2023! Logger without a saw & Español with no teeth

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Yellow Belt
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Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:19 pm
Languages: English (N), Spanish (intermediate)
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2023! Logger without a saw & Español with no teeth

Postby Cerebral_Arbitrage » Sun Jan 01, 2023 4:30 pm

Happy New Year everyone! I am once again reading books about behavior change, habits, and how to make the most of my time here on this planet. Last year, I was inspired by Amanda’s (Philomath) and Clara’s log organization. I used their formatting ideas because they were accessible and clear. Below are the links to my previous logs.

I’m still going for a very solid B2 range in Spanish. Trying to keep up “streaks’ seemed to be the most effective strategy for me, but I’m going to try to set monthly goals again.
6 x
365 Day Challenge: 0 / 365
PFC - Daily Vocabulary Review: 0 / 365
PFC - Read 500 pages: 0 / 500
PFC - Watch 120 hours of video: 0 / 7200

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Yellow Belt
Posts: 63
Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:19 pm
Languages: English (N), Spanish (intermediate)
Language Log: https://forum.language-learners.org/vie ... 15&t=18782
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Monthly Updates

Postby Cerebral_Arbitrage » Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:18 pm

Last edited by Cerebral_Arbitrage on Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1 x
365 Day Challenge: 0 / 365
PFC - Daily Vocabulary Review: 0 / 365
PFC - Read 500 pages: 0 / 500
PFC - Watch 120 hours of video: 0 / 7200

User avatar
Yellow Belt
Posts: 63
Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:19 pm
Languages: English (N), Spanish (intermediate)
Language Log: https://forum.language-learners.org/vie ... 15&t=18782
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January Goals and Updates

Postby Cerebral_Arbitrage » Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:18 pm

January Goals

If my progress last year is any indication, I need to strike while the iron is hot! I went from a grape in January to a raisin in December. I still want to do the 365 day challenge. If the Polyglot Fitness Challenge is up again, I'm going to try it again too. I was shocked to discover that I met last year's PFC goal of 120 hours of video! I'm going for it again this year. In second place were daily vocabulary review and the daily logging of my food. I did okay in the movement / exercise category. Most weeks, I exercised 1 hour and 45 minutes (7 x 15 minutes) but I didn't get the consistent daily habit I was hoping for. Reading was a bust. I'm not sure why I wasn't into it. ReadLang and Harry Potter were very tolerable. Even fun sometimes. I will give them a try again this year.

365 Challenge
[ ] 30 minutes a day for 31 days.

Polyglot Fitness Challenge
[ ] Review Vocabulary (e.g. Clozemaster, for now. Speakly & Anki once I get it set up)
[ ] Read 50 pages
[ ] Watch 12 hours of video
[ ] Log my food for 31 days
[ ] Some type of movement for 15 minutes a day.

January Goals - End of the Month Update
place holder
1 x
365 Day Challenge: 0 / 365
PFC - Daily Vocabulary Review: 0 / 365
PFC - Read 500 pages: 0 / 500
PFC - Watch 120 hours of video: 0 / 7200

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