictionary", and the voice I hear in my head has an uncanny resemblance with that of Billy Connally. Besides Wikipedia is a reliable source, but it has not a insane amount of long articles. Besides I have got two paper dictionaries: the tiny "Collins Gem Scots Dictionary" and the somewhat larger "The Essential Scots dictionary".

Guid e'en. knackie link :) unfortunaetly, the link although it is great, only accepts individual words, not phrases or sentences.

For Low German the unofficial spelling standard is that of Sass - I have a very small dictionary with his name on it. But it often has a number of different spelling, and then I tend to use those with the darker wowel sound because that's how it sounds in my head. A larger dictionary which I bought in Berlin, "Neues Hochdeutsch-Plattdeutsches Wörterbuch", uses a different spelling, but then I try to guess how Sass (or the Low German Wikipedia or Ina Müller) would have spelled the words in question.

It' s useful to have a dictionary. for Limburgs I invent my spelling :lol: I don't know if a limburger would recognise it :?

I love dialects
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-w- I am Jar-ptitsa and my Hawaiian name is ʻā ʻaia. Please correct my mistakes in all the languages. Thank you very much.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:59 pm

SCO: The penting o the day isnae in the langage series acause Scots isnae defined commonly as a langage, anerly as a bunch o leeds spaken in Scotland, wilk coud've had become a langage if the place hadna become an English colony. Ah pented this wee thing in 1977 after a visit tae Edinburre by train, whare a photaegraphed a heap o things. Ah came to Wawerley Station in the wee-ours o the mawning, an I daunderd up tae the impressive castle tae have a keek at its entrails ...and then the pairt wis closed! OK, ah awn that t'was a bit early yet so ah asked one o the soldiers at the entrance whan the castle might let in a poor traivelar who'd just arrived in Scotland by the mawnin train. "At neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene o'clock", the freendly man said, and then ah trampled up an doun the Ryal Mile until the castle gates opened to let me in. And wit wis in there, meethinks? Ah, nocht much. A military museum, a stone chair whair some Scots king had sit afore they sent him tae London, the pairt whare they once had had a rock whareupon they crowned thair kings while they still had anes and the place whare they lang aby had put thair crown jewels while they still had'm .. and so forth.

Ah spent the night in a Youth hostel and the day after a went tae Stirling whilk an aw had a castle. Ah have visited it ance since and then they ware busy filling up the ryal rooms with auld stuff, but in 1977 the rooms war still maistly empty, but it wis a bonny auld castle and t'is in the middle o the penting aneath. The entry tae the Edinburre castle is tae the upper richt, and you micht hae seen it in the guid auld days before the Edinburre tattoe went doun in a despicable mess o jeegin saxophones, peinted lasses wi pompons an eerie peeple on motorbikes singin jazz tunes. Houaniver ah ettle the powers that be hannae dared yet tae kick out the lonely piper standin awer the gate wit his bagpipe. But suddentie ane year y'll hae wasted an evening pyning youself throu twa-three hours o shaite and then at the end it winnae be a lonely piper tae hinderly sooth yer rattling nerves wi a wee bit o delitesome pibroch, but Rihanna screamin her lungs oot.

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