My Korean log/My studying methods

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Yellow Belt
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby fjib » Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:53 pm

I keep waking up at like 1pm which means i only have a few hours per day to study and i'm trying to wake up earlier but it's not working lol
studied for 3 hours and 15 minutes
-did anki
-made a lot of new anki cards
-listened to a vlive while i was doing other things
-watched youtube
-watched a little bit of bts bon voyage
-read a little bit of 500 basic korean verbs

I need to stop being lazy and finish kgiu!! I'm so close to finishing it, i'm gonna do it tomorrow
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Yellow Belt
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby fjib » Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:34 pm

studied for 7 hours and 15 minutes
-watched three hello counselor videos
-listened to two vlives that i've already watched while i was making anki cards
-finished kgiu intermediate
-did anki
-fixed my hanja deck
-watched youtube
-read Daily korean vocabularies for foreigners
-read 500 basic korean verbs

I think i'm gonna take a break from kgiu before i start the advanced book so that i can review everything from the intermediate book until i actually fully know everything, i've already forgotten some of the grammar points so i need to add them to anki to review them, i have a few in anki already but not all of them, also i reached my 100 hour goal today and i still have a few days left!:)

I discovered an anki plugin called Internal references, which i used on my hanja deck, whenever i click on a hanja character, it shows me all the other words using that hanja.
my hanja deck is extremely small currently, i'm gonna start adding more to it once i get the hanja book that i ordered, and i also added a thing so that i can press a link in the card and it searches for the hanja characters automatically on

Here is a gif showing what it looks like
if anyone knows how to change the color of the link that says hanja dict please tell me because it's ugly and it's bothering me lol
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby Sayonaroo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:39 am

do you take your hanja deck lightly as in not seriously? i can imagine the reviews getting burdensome as the deck gets bigger due to homonyms. After all, when you read in Korean you figure out the word by the context if the word is a homonym. maybe you'd be better off putting the word and the translation on the front so you can just focus on the individual meanings of the hanja
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Yellow Belt
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby fjib » Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:42 pm

Sayonaroo wrote:do you take your hanja deck lightly as in not seriously? i can imagine the reviews getting burdensome as the deck gets bigger due to homonyms. After all, when you read in Korean you figure out the word by the context if the word is a homonym. maybe you'd be better off putting the word and the translation on the front so you can just focus on the individual meanings of the hanja

i haven’t taken it seriously yet because i’ve been focusing on other things, and i also want to have the physical book before i start seriously, but i personally have found it very easy to learn this way so far


This is what a page in the book that i use looks like, it doesn’t take that long to make the cards because i mostly just copy and paste from the pdf

i don’t find the homonyms to be a big problem, and as you can see the words containing 경 are on the same page with the different hanjas and the different meanings, so remembering all of the different meanings that 경 has isn’t difficult, so it’s not like i’d for example mix up the 경 in 경고 with the 경 in 경쟁 just because they’re both 경, and also for example the word 경매 is on this page and i didn’t know this word before, but i saw that the 매 here means to sell and i already knew the word 판매, and i know the word 경쟁, so now remembering 경매 is gonna be extremely easy and it requires almost no effort for me to memorize it, but if i just saw 경매 randomly while reading, i wouldn’t have made the connection and it would’ve been like 50x more difficult for me to memorize it.

I feel like if put the translation on the front i’d might have a harder time remembering the words since i don’t have to guess the meaning, but it also might work since most of the words are so easy to remember, and remembering the meanings of the hanja might become more difficult in the future....
what do you think about having a note with two different cards where card 1 is the way i have it currently and card 2 has the korean word and the translation on the front to remember the meaning of the hanja? I think i’m gonna try it out, and if i realize that one way is better than the other, i can just delete the other card
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Green Belt
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby Sayonaroo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:41 pm

I was trying to point out there are a lot words that are written exactly the same in hangeul but have different hanja and thus a completely different meaning ie
성적, 成績 性的
현시, 現時 現示
정체성 正体性 停滞性
거부  拒否 巨富 
전임자 前任者  (轉任者)
의사 義士」と「医師」、
진통 「陣痛」と「鎮痛
부자 富者 父子
성인 成人 聖人

here are more that I copy pasted from a japanese site
童貞 同情   同志 冬至   史記 詐欺
紳士 神社   郵政 友情   首相 受賞
火傷 画像   市長 市場   風速 風俗
映画 栄華   戦死 戦士   歩道 報道
犬喰 見識   日傘 量産   数値 羞恥
お腹 お船   烈火 劣化   主義 注意
読者 独自   団扇 負債   停電 停戦
大使 台詞   諸国 帝国   諸島 制度
声明 姓名   無力 武力   全員 田園
定木 定規   全力 電力   代弁 大便
捕鯨 包茎   地図 指導   素数 小数
対局 大国   誇張 課長   インド 引導
初代 招待   朝鮮 造船   駅舎 歴史
発光 発狂   定額 精液   火傷 画像
反戦 反転   反日 半日   武士 無事
大便 代弁   無力 武力   電車 戦車
連覇 連敗   恨国 韓国   祈願 起源
競技 景気   放火 防火

here are the hangeul readings

동정 동정 동지 동지 사기 사기
신사 신사 우정 우정 총리 수상
화상 이미지 시장 시장 풍속 풍속
영화 영화 전사 전사 보도 보도
개 식령 통찰력 양산 양산 수치 수치
배 오센 열화 열화주의주의
독자 고유 부채 부채 정전 정전
대사 대사 제국 제국 제도 제도
성명 성명 무력 무력 전원 전원
자라고 자 전력 전력 대변 대변
포경 포경지도지도 소수 소수
대국 대국 과장 과장 인도 인도
초대 초대 조선 조선 역사 역사
발광 발광 정액 정액 화상 이미지
반전 반전 반일 반일 무사 무사
대변 대변 무력 무력 전차 전차
연패 연패 한국 한국 기원 기원
경기 경기 방화 방화

童貞・同情 /dong jeong/ 同志・冬至 /dong ji/  史記・詐欺 /sa gi/
紳士・神社 /sin sa/   郵政・友情 /u jeong/  首相・受賞 /su sang/
火傷・画像 /hwa sang/  市長・市場 /si jang/  風速・風俗 /pung sok/
歩道・報道 /bo do/   数値・羞恥 /su chi/   主義・注意 /ju ui/
読者・独自 /dok ja/   停電・停戦 /jeong jeon/ 諸国・帝国 /je guk/
諸島・制度 /je do/   全力・電力 /jeon lyeok/ 代弁・大便 /dae byeon/
捕鯨・包茎 /po gyeong/ 素数・小数 /so su/   対局・大国 /dae guk/
誇張・課長 /gwa jang/  初代・招待 /cho dae/  駅舎・歴史 /yeok sa/
発光・発狂 /bal gwang/ 定額・精液 /jeong-aek/ 反戦・反転 /ban jeon/
武士・無事 /mu sa/   無力・武力 /mu lyeok/  電車・戦車 /jeon cha/
連覇・連敗 /yeon pae/  恨国・韓国 /han guk/  祈願・起源 /gi won/
防水・放水 /bang su/  陣痛・鎮痛 /jin tong/  検査・検事 /geom sa/
実業・失業 /sil eop/  公有地・共有地 /gong yu ji/

of course some sounds are popular like
수상 「首相 水上 受賞 授賞 手相 随想」 
사정「事情 私情 査定 射程 射精」 
전기「伝記 電機 電気 戦記 前記 転記 伝奇 前期 全期 戦期 前騎 転起 戦旗 前紀 田器

more here with english translations ... 1323680298
and here are more ... wPlH16FY0& ... 02535.html

it just seems like after a while it'll get difficult doing your reviews since you just have the word in isolation without any context and obviously in real life immersion you're gonna have context or a sentence or a phrase rather than just the word. a huge part of getting good at korean is learning to infer the word based on the context.

what do you think about having a note with two different cards where card 1 is the way i have it currently and card 2 has the korean word and the translation on the front to remember the meaning of the hanja? I think i’m gonna try it out, and if i realize that one way is better than the other, i can just delete the other card

>> I say no because you should try to minimize your time spend with anki because as far as i can tell you spend enough time with anki now. you are being smart and efficient about using anki. you don't wanna fall down the rabbit hole of perfecting ankicards or spending too much time making cards.

I think putting the hanja on the back of your regular word and/or cloze deck is sufficient. you can refer to it when you have trouble remembering or differentiating word.or maybe only make special hanja cards for words you have trouble with.
Last edited by Sayonaroo on Thu Dec 27, 2018 12:19 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby Christi » Thu Dec 20, 2018 9:31 pm

fjib wrote:
This is what a page in the book that i use looks like

What is the name of this book? It looks good! I'm also trying to learn a bit about hanja ,so am looking around for resources.
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Yellow Belt
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby fjib » Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:37 pm

Sayonaroo wrote:I was trying to point out there are a lot words that are written exactly the same in hangeul but have different hanja and thus a completely different meaning ie
성적, 成績 性的
현시, 現時 現示
정체성 正体性 停滞性
거부  拒否 巨富 
전임자 前任者  (轉任者)
의사 義士」と「医師」、
진통 「陣痛」と「鎮痛

here are more that I copy pasted from a japanese site
童貞 同情   同志 冬至   史記 詐欺
紳士 神社   郵政 友情   首相 受賞
火傷 画像   市長 市場   風速 風俗
映画 栄華   戦死 戦士   歩道 報道
犬喰 見識   日傘 量産   数値 羞恥
お腹 お船   烈火 劣化   主義 注意
読者 独自   団扇 負債   停電 停戦
大使 台詞   諸国 帝国   諸島 制度
声明 姓名   無力 武力   全員 田園
定木 定規   全力 電力   代弁 大便
捕鯨 包茎   地図 指導   素数 小数
対局 大国   誇張 課長   インド 引導
初代 招待   朝鮮 造船   駅舎 歴史
発光 発狂   定額 精液   火傷 画像
反戦 反転   反日 半日   武士 無事
大便 代弁   無力 武力   電車 戦車
連覇 連敗   恨国 韓国   祈願 起源
競技 景気   放火 防火

here are the hangeul readings

동정 동정 동지 동지 사기 사기
신사 신사 우정 우정 총리 수상
화상 이미지 시장 시장 풍속 풍속
영화 영화 전사 전사 보도 보도
개 식령 통찰력 양산 양산 수치 수치
배 오센 열화 열화주의주의
독자 고유 부채 부채 정전 정전
대사 대사 제국 제국 제도 제도
성명 성명 무력 무력 전원 전원
자라고 자 전력 전력 대변 대변
포경 포경지도지도 소수 소수
대국 대국 과장 과장 인도 인도
초대 초대 조선 조선 역사 역사
발광 발광 정액 정액 화상 이미지
반전 반전 반일 반일 무사 무사
대변 대변 무력 무력 전차 전차
연패 연패 한국 한국 기원 기원
경기 경기 방화 방화

童貞・同情 /dong jeong/ 同志・冬至 /dong ji/  史記・詐欺 /sa gi/
紳士・神社 /sin sa/   郵政・友情 /u jeong/  首相・受賞 /su sang/
火傷・画像 /hwa sang/  市長・市場 /si jang/  風速・風俗 /pung sok/
歩道・報道 /bo do/   数値・羞恥 /su chi/   主義・注意 /ju ui/
読者・独自 /dok ja/   停電・停戦 /jeong jeon/ 諸国・帝国 /je guk/
諸島・制度 /je do/   全力・電力 /jeon lyeok/ 代弁・大便 /dae byeon/
捕鯨・包茎 /po gyeong/ 素数・小数 /so su/   対局・大国 /dae guk/
誇張・課長 /gwa jang/  初代・招待 /cho dae/  駅舎・歴史 /yeok sa/
発光・発狂 /bal gwang/ 定額・精液 /jeong-aek/ 反戦・反転 /ban jeon/
武士・無事 /mu sa/   無力・武力 /mu lyeok/  電車・戦車 /jeon cha/
連覇・連敗 /yeon pae/  恨国・韓国 /han guk/  祈願・起源 /gi won/
防水・放水 /bang su/  陣痛・鎮痛 /jin tong/  検査・検事 /geom sa/
実業・失業 /sil eop/  公有地・共有地 /gong yu ji/

of course some sounds really popular like
수상 「首相 水上 受賞 授賞 手相 随想」 
사정「事情 私情 査定 射程 射精」 
전기「伝記 電機 電気 戦記 前記 転記 伝奇 前期 全期 戦期 前騎 転起 戦旗 前紀 田器

more here with english translations ... 1323680298

it just seems like after a while it'll get difficult doing your reviews since you just have the word in isolation without any context and obviously in real life immersion you're gonna have context or a sentence or a phrase rather than just the word. a huge part of getting good at korean is learning to infer the word based on the context.

what do you think about having a note with two different cards where card 1 is the way i have it currently and card 2 has the korean word and the translation on the front to remember the meaning of the hanja? I think i’m gonna try it out, and if i realize that one way is better than the other, i can just delete the other card

>> I say no because you should try to minimize your time spend with anki because as far as i can tell you spend enough time with anki now. you are being smart and efficient about using anki. you don't wanna fall down the rabbit hole of perfecting ankicards or spending too much time making cards.

I think putting the hanja on the back of your regular word and/or cloze deck is sufficient. you can refer to it when you have trouble remembering or differentiating word.or maybe only make special hanja cards for words you have trouble with.

Oh i’m sorry, i missunderstood! i see what you mean now.
i honestly don’t spend that much time on anki, usually only around 20 minutes of reviewing per day

I do agree that context is very important, and i use it for most of my other cards, but also, the majority of the time that i spend on studying i spend on watching and listening, so even if i learn a word without context, i’m going to hear it or encounter it in context at some point

And if i want to add context myself, i can just search for the word in my subs2srs database deck and copy the sentence and the audio and everything to the card, which i usually do because i don’t like cards without context because i can’t remember them as well without it, and if it ever becomes a problem with the hanja cards, i’ll add a sentence to the specific cards that i’m having trouble with, i also don’t want to add context to every single card because in my opinion that would get tiring to review since i use a lot of media in my cards, which works great for the words that i just come across while watching things, but hanja words usually stick without it, so i’d rather wait until i encounter the word irl instead and only add context to the ones i can’t remember

If i didn’t spend as much time listening and watching as i do and i only studied words without any context, i understand why that would be a horrible idea, and having no context with the type of cloze deck that you have would be extremely tiring and the few amount cards that i have without context in my vocab deck I HATE because they’re so boring and i can never remember them, so i understand why you think that it would get too difficult without context because if this was my regular deck it definitely would and i’d quit within 3 seconds, but for some reason hanja cards don’t bore me at all even without context

I don’t know how to explain this....but to me it feels like having 1 unorganized folder full of 10.000 pictures named fhkgjgjfdj123djfjd.jpg vs having them all organized in separate folders and sorted by name or date, when i want to use a word it’s just easier to find it in my brain because it knows which folder to look in lol

i’m gonna try to spend less time trying to fix my cards because i have honestly spent too much time on them but i had to try different things to figure out what worked and i think i’m pretty happy with the way they are now,
also before i didn’t really think about the fact that there were a lot of words that are the same but have different hanja meanings, so i’ll pay attention to that!
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Yellow Belt
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby fjib » Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:45 pm

Christi wrote:
fjib wrote:
This is what a page in the book that i use looks like

What is the name of this book? It looks good! I'm also trying to learn a bit about hanja ,so am looking around for resources.

handbook of korean vocabulary a resource for word recognition and comprehension, there’s a pdf that you can find online but i decided to buy the book too
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby fjib » Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:14 am

studied for 2 hours and 40 minutes
i didn’t do that much today because my brain had to rest lol
-listened to a vlive
-watched an episode of my love from the star and made anki cards
-did anki
-did memrise

i also downloaded an icelandic sentence deck just to try it out and i think it’s more fun than german, i might start icelandic instead even though i have no use for it lol but it was really fun seeing sentences on anki and trying to guess what they were in swedish because they’re very different but also similar somehow...but i’ve heard that the grammar is really difficult
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Re: My Korean log/My studying methods

Postby fjib » Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:55 pm

studied for 3 hours and 40 minutes
-did repetitive listening, the video was 35 minutes long and i listened to it 3 times
-watched a vlive
-watched some more of my love from the star
-did anki
-watched youtube

i found this giant google drive folder full of thousands of books, but there are just so many that i have no idea how to decide which ones are worth reading, and most of them seem a bit old, but if you decide to download this and you find a good book, please tell me the name of it!
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