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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:15 am

All languages (related to learning materials I am using):

Whenever I would quote anything from a textbook that is, let's say, more than a decade old, I do intend to indicate that in the post about that language. But when I am about to write a non-interrupted series of posts about any of them, I wouldn't want to re-mention it in every single post.

Real-world example:
Right now it is Italian's turn. I would say something about the source in the first (new) post about IT.
Then there might be some more about Latin's Most Direct Daughter, without repeating that information.

As soon as Japanese or anything else appears, I consider that series of posts to be interrupted.
So even if there is a ulta-short Japanese post in between, I would re-mention that Italian Source Related Information once again.

If anyone notices any "dated" words or phrases in any of these Old Used Textbook Posts, I don't mind at all being told. Although it is Not a Requirement of course.
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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:51 am


Source: a pre-2010/pre-2000 textbook. Language: IT <-> DE. In this particular case, I "cannot even" mention the book's title because it doesn't have a cover any more.

Including some personal notes and rephrasing as well (doing it all the time ;) while paying the utmost attention to not changing the meaning).

Di dov'è?
Where do you [formal, sg.] come from?

è literally is the 3rd person sg. of the verb "to be", present tense.

Di dove sei?
Where do you [informal, sg.] come from?

I come...

... dalla Germania.
... from Germany.

"dalla" = "da la".

Sono di Amburgo.
I come from Hamburg.

(io) sono: I am.
(tu) sei: you [sg., informal] are.
lei/lui è: she/he is.
lei/Lei: you [formal, sg.] <-- "persona" is F, too.

Ha figli?
Do you [sg., formal] have children?
Hai figli:
The informal version [sg.] of the above ;).

Ha/hai dei fratelli?
Formal and informal: do you have brothers and sisters?

"dei"= di i.

Quanti anni ha/hai?
How old are you? [Not explaining the difference between formal and informal once again, because it already is clear from what been written above. #ThatSentenceTookMoreTimeThanExplainingItOnceAgain #DoIReallyCare]

Ho ... anni.
I am ... years old. (I have ... years). <-- Sometimes including the literal translation as well. Sometimes. #SideNotes

Che lavoro fa/fai?
What work do you do? [formal, informal]

Vado ancora a scuola.
I still go to school.

Che chosa studia/studi?
What subject do you study? [f./i.]

Calling someone "tu" is much more popular in Italy. Especially among youngsters.
[Although Germany's situation has changed later on as well, somehow].
In rural areas, it is also possible to be called "tu" in some shops even if one is of senior age.

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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:21 am


Da quanto tempo è qui?
Da quanto tempo sei qui?

How long are you [already] here? (f., i.)

Da ... giorni.
[I have been here] for ... days.

Da ... settimane.
[I have been here] for ... weeks.

Le piace qui?
Do you like it here? [f.]

Ti piace qui?
Do you like it here? [i.]

"Le" and "ti" are objects, because Italian is very Romance.

Mi piace molto.
I like it a lot.

già: already (as in "have you already been there?")

Mi dispiace, ma non posso.
I am sorry, but I can't.

Aspetto qualcuno.
I am waiting for someone.

Adesso basta!
Enough already!

Parla italiano?
Do you [f.] speak Italian?

Parli italiano?
Do you [i.] speak Italian?

Ha capito?
Did you [f.] understand?

Hai capito?
Did you [i.] understand?

Ho capito.
I understood [it].

--> These English translations are (non-false) approximations. Italian Tenses are a subject I didn't delve into too deeply yet.
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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:34 am


Can I?

Non mi piace.
I don't like [it].

In nessun caso.
Not at all. (In no case).

scrivere: to write

sì: yes

no: no

il paese: country [--> ES]

volere: to like

la scuola: the school

la madre: the mother

Ecco la conferma:
Here is the confirmation.

Dove sono le docce?
Where are "die Duschen"? ("the douches", in case you use that word like this in EN, too)

to wash

la colazione: breakfast
la prima colazione: the same

Quanto costa la prima colazione: How much costs [...]?

il letto: bed

la scopa: broom ["cleaning is within a scopa's scope"]

il ponte: bridge

Non è lontano:
It isn't far (away).

là: there

a sinistra: to the left.

la classe: class (airplane)

l'arrivo: arrival

l'isola: island [-> LAT insula, EN peninsula]
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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:49 am

Italian (and a Rapunzel anecdote)

senza piombo: without [the metal called] lead

:idea: Just remembered what princess Rapunzel [no, I am not capitalizing your title!] told Cassandra and Eugene Fitzherbert a.k.a. Flynn Rider. She wrote a note telling them to "follow her lead". But how? Well, "our" "language expert" Eugene found it out very quickly. It wasn't about leadership, but about following ... don't recall ... some metal traces, or something she wrote using a pencil a.k.a. "Lead Pen".

Flynn Rider has a above-average knowledge of languages anyway. One day, he exposed a thief who came to the kingdom of Corona. He claimed to be an Italian. But then Eugene listened to him while he was speaking it. Later, he told Cassandra's father (the chief of the royal guard) that that man isn't an Italian. "Poor subject verb agreement", this is a verbatim quote I still remember, even if that cartoon memory clearly belongs to some Pages of the Past. Flynn Rider (a former Big Nasty Thief) also stated that he does speak Italian. And what was his reason for having learned it? He told Cassandra's father, "They have got money in Italy, too". :roll: :roll: :roll:

Having said that, I quit watching cartoons a long, long time ago, even for language purposes. @A very few of you: Yes, I am repeating myself sometimes. But any SRS is also about Spaced Repetition.

... non funziona: ... doesn't work.
--> EN function
--> DE slang "Es funzt nicht / net / ned".

il gas: gas (car)

rotto: (approximate) not working, or defunct
the German word would be "kaputt".

cambiare: to change (as in "replacing one part/building block of an electronic device with another")
By the way, is anybody reading this post a Electronic Circuit Hobbyist? If yes, they could tell me by a reply or a PM. Because I have got an idea on interlinking that hobby (that used to be one of mine, too) and language learning. It's not just music and arts that can be directly connected to that other Very Marvelous Subject. Grand Spoiler (or not): That subject is called Learning Foreign Languages.
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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:09 am


succo (m) di frutta: fruit juice
--> JP yasai juusu #NotPhoneticallyRelated #YasaiMeansVegetables

acqua (f) minerale: mineral water

limonata (f): lemonade

torta (f): cake, DE Torte

torta gelato: "ice cake", DE "Eistorte" (? ? ?)

tè (m): tea
tè al latte: tea with milk
tè al limone: tea with lemon

gelato (m): Ice Cream
gelato alla frutta: Fruit Ice Cream
gelato alla crema: Vanilla Ice Cream

Taking a little break from Italian now. Because of Less is More. And because of having included "gelato" in the end of the post. #PleasantFarewellMemory
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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:28 am

Russian: About Konrad Zuse (who built one of the first First [sic] Generation Computers)

Source: https://ru.wikipedia . org /wiki/%D0%A6%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%B5,_%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4

Доктор Ко́нрад Эрнст О́тто Цу́зе (нем. Dr. Konrad Ernst Otto Zuse; 22 июня 1910, Берлин, Германская империя — 18 декабря 1995, Хюнфельд, Германия) — немецкий инженер, пионер компьютеростроения.

Берлин: Berlin
-> A good start, I'd say, because it reminds me of its German Schriftbild as well. Literally: "Font Picture", i.e. how the word looks like when it is written in German.

Германская: Germany, Germanic

Side note: At this stage of learning Russian, I sometimes pay some close attention to realizing what any noun's case would be. But sometimes I skip that one for now. Not trying to speak anyway for now, except some well-learned Very 101 Phrases maybe. #ComprehensibleInput #ListeningAndReadingPeriod

империя: imperium, empire

немецкий: German; and possibly Dutch, too.
инженер: engineer

пионер: pioneer

компьютеростроения: "computer building" [construction, not "a house" :lol:]

--> Not using any Latin transcriptions for now. They tend to contain additional letters that aren't pronounced.

Цузе родился в Берлине (Германия) и продолжительное время жил с родителями на севере Саксонии в городке Хойерсверда (нем. Hoyerswerda).

в: in
и: and (--> ES y)
продолжительное: continuous, continual; great [as in: a "great" (i.e. long) period of time, possibly used in other situations as well.]
время: time, period

жил -> жить: to live / dwell / inhabit
(As you can see, I returned to this verb's base form. But I wouldn't always do anything like that when it comes to a noun, because of the reason explained above.)

городке: town
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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:51 am

Russian: About Konrad Zuse pt. 2

Source: --> previous post

Кроме вычислительных машин общего назначения,

Кроме: besides; in addition [to]
машин: machine, computer, apparatus
общего: general, common, generic
назначения: purpose, use, function

Цузе построил несколько специализированных вычислителей. Так, вычислители S1 и S2 использовались для определения точных размеров деталей в авиационной технике.

несколько: several, some
специализированных: specialized
вычислителей: calculators, computers
Так: so (as in "like this"), that way, thus
для: for, for the sake of
точных: accurate, precise
авиационной: this is about air/aircraft/something aerial
технике: technique, technology

Машина S2, помимо вычислителя, включала ещё и измерительные устройства для выполнения обмеров самолётов. Компьютер L1, так и оставшийся в виде экспериментального образца, предназначался Цузе для решения логических проблем.

включала -> включать: to include
экспериментального: experimental
решения: solution, answer; resolution; decision
логических: logical, consequential
проблем: problem, issue, challenge
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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 12:28 pm

Russian: Donkey Kong Country 2 a.k.a. Diddy's Kong Quest pt. 1 #Nostalgia #ReadingAboutFamilarSubjectsBecauseThatIsEasierInTheVeryBeginning #StillNoCashbackForMyHashtagsButIJustDon'tCare

Source: https://ru.wikipedia . org/wiki/Donkey_Kong_Country_2:_Diddy%E2%80%99s_Kong_Quest

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest — аркада-платформер, разработанная для SNES фирмой Rareware и выпущенная Nintendo. Релиз состоялся 14 декабря 1995 года.

аркада: arcade (the video game term)
платформер: platformer (i.e. platform game, at least in the German sprachraum they also call it a "Jump and Run" Game... Wouldn't be too surprised if that term isn't used outside of it.)
фирмой: company, firm, business
года: year (among other meanings, just as many other nouns, but not mentioning that every time #Time)

Игра является продолжением Donkey Kong Country, также выпущенным для SNES в 1995 году.

Игра: game
является -> являться: to appear, to come
продолжением: continuation, sequel
также: also, as well

Значительно отличаясь от первой части серии, Donkey Kong Country 2 был отмечен за великолепную графику и предъявлял более высокие требования к способностям игрока по сравнению с предыдущей игрой.

Значительно: much, greatly, significantly
первой: first, opening
серии: series, part, chapter
был -> быть: to be, to exist
великолепную: great, excellent
графику: graphics (recognized that one without looking at every single Cyrillic letter.)

требования: this is either plural, or singular, but that doesn't matter too much in this learning stage and because of the context. It means demand/s and requirement/s.
способностям: abilities, or ability
игрока: player, gamer. #RussianIsALogicalLanguage #WhyAmISayingThis? #BecauseOfAWordAbove

сравнению: about comparing (noun, verb, or even both)
предыдущей: previous
игрой: game
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Re: SGP's Any two-digit number of languages being learned or micro-learned in rotation log

Postby SGP » Tue Jan 01, 2019 12:42 pm

Russian: Donkey Kong Country 2 pt. 2

Source: --> previous post

Король К. Рул теперь воображает себя пиратом, взяв себе титул «Капитана».

Король К. Рул: King K. Rool [double wordplay. "cruel" and "rule"]
теперь: now
воображает -> воображать: to imagine
себя: JP jibun [myself, yourself, oneself, ...]
пиратом: pirate

титул: title
Капитана: captain

Как в лучших (или худших) пиратских традициях, они похищают Данки Конга и держат его в своем логове на острове «Крокодил» с целью получения выкупа.

пиратских: piratical
традициях: traditions
они: they

острове: island, isle
Крокодил: crocodile, alligator
выкупа: ransom

Дидди Конг и его подруга Дикси отправляются на остров чтобы спасать своего незадачливого друга.

Дидди Конг: Diddy Kong
Дикси: Dixie ("Diksi")
<Gray>: a word that already became a bit familiar to me (island, isle).
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Previously known as SGP. But my mental username now is langmon.


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