Python: working with the Tatoeba database

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Python: working with the Tatoeba database

Postby Cainntear » Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:47 pm

I've been writing scripts in Python to filter through the Tatoeba database.

This is pretty old-school -- no databases, every filter reads in the file, then writes out to a file.

I've used functions passed as arguments to make it easy to create new filters.

I've included the four basic filters I've been using, and I've added an example of a more complex filter at the bottom which hopefully demonstrates how to write most filters you might need -- but if there's any questions, just ask. The lambda function should take as its single argument a whole row from the detailed version of the database and return a truth value -- true means it will be included in the output file, false means it will be left out.

(I'm intending to integrate checking submitters' language skill at a later date, but this is what I've got at the moment.)

Code: Select all

# Tatoeba sentence filter

import csv

def genericFilter (filterFunc, inputFile, outputFile) :
    if outputFile==None :
    with open (outputFile,"w") as f_out :
        with open (inputFile,"r") as f_in :
            csv_in = csv.reader (f_in,delimiter="\t")
            csv_out = csv.writer (f_out,delimiter="\t")
            for row in csv_in :
                if filterFunc(row):

def filterByLanguage (lang, inputFile="sentences_detailed.csv",outputFile=None) :
    genericFilter ( lambda (row) : row[1]==lang, inputFile, outputFile )

def filterByUser (user, inputFile="sentences_detailed.csv",outputFile=None) :
    genericFilter ( lambda (row) : row[3] == user, inputFile, outputFile )

def filterHasAudio (inputFile="sentences_detailed.csv",outputFile=None,audioFile="sentences_with_audio.csv") :
    with open(audioFile,"r") as f_audio:
        csv_audio = csv.reader (f_audio,delimiter="\t")
        audio = set([ row[0] for row in csv_audio ])
    genericFilter (lambda (row) : row[0] in audio, inputFile, outputFile)

def filterNoAudio (inputFile="sentences_detailed.csv",outputFile=None,audioFile="sentences_with_audio.csv") :
    with open(audioFile,"r") as f_audio:
        csv_audio = csv.reader (f_audio,delimiter="\t")
        audio = set([ row[0] for row in csv_audio ])
    genericFilter (lambda (row) : row[0] not in audio, inputFile, outputFile)

def filterByLanguageAndUser(lang, user, inputFile="sentences_detailed.csv",outputFile=None) :
    genericFilter ( lambda (row) : row[1]==lang and row[3]==user, inputFile, outputFile )
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Re: Python: working with the Tatoeba database

Postby Vedun » Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:08 pm

I should learn Python just to get my hands on Tatoeba's DB.
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Re: Python: working with the Tatoeba database

Postby Cainntear » Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:21 pm

Vedun wrote:I should learn Python just to get my hands on Tatoeba's DB.

You don't need Python -- you can download the files and load them into a proper database. My way's a bit of a hack.
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Re: Python: working with the Tatoeba database

Postby mcthulhu » Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:45 pm

I just query the Tatoeba Web site for sentences containing a given query term (whatever text is highlighted by the user), and then show example sentences in a popup window. The URL is simple enough to construct.

Code: Select all

function searchTatoeba() {
   var lang=getISOLanguageCodeTrigraph(language);
   var term = getQueryTerm();
   var url="" + term;
   url+="&from="+ lang + "&to=eng";

You'd probably get better performance from a database. I have a local SQLite sentence database (translation memory), and could do a bulk import of whatever I retrieve from Tatoeba. I will probably add that later on, though I have some concerns about how selective I want to be with this data.
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