Sillygoose1's Language Extraordinaire

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Sillygoose1's Language Extraordinaire

Postby sillygoose1 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:40 pm

Hey everyone. This will be my new log I suppose since I never even thought about saving my other one.

Quick rundown of my language situation:

Italian - C1 passive, B1/2 active
Spanish - C1 passive, B2 active
French - C1
German - B1 reading, A2 everything else
Portuguese - Flirting
Corsican/Latin - Still going through the respective Assimil courses; Le Corse sans peine & Il latino senza sforzo

What I have been up to:

Italian - Working on finishing up In Treatment & I soliti idioti, rewatching Romanzo Criminale La Serie. In Treatment is rather simple. Easy language spoken clearly. I soliti idioti was at one point pretty difficult, but with more exposure to various accents it's gotten better. My first watch of Romanzo Criminale was with ENG subs, but now that I'm not using subs I can say that informal Romanesco can be difficult at times. This was only after the first episode - I'm hoping by the end of the series I'll be fine with Romanesco. I'm also reading Una cosa divertente che non faro mai piu by David Foster Wallace.

Spanish - Argentine telenovela called Guapas, and the Spanish series El internado and La que se avecina. I'm extremely comfortable with both regions' way of speech. My only obstacle was coming back to Peninsular Spanish after not having listened to it for awhile where my comprehension was a bit lower than usual, but after a few episodes it seemed to go back to normal. I'm reading some Miguel de Unamuno to go along with my vocab acquisition.

French - More or less given up on. I sometimes watch some Youtube comedy skits, but I don't really have much more passion left for French. This may change soon.

German - Reading a novel more or less. It's a bit difficult so I'm going at it slowly. Vocab is sticking better.

Portuguese - Mainly watching dubs of whatever I can find remotely interesting. Right now I'm watching The Big Bang Theory even though I don't even watch it in English.

Corsican - Assimil lesson 17. A lot of transparency with Italian, but still somewhat different enough. I really enjoy listening to the language.

Latin - Assimil lesson 13
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:16 am


Finished Una cosa divertente che non faro mai piu - Moving on to some Camus or Houellebecq next.
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:18 am

And here's my shameless 3rd post...
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:11 am


Finished chapter one of L'uomo in rivolta by Albert Camus and watched some In Treatment. Both didn't seem to present much of a challenge. I gave up on I soliti idioti because it was...not TV's finest achievment to say the least... It turns out there's only so much one can take. Ironically, I did discover some reality shows that seem promising enough.


An episode of La que se avecina + 2 chapters of Miguel de Unamuno's "Niebla".


Some more Assimil.
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:18 pm


Last "week" of episodes of In Treatment! I definitely recommend this series for anyone learning Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew or Hungarian. It's somewhat slow paced but the language is pretty clear and straightforward. Great practice. Besides that, I've started reading Zero Zero Zero by Roberto Saviano alongside L'uomo in rivolta. I found a pretty cool series called SPQR which is a spin off of the movie with the same name. It's a comedy that takes place during the Roman era. I haven't watched an episode yet but it seems promising.


Watched episode 50 of Guapas, episode 8 season 2 of La que se avecina, and episode 3 of season 7 of El internado. Read chapter 3 of Niebla.


Reading more Extinction. It's somewhat difficult and I'm getting discouraged. I'm halfway through chapter 4 and it's been like that for a day now. The vocab is really killing me


Finished lesson 22 of Assimil
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:31 am


Finished In Treatment
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:02 pm


Bon, auparavant j'ai dit que je n'avais plus de passion pour le francais et, a posteriori, je peux dire avec confiance que cette decision a ete un peu precipitee. Il fallait tout simplement que je prenne une petite pause et me concentrer sur d'autres choses. Aujourd'hui, j'ai recommence' de regarder des series, notamment Fais pas ci fais pas ca dont le 5eme episode de la 2eme saison. La raison pour laquelle j'ai ressenti cette sensation est due au fait que j'avais des problemes avec l'ecoute d'un sketch qui m'a demoralise' un peu. Je vais continuer de tout ameliorer.

Ma comprehension est encore plutot bien malgre tout. Je peux aussi ecrire et lire le meme qu'avant, a en croire les gens avec qui je parle. Qu'est-ce que j'en sais de toute facon?


Sigo con las series La que se avecina, Aqui no hay quien viva, y El internado. Estoy un poco mas concentrado con La que se avecina y Aqui no hay quien viva porque me sobran varias temporadas al contrario de El internado lo cual me queda una con unos capitulos ya vistos. Aun leo el libro "Niebla", pero no he avanzado mucho. Tengo tantos otros planes y tantas cosas que ver en cuanto a las peliculas y otras series. No creo que a mi nivel actual me sirva mucho leer para obtener mas vocabulario. Tengo que concentrarme mas en el habla coloquial en vez de la de la literatura. Eso es como se mejora, en mi opinion.

Lo que he notado un poco raro es que hay acentos que son realmente dificiles a veces. No tanto como impiden la comunicacion, pero el vocabulario y acento en si. Si intentas a ver los vines en youtube, ya veras. La mezcla de espanoles, mexicanos, chilenos, etc. Aunque lo he entendido decir antes, no me imaginaba a que punto. Vale, quizas solo valga para el coloquial.


Non c'e molto da dire. A parte il fatto che ho finito con la serie In treatment. Penso ad inizare la lettura di "Zero Zero Zero" da Roberto Saviano, lo stesso scrittore di "Gomorra". Al mio gran disappunto, non riesco a trovare molto da guardare. Anche se l'italiano e' ricco di film, non e' il caso con le serie. Certo, ce ne sono alcune buone, ma la quantita' di quelle e' piuttosto bassa. Se vi interessano, le nomino qui: Romanzo Criminale, Gomorra, e forse 1992 - non l'ho ancora vista. Le primere due sono derivate dai film degli stessi nomi - ma molto piu migliori. Ebbe, seguiro' con i film per il momento.


Sempre cu l'Assimil. Issa lingua he molta similari a l'italianu. Difatti, me pare un dialettu e 'un una lingua propria. Lezzione 24 di Assimil.
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:22 pm


J'ai deja fini la 2eme saison de Fais pas ci fais pas ca et presque fini la 3eme de Workingirls. J'oublie si j'en ai deja parle' avant, mais Workingirls est adaptee' d'une serie neerlandaise qui est basee sur une boite fictive dans laquelle se deroulent de nombreuses de situations...bizarres.. C'est tres drole quand meme. Chaque episode dure 12-13 minutes et c'est plein de phrases idiomatiques et pas mal d'argot. Je dirais qu'il faudrait etre a un niveau plutot haut pour en tirer le maximum. Il y a aussi un film qui va avec, mais je ne suis pas tres sur s'il y aura une 4eme saison ou non. J'espere que oui.

Au niveau litterature, ca roule. Du Houellebecq comme d'hab, un polar de temps en temps.


He terminado con la segunda temporada de La que se avecina. No se si seguire' con la serie porque he visto cuantos personajes acaban partiendo de la serie antes de la octava temporada. Personajes de los que he cogido carino. Pues, todo esta bien. Aprendi varios modismos y algunas palabras. Estoy muy contento con mi progreso en estes ultimos meses. Me acuerdo de que cuando empeze' con El internado no era capaz de entender el 50-60% de lo que oi. Ahora diria que la cifra esta al 90% al menos.

No he visto un capitulo de Guapas ultimamente. Puede ser que me haya aburrido de ella sin darme cuenta pero la motivacion no esta por el momento. Lo mismo con el libro Niebla. De hecho, voy a tratar de leer unos capitulos esta tarde. Es una bonita historia.


Niente recentemente. Un capitolo di Zero Zero Zero e basta. Non ho imparato niente di nuovo in quanto al vocobolario. Ma anzi, ho visto un altro episodio di Romanzo Criminale e uno di quelli film di Natale con Christian de Sica. A me piacciono, sono divertenti. Senza parlare del fatto che e' una buona opportunita' per abituarmi di piu al romanesco di De Sica.


Ich fuhle mich noch nicht kompetent Deutsch zu sprechen. Aber ausser dem Buch dass lese ich, gibt es nichts dass ich tun kann.


Chi bella lingua! Un a vedu l'ora di fa' una lezzione ognu ghjornu. Ancu se 'un so' capace di parlallu moltu, me piace parla tuttu quellu chi possu. E' scrive'. U corsu he' cumu una mista di italianu e altri dialetti di u sud di Italia. Ci vole pratica' di piu e' trova' un amicu chi u parla u corsu.
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:54 pm


Il s'avere que Workingirls ne dure en effet que pour trois saisons et un film. Maintenant que je l'ai ce film, je pense a m'eclater de rire bientot. :D J'ai redecouvert beaucoup de choses oubliees quand j'ai pris ma pause en francais ainsi que beaucoup de nouvelles choses. Dommage que l'ete soit presque fini. :/

J'ai vu le premier episode de Fais pas ci fais pas ca de la 3eme saison. Pas de problemes en ce qui concerne la comprehension a part deux trois trucs pas entendus. Mais ca arrive a tous.


He leido un capitulo de Niebla por fin. Me gusta el lenguaje que es bastante antiguo como por ejemplo cuando pone "Despertose" o algo asi. Ademas de eso, nada mas.


Ich mich durchschlage noch mit die Lekture. Ich habe bisher funf Kapitel gelesen aber es ist noch nicht einfach zu lesen.


Un aghju ancu truvatu di libri pe leghje e' infatti me pare difficile di fallu. Almenu aghju truvatu un dizziunariu chi po campa piu o menu. A situazione pare scura listessu. Un si po sape a che puntu sara pussibile cuntinua cu una lingua senza materiali pe leghje o agguarda un filmu. me devra basta cu truva un amicu corsu ma un l'aghju ancu fattu.
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Re: Sillygoose1 TAC 2015

Postby sillygoose1 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:27 pm

I'm having quite a few problems with German. I know I'm doing something wrong in approaching this language but I can't figure out what yet. My problems are:

Getting vocab to stick
Word order
Seperable/non-seperable words

Now, I know that these problems can be fixed with the study, but the thing is that I've studied grammar rather heavily. As for vocab, no matter how many times I see a word there are certain ones that I always forget the meaning of. I'm thinking that in the back of my mind I'm treating it as a Romance language. Given that this is the first true Germanic language I've studied I should be treating it as such. But even then, the dabbling I did in Swedish and Danish I don't remember having the same problems.

I've gotten a hold of some Portuguese books. Mainly by Paulo Coelho & Jose Saramago. Also got a hold of some Brazilian movies with Portuguese subs so I'm gonna work on those eventually.

I'm working on lesson 24 of Il latino senza sforzo and dabbling a bit in Il nuovo greco senza sforzo.
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