Bengali (Bangla) alphabet

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Re: Bengali (Bangla) alphabet

Postby Yunus39 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 4:30 am

Great to see another Bangla/Bengali learner!

You've already seen my log, so may already know what I am up to. I also wrote the initial resources page for the forum:
I went through Radice a couple of years before moving to South Asia and learned some Sylheti with a local tutor using GPA (, but little of it stuck. In South Asia I did six months of language school (Bangla Language Institute) and worked through all the GPA phases. I self-assessed as Advanced-Low after that and have probably been at that plateau for a while, but always making noticeable progress and hope to test higher when I take the ACTFL again in the summer. I speak, read, and listen to Bangla everyday (though I always wish I could do more, and hope to get a tutor again one day a week).

Feel free to reach out with any questions. I love Bangla.
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Re: Bengali (Bangla) alphabet

Postby Quiggle » Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:46 pm

Yunus39 wrote:Feel free to reach out with any questions. I love Bangla.

Cool thanks :) I'm at the very beginning, so, at this point, I have to a lot of work cut out for me before any meaningful questions can pop up. One thing I was wondering, though - what motivates you to learn Bangla? You generally sound like an avid language lover and learner to me, but I'm curious about what gave/gives you the intrinsic motivation for exactly this language?

Happy to hear from you :)
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Re: Bengali (Bangla) alphabet

Postby Yunus39 » Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:27 am

Quiggle wrote:
Yunus39 wrote:Feel free to reach out with any questions. I love Bangla.

Cool thanks :) I'm at the very beginning, so, at this point, I have to a lot of work cut out for me before any meaningful questions can pop up. One thing I was wondering, though - what motivates you to learn Bangla? You generally sound like an avid language lover and learner to me, but I'm curious about what gave/gives you the intrinsic motivation for exactly this language?

Happy to hear from you :)

Specifically Bangla has to do with my life, work, and personal story which I won't get too much into here, but I lived in a Bangladeshi neighborhood for ten years before moving to Bangladesh. So I have lots of external motivation in that I need Bangla for my daily life and friendships.

I was one class away from a Spanish major in university, but really it was Bangla that opened the language learning door and passion for me in my 30s (wish it had been sooner).

What is your interest and motivation for Bangla?
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Re: Bengali (Bangla) alphabet

Postby Longinus » Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:01 pm

MmeFleiss wrote:
How were you able to buy them? I'm interested in buying a book and cassettes but I don't see a link to an online store.

In the US, an online store called carries the CIIL books and also CDs of mp3 audio where available, although I don't think they have the audio for Bengali specifically.
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