Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:48 pm

Today I have continued reading about the topics I mentioned yesterday, i.e. vacuum energy, black energy ... well, I forgot to mention the cosmological constant yesterday, but it is an important ingredient in the cosmological soup. Let's first make clear that dark energy and dark energy - the two new buzzwords in modern physics and astronomy - don't seem to be particularly closely connected. They are both called 'dark' because they are mysterious and badly known, but where dark matter does seem to be some kind of matter which just happens to be hard to detect except through its gravitational effects, dark energy is in all likelihood not just a fifth kind of energy which is distributed according to fields that differ in different parts of the universe. It is estimated to amount to about 2/3 af everything in the universe (including the pitifully small energy equivalent of ordinary matter), but the only reason that we suspect that it is there is that the expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating - a discovery from 1999 which shook the scientific world because it came totally unexpected.

If dark socalled energy isn't present in the form of fields like gravitation or electromagnetism or the weak or the strong force which all are felt more strongly in some places than in others, then it is likely to be a part of the definition of the univers itself, which leads us directly into the direction of Einstein's cosmological constant and weird things like vacuum energy, which most physicists now think are connected in some way. The main bone of contention right now seems to be whether the constant actually is constant over time. For a layman and simple bungler like me the logic is fairly simple: as the universe expands the total amount of gravitation will decrease and the amount of vacuum will increase, so anything emanating from vacuum will with time win over the effects of gravity on a universal scale. But I leave it to the genius physics wizards to figure out exactly how to put this mechanism into equations - and it seems they so far haven't found the final solution. I found a fairly simple little article about these discussions at Scolarpedia, and here is a quote from the article:

"In the context of cosmology the cosmological constant is a homogeneous energy density that causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate. Originally proposed early in the development of general relativity in order to allow a static universe solution it was subsequently abandoned when the universe was found to be expanding. Now the cosmological constant is invoked to explain the observed acceleration of the expansion of the universe. The cosmological constant is the simplest realization of dark energy, which is the more generic name given to the unknown cause of the acceleration of the universe. Its existence is also predicted by quantum physics, where it enters as a form of vacuum energy, although the magnitude predicted by quantum theory does not match that observed in cosmology"

... but since it is in English I have also been reading other sources, including the Greek wikipedia article about dark energy, and I added some more printouts to my collection from yesterday, including a lot of articles from the Romanian site descopera.ro and a few from an Albanese site called alien.al ... and of course it is a warning that the word "alien" is part of the site name, but I read it mostly to get my fledgling Albanese dusted off and then time will tell whether its articles are trustworthy.

GR: Συζητήσαμε ξανά σε ένα άλλο νήμα τη σπουδαιότητα της συχνότητας των λέξεων και τον ρόλο των σπάνιων λέξεων.. Αλλά με τις συνήθειες ανάγνωσής μου, οι πιο σημαντικές λέξεις δεν έχουν καμία πιθανότητα να συμπεριληφθούν στις λίστες συχνοτήτων. Το άρθρο της Wikipedia εκθέτει δύο τύπους επεξηγήσεων της σκοτεινής ενέργειας: η κοσμολογική σταθερά και τα βαθμωτά πεδία, δηλαδή πεδία που μπορεί να ποικίλουν σε χρόνο και τόπο. Όπως μπορεί να φανεί, εγώ προσωπικά προτιμώ τον πρώτο τύπο εξηγήσεων - αλλά οι σχέσεις με άλλους τύπους τοπικών πεδίων πιθανώς μπορεί να επηρεάσουν τη λεγόμενη σταθερά μέσα στο χρόνο.

Η κοσμολογική σταθερά εισήχθη από τον Αϊνστάιν (Einstein) στη γενική θεωρία της σχετικότητας για να προβλέψει ένα σταθερό σύμπαν. Χωρίς έναν τέτοιο σύνδεσμο στις εξισώσεις, σχεδόν σίγουρα είτε θα συρρικνωθεί είτε θα επεκταθεί. Όταν άκουσε ότι ο αστρονόμος Χαμπλ (Hubble) είχε αποδείξει ότι πραγματικά επεκτάθηκε, απομάκρυνε το στοιχείο από τις εξισώσεις του. Το ειρωνικό είναι ότι οι κοσμολόγοι έχουν αρχίσει να το υπολογίζουν πάλι επειδή επειδή η ίδια η επέκταση δεν φαίνεται να είναι σταθερή. Το μέγεθος της σταθεράς φαίνεται να σχετίζεται με την ποσότητα του κενού (και επομένως με την ενέργεια-κενού του Ντιράκ (Dirac)) - όχι σε ένα συγκεκριμένο μέρος, αλλά σε ολόκληρο το σύμπαν. Εάν το άθροισμα της ενέργειας του το παγκόσμιου κενού (τον καθαρό διάστημα πριν από οτι κάποιος το γεμίσα με βρωμιά και μούχλα) και της ενέργειας των πάντων στο σύμπαν δεν είναι μηδέν τότε συμβαίνουν αστεία πράγματα. Υπάρχουν ήδη θεωρίες που συνεπάγονται άνιση ανάπτυξη της σταθεράς, που όχι μόνο εξηγούν την υποτιθέμενη σκοτεινή ενέργεια, αλλά και τη φάση του 'πληθωρισμού' (inflation) στην αρχή της παγκόσμιας ιστορίας, και τώρα χρειαζόμαστε μόνο μία από αυτές τις θεωρίες να γίνει ευρέως αποδεκτή από ανθρώπους που πραγματικά τους καταλαβαίνουν.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:47 pm

RO: Acum am citit câteva din articolele românești descoperite. Când am făcut aceste amprente, am inclus o traducere, dar după câteva pagini era clar că era o risipă de hârtie - puteam înțelege cu ușurință articolele fără o traducere și astfel aș putea să tipăresc multe pagini de la Descopera. Cu toate acestea, nu sunt multe articole despre energia întunecată, ci mai multe despre materia întunecată.

Când am vrut să recuperez acest articol, am scris pe Google, "Albert Einstein avea dreptate" și apoi am descoperit că Descopera.ro a avut o întreagă serie de articole cu aceste cuvinte în titlu - dar mai ales despre relativitate. Oricum am găsit pe alt articol care sustin că unii astronomi au dat energia intunecată onoarea (sau vina) pentru "zone reci" din radiația cosmică de fond. Sunt sceptic - ar putea fi praf sau materie intunecată sau altceva, dar nu văd nici o logică în alegerea energiei întunecatei să aiba facut asta. Articolul pe care l-am citit inainte este aici, i se poate citi acest mesaj:

Albert Einstein avea dreptate: energia întunecată este constantă în univers şi continuă să se extindă.
Un nou studiu arată că energia întunecată există şi determină expansiunea atât a timpului cât şi a universului. Cercetarea afost făcută de o echipă formată din 26 oameni de ştiinţă, printrecare şi Dr. Chris Blake de la Universitatea Swinburne din Melbourne, fiind prima confirmare independentă atât a existenţei energiei negre, cât şi a nivelului de expansiune.
"Se dovedeşte că Einstein a avut dreptate: energia întunecată este, mai degrabă, o constantă cosmologică a universului, decât o schimbare a legii gravitaţionale",afirmă Blake.(...)
Pentru a verifica descoperirile legate de supernove, Blake şi colegii săi au petrecut patru ani în care au folosit un spectrograf puternic de la Observatorul Astronomic Australian pentru a colecta date despre mai mult de 240 de mii de galaxii, privind în trecut de-a lungul unei perioade de peste 7 miliarde de ani, jumătate din vârsta actuală a universului.

Ceea ce mai lipsesc acum este confirmarea faptului că creșterea în expansiune a fost chiar și în întreaga istorie a universului - și că nu există diferențe în direcții diferite. Și trebuie măsurată prin diferențe în deplasarea spre roșu - "pete reci" în radiația de fond nu sunt suficiente ca contra-dovadă.


'Nuff about the dark force...
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:49 pm

I have spent an internetless weekend at my mother's place, and as usual there was not much study done - but quite a lot of house painting and cooking and making blackberry jam plus a visit to a zoo today. However I did spend the time in the train back home in a productive way, i.e. reading the rest of the Romanian texts about astronomy which I mentioned in a message from last week. I'll not go into technical details here, but just mention some of the topics. The dominating theme was dark matter, which is mysterious because we can see its gravitational effects, but it stubbornly refuses to interact through any other of the fundamental forces - so we can't see it, it doesn't respond to magnetism, it isn't radioactive and all in all it is just something quite irritating stuff which happens to weigh more than all the visible matter put together - only the even more elusive dark energy is more common in the universe (if the current estimates are to be taken seriously).

RO: Steaua mega-enormă are un diametru de 2000 ori diametrul Soarelui nostru și este pe punctul să explodez ca hipernova (numele dată supersupernoveilor). Este la 16000 de ani lumină departe de noi și ar trebui să fim mulțumiți de asta. Există un alt gigant roșu supradimensionat anumit Eta Carina a la jumătate de distanțe care de asemenea poate apăre oricum pe cer ca hipernova. Dar astronomii serioși ne spun să nu ne temem de această stea - ar trebui să ne îngrijorăm mai mult despre meteori și supervolcani și politicieni și despre încălzirea globală decât superstarurile deorace sunt relativ departe ... ceilalți nu.

Și steaua mică, imposibilă, ce se întâmplă cu asta? Problema este că este nevoie de o anumită masă pentru a menține fuziunea nucleară într-o stea. Există cazuri în care masa poate fi mai mică, ca în cazul unde steaua este plină de atomi de metal (deși probabil nu în formă de unghii și șuruburi). Dar această stea nu are nici măcar o cantitate decentă de litiu în centrul său. Deci, de ce nu a devenit pur și simplu un bun pitic maro - ceva la fel d-o nucă de cocos spațială??

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:21 pm

Today I have studied a whole host of languages - and in spite of this had time to do some shopping. BEsides I'm in the process of listening through all the Schubert in my collection. This has not directly any bearing on my language studies, except that I have read some articles in German about the troubles with the numbering. Poor Schubert was a failure in life - only known to some friends and to his family until he had died at the tender age of 31 ... and then he became famous.

GER: Die officielle Musikszene regnet meist nur mit 7,5 Symphonien. Als die Sinfonien veröffentlicht wurden, gab es sogar einige, die nur sieben Sinfonien erkennen wollten, weil die Halbe Sinfonie ja nicht fertig war - aber weil sie zufällig auch der Favorit des Publikums war, entschieden sie sich zähneknierschend dazu, sie in der Serie mitzurechnen. Das Problem ist, daß Schubert mindestens eine Symphonie zwischen Nummer 6 und dem Unvollständigen geschrieben hat, vermutlich noch etliche dazu - aber die Gelehrten konnten nicht einig werden, ob die erhaltene Nummer 9 einer davon sei oder nicht. Aber inoffiziell gibt es jetzt zwei 'neue' Sinfonien, denn mutige Forscher mit wenig Respekt vor den verstaubten Alten haben jetzt eine Nummer Sieben und eine Nummer Zehn zusammengestellt - und wenigstens die Nummer Zehn ist gut genug, um in meine Sammlung aufgenommen zu werden.

Gestern habe ich übrigens auch etwas über Musik gelesen. Ich habe eine Datei (von einer alten Kassette übertragen) mit alter Lautenmusik von Deutschland, und es gab dort ein Stück namens "Innsbruck ich muss dich lassen" aus dem Tabulaturbuch von Sebastian Ochsenkuhn. Das Problem für mich ist, daß Ochsenkuhns Version nicht so klingt wie die viel berühmtere Version von Heinrich Isaac, und jetzt frage ich mich, ob ich einen Fehler damals gemacht habe, als ich die Kassette in den frühen 90ern kompilierte. Sogar Youtube hatte das Stück nicht, und obwohl ich in IMSLP das Buch gefunden habe, nützt das mir auch nicht, weil ich nicht die Bezifferung aus dem Deutschland des 16. Jahrhunderts deuten kann. Aber es gab wenigstens ein langes Vorwort, und was mich am meisten daran überraschte, war, daß die Sprache fast modern klang - hier in einer Passage über verschiedene Zupfinstrumenten die für seine Sammlung benutzt werden konnten:


EN: Apart from this I have studied some pages of Irish from Harry Potter and an artikel about Dark Energy in Albanian, but first I would like to mention a collection of blogs in Catalan which I remembered thanks to the thread "Catalan Study Group". As I wrote there I have spent some time today reading a blog that almost amounts to a whole guide to Catalunya (plus a sprinkling of articles about trips to other places - mostly in Europe).

CAT: L'autor Gerard ha escrit 226 articols sobre Catalunya, i alguns dels 68 articles sobre Espanya (!) també són realment sobre temes catalans, com per exemple l'article sobre 'El Capricho de Gaudi' en Cantabria. Un dels articles no catalans és sobre Tolosa a França, la capital antiga dels gòtics occidentals i més tard un centre dels trobadorès occitans. Gerard coneix la seva substància, per exemple, esmenta que l'església de Saint Sernin és la major obra de construcció romanesa de França, l'he visitat sense aprendre res sobre aquest fet.

IR: Mhair mé uair an chloig staidéar ar leathanach amháin ó Harry Potter - nach bhfuil na léinn nua thriail go tástáil hata ag smaoineamh.

AL: Kjo nuk është në gjuhën shqipe

Well, Albanian ... I haven't studied this language seriously since 2017, but when I look at the articles from Alien.al they don't seem too scary. To illustrate this I would like to quote the first couple of sentences from the article about dark energy:

Teleskopi Hubble konfirmon Energjine e Erret

The only incomprehensible word here is erret (which by the way should have been spelled "errët") - but since the whole article tells about dark energy it doesn't take a language wizz to figure out what it means: dark, sombre. And "e" is a connector word, which is a very important feature of the language. I usually translate it into "yang" in my head because that's the Indonesian equivalent.

Pasi kane perllogaritur shkallen e zgjerimit te universit me nje saktesi te paprecedente me pare, duke u bazuar ne te dhenat e fundit te Teleskopit Hubble ne hapesire, astronomet kane dale me nje teori te re mbi energjine e erret ose “dark energy”.
Google translation: Having calculated the extent of universe expansion with unprecedented precision, based on the latest Hubble Telescope data, astronomers have come up with a new theory of dark energy or dark energy.

If you take the words in more or less the same order in the two languages you will see that they generally match (the English version is just much shorter). "Pasi" means "nachdem" or "weil" in German (I use the Buske dictionary I bought in Berlin at one of the gatherings there), and "kane" is an auxiliary verb. As for "perllogaritur" you only need to know that double l is a letter in Albanian - so no perls here, but something about logarithms and something about calculations in English - there is a connection there. "SHkallen" is scale or amount, "e" is the connector and so "zgjerimit" must have something to do with expansion - new word added to the collection. "Me" means "with" in English, but the Greek word is "με", "nje" is 'one'. "Saktesi" is not comprehensible, but once you can couple "paprecedente" with "unprecedented" in the translation its meaning has to be "precision", and lo and behold, Buske confirms this - although the spelling is wrong again: it should have been "saktësi" (the unfamiliar ë is pronounced as something like a schwa vowel)..

And that's how it goes all the way through the article. You can't compare the degree of difficulty of Harry Potter and a science article in Wikipedia, but HP in Irish is far more difficult to get through for me right now - even with a translation. But could it all be a matter of fiction versus dictionary articles? To test this there is only one way: get an article about dark something in Irish, and since there isn't one about dark energy in Irish (yet) I use the one about dark matter:

Ábhar é damhna dorcha sa Chruinne a chreidtear a bheith ann ach nach bhfuil sé aimsithe fós ag eolaithe. Is tríd an méid seo a leanas a thomhas a dhéantar amach an mhais a bhíonn i réaltra: luas na réaltaí ina bhfithisí thart ar lár an réaltra. Ar an tslí chéanna a fhaightear amach mais braisle réaltraí: .i. ó luas na réaltraí thart ar lár na braisle
It is a material that is believed to be dark dark in the Earth but not yet found by scientists. The mass in a galaxy is the measurement of the following: the speed of the stars in which the orbit is about the center of the galaxy. In the same way the mass of galaxy cluster is found: from the galaxy speed around the middle of the cluster

Now, can we do the same thing with the Irish article which I just did with the one in Albanian? Ahem, then what does "Ábhar" correspond to? Not "It is" (cfr my writings about copula constructions earlier in this thread). The word means something like "matter" or "topic" (an "ábhar sagairt" is a student priest !), so to make end and tails with the very first sentence in the article - and taking into account that most Irish sentences have an initial verb, but also that the pronoun "é" normally would be positioned right after the verb - this substantive acts like a verb. That is NOT one of the behaviours I have seen mentioned in my Irish sources.

After this initial mystery the sailing gets less troublesome: "damhna dorcha" must be 'dark matter', and "chreidtear" evidently has something to do with "credit" - a transaction based on believing somebody ('creditare'). "a" is a relative particle and "bheith" is a form of a 'to be' verb, and "ann ach" then falls nicely into place as "but .. yet" - "nach" is of course one of those inflected particles that precede verbs (a negation followed by the dependent form of the 'to be' verb) .. and the pronoun "sé" is right where you would expect it. "Aimisthe" is one of the words I would look up even with a translation, but it actually means "found" - and the learned ones must then be represented by the last word in the sentence, "eolaithe" - singular "eolaí".

So the message is that Wikipedia actually is easier to deal with for a simple language learner like me than the sorcery and witchcraft of J. K. Rowling.


IT: .. e fra dieci minuti commincia uno dei due migliori programmi televisivi di Raiuno - SuperQuark, la gemma scintillante al mezzo della concimaia. Quindi non posso scrivere più qui - devo ascoltare il programma...
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:04 am

I got through texts in a fair number of my lesser used languages yesterday, partly using new printouts (mostly about physics ans cosmology), but in some cases I reread old printouts about sundry other topics from the days of yore. If I lie in my bed it isn't practical to look words up so there rereading old texts is just perfect.

In the case of Albanian I continued my study of the article from Alien.al about dark energy - and it still amazes me how easy Albanian is to understand when you get the difficult new words served on a silver plate from a translation. I went through one more page in Irish from Harry Potter, and even here the fog is lifting ... though just slowly and not without hefty use of my Collins dictionary (having a translation isn't enough). I'm thinking about making a wordlist only with idiomatic expressions based on a few very common words with lots of unguessable semantic possibilities ). I have run through an article in Russian about the koala and another one about the Australian town Adelaide, followed by some extremely short texts from Wikipedia in Afrikaans about the four main forces in nature, and I have studied a somewhat longer text in Indonesian about a Westernese astronaut named Maurer who has participated in the Chinese training program for astronauts.

By the way ...
AL: pse shqiptarët nuk janë në gjendje të ortografuar "Einstein"? Ata shkruajnë "Ajnstajn" në artikull. Duket Hubble nuk është mjaft legjendare, kështu që emri i tij është shkruar në mënyrë korrekte.

BA I: Orang Cina berharap dapat membangun stasiun angkasa luar sendiri pada 2023, dan mereka sudah melatih staf untuk ini. Artikel dalam bahasa Indonesia (dari BBC) menggunakan kata 'astronot' tentang mereka, tetapi menyebutkan bahwa orang Cina menggunakan kata 'taikonaut'. Selain itu, orang Cina tambahan memiliki program ambisius di satelit. Menurut artikel itu, Amerika Serikat telah memilih untuk tidak bekerja sama dengan mereka, sedangkan organisasi Eropa ESA telah memilih untuk bekerja sama. Dilaporkan bahwa roket Cina didasarkan pada Soyuz Rusia, tetapi lebih besar dan lebih modern. Astronot masa depan Cina dilatih di bawah kondisi yang mirip dengan Hogwarts: mereka hidup bersama, dan Maurer (serta seorang taikonaut pemula Italia dan Prancis) harus belajar bermakan dengan sumpit dan berbahasa bahasa Mandarin. Ada ruang untuk tiga orang di pesawat ruang angkasa Cina Shenzhou.

LA: Hodie et mane festum medievale in oppido vicine Horsens (nescio nomen suum verum in lingva latina), et ergo non expecto studiose studiare proximas duobus his dies.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:21 pm

As predicted my language studies have been minimal since the Medieval thing started - although to be perfectly honest, it was not quite as good as some of the previous events - fewer international bands and fewer really heavy bands and no banner throwers in the parade yesterday, and the weather has been, well let's just call it mixed. But at least I got a photo of a double rainbow, as you can see below. I have got a few of those already in my collection, including one seen from a train between Stockholm and Oslo and another from the red center of Australia. I was on a roundtrip with three nights at a place called Ross River Homestead. I participated in one excursion to a former goldmine, but apart from that there was absolutely nothing do do (except riding some camels and splattering around in a swimming pool), so I packed four liters of water and left the camp at dawn one morning and walked to N'Dhala gorge half a dozen kilometers away amd back - and just minutes after I had returned to the camp the rain started, and then I got my first double rainbow.


Speaking of Sweden: After my return to my humble abode today I listened to the second symphony of the Swedish composer Atterberg, and once again it struck me how much splendid music you DON'T hear if you let your choices depend on the available public concerts and media. I have got a reasonably comprehensive personal collection, but to hear more of Atterberg I had to resort to Youtube.

SW: Det kan måhända ses som symptomatiskt att Atterberg aldrig vågat springet till att leva av sina kompositioner - han arbetade hele livet som ingenjör (likesom hans föregångare Berwald). Men vissa passager i den 2. symfonin är världsklass. Så varför spelas sådana kompositörer (för han inte är den enda) inte mer? Det gikk galt vid modernismens genombrott. Jag vill inte säga att all modernism låter som att sparka en gris i skinkorna, men en mängd professionella musiker och kritiker gjorde allt vad de kunde för att bortse från sina romantiska kollegor, och effekten ses fortfarande idag - även i Danmark, där det var länge innan någon vågade spela Rued Langgaard offentligt - och folk som Ludolf Nielsen är fortfarande helt okända för allmänheten. Dessutom gäller Paretos lag för musikprogrammen: de som sättar ihop konsertprogrammen väljer musik som 80% av kunderna redan kennor, annars kommer de inte. Och då kommer det att bli långt mellan musik av de mindre kända kompositörerna.

AF: Ek het ook 'n bietjie Afrikaans gedoen. In my versameling van artikels oor kwarks en sulke dings is er een uitsondering: 'n beskrywing van die stad Bloomfontein en sy geskiedenis as die hoofstad van die Oranje Vrystaat - maar toe het die Engelse gekom en dit was nie meer die hoofstad nie. Die het egter nog pragtige geboue uit die goue era en 'n pragtige dieretuin, en die het 'n stadspark op 'n heuwel waar kameelperde en antilope lopen rond tussen die besoekers.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby jeff_lindqvist » Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:39 pm

Iversen wrote:As predicted my language studies have been minimal since the Medieval thing started (...)

We had our dark ages two weeks ago. The market blocked my way to work, and events blocked one of my walking routes. I'm glad it's over.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:28 pm

I Horsens they also had the whole thing in the town center, but then the authorities decided to move it to the old prison area, which now houses a prison museum. It is almost like a fortress with an inner courtyard, an outer courtyard and lots of spaces around the prison walls. Actually the site functions well for the purpose, but I liked it better when it was in the center.

On the other hand I understand your frustrations since everything here in my own town periodically grinds to a screeching halt when all the central roads are blocked because of silly things like car races, half marathons and god knows what. The coming week is officially 'Århus festuge', and at least one central road is blocked by a street art exhibition - but I can live with that because I prefer arts to sports.

DA: I øvrigt fatter jeg ikke at min avis spilder side op og side ned på den temmelig ligegyldige såkaldte festuge i Århus, men dårligt nok nævner det betydeligt mere interessante middelalderarrangement i Horsens. Men der er selvfølgelig ufatteligt langt fra sydenden af Århus til nordenden af Horsens - cirka en halv time i bil (men noget længere på hesteryg).

PS: I'm sorry that I couldn't write this in Middle Danish (or even better: Old Gutnish, in deference to Jeff's location) - we all have our limitations. I reserve my Icelandic for the viking Games...

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:01 am

I have been occupied with other matters for several days so there is not much really relevant stuff to tell about. I have been reorganising certain areas of my music collection and filled out some holes, and this means that I been working non-stop at my computer with music, and the things I have read have mostly been related to this - like studying biographies in the relevant languages. And if you want to know something about obscure Russian or Italian or German composers then there may be something written in English, but it is likely that there is more in the national language.

FR: Par exemple j'ai écouté le premier concert pour violoncelle et orchestra et quelques autres oeuvres par the compositeur et violoncelliste belge Adrien-François Servais (1807-1866), et j'ai évidemment aussi consulté Youtube. Là j'ai lu dans un commentaire l'information qui pour tout jamais va définir "Servais" pour moi comme un nom qu'il faut savoir - surtout pour ceux qui comme moi ont joué antan le violoncelle: Monsieur Servais a apparemment invente le bâtonnet au bout de l'instrument ! Imaginez tenir cet boîte volumineuse et peu pratique entre vos jambes pendant des heures, comme on le faisait avant monsieur Servais. Il nous a vraiment bien servi avec sa pique.

SP: Durante mis estudios en Youtube tomé nota también de un concierto de violonchelo escrito por un compositor llamado Castro. Hubo algunos Castros bien conocidos aquí en el mundo, peró yo no conocía a este compositor, que resultó ser mexicano, no cubano. Y por favor, ¿dónde está el artículo más detallado sobre el señor Rafael de la Santísima Trinidad Castro Herrera? ¿En la Wikipedia española o en la versión inglés? La respuesta es obvia .. y cuando lees el artícolo en español, también obtendrás alguna información cultural (afuera del entrenamiento linguistico). Por ejemplo, el compositor está describido allí como "el último romántico del Porfiriato". Y no,esta palabra no se refiere a la enfermedad que (talvez) golpeó al rey Georg III de Inglaterra. Luego, se refiere a un dictador olvidado mexicano llamado Porfírio Diaz - y entonces se tiene que leer también el artículo sobre él. En inglés, se puede soltanto decir que vivió durante el reinado de Porfirio (y sobrevivió).

Es debido a este tipo de actividades que una simple limpieza en una esquina de su modesta colección de música puede durar tres días.

SW: Naturligtvis har jag tittat på tv under arbetet - men nästan bara åt program med undertexter, för jag har ju lyssnat på musik hela tiden. Jag gjorde dock ett undantag beträffande en ny och utmärkt svensk serie om de svenska dialekterna. Den här gången var det Skåne, och här var poenget att detta område lång tid var dansk och talade en dansk dialekt. När svenskar ockuperade det fick folket ordra att lära sig att prata svenska, och alla regeringsåtgärder skulle plötsligt ske på svenska. Men inte allt i Skåne hidrör från danskan - som till exempel skåninganas tendens att göra diftonger av alla vokaler. Och baktunga-r kom visst via Danmark, men modefenomenet började i Frankrike och spridda sig i första hand till överklassen i Skåne, och sedan följde böndarne efter. Men idag er dialekterna rejält hotade, ock då är det först och främst överklassan och akademikerne som svikter de skånske r'er ock byter till de andra svenskarnas rulle-r. Wikipedia-artiklen hävdar dock att de yngre generationerna faktiskt är positivare till Skånska än deras föräldrars generation - men det lyter inte särskilt övertygande.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Wed Aug 29, 2018 10:46 pm

RO: Uneori o emisiune de televiziune este atât de interesantă încât că eu să-mi scot căștile și să aud ce se spune de fapt - mai ales dacă pot asculta alte limbi vorbite decât daneză sau engleză. Transmisia despre care mă gândesc a spus despre ultimul rege românesc, Mihai (care a contribuit el însuși) . El a vorbit engleza, dar alte interviuri au avut loc în limba română sau alte limbe. Știam aproximativ ce făcuse, dar era interesant să aud detaliile. Pe scurt, tatăl lui, regele Carol și generalul Antonescu încheiaseră un legământ cu Hitler în timp ce el încă părea invincibil. Acest lucru a costat titlul al lui Carol, iar Mihai îmbrățișează titlul, dar toată puterea a fost cu general Antonescu, care a pus trupele românești pe partea germană în războiul împotriva rușilor. Chiar când Hitler era deplin în retragere, Antonescu a refuzat să renunțe la idolul său, și Mihai a facut o lovitură curajoasă: a facut să fie arestat generalul și a informat cetățenii și trupele țării că legământul cu Hitler cu efect imediat să fie abolit. Acest lucru a scurtat cu siguranță războiul timp de multe luni, dar Stalin a asigurat că fericirea a fost de scurtă durată: el a permis comuniștii din România să preia puterea și Mihai a trebuit să să meargă în exil. Și de atunci, au urmat decenii de ani în timpul dictaturii lui Ceaucescu și așa mai departe, dar este o altă poveste..

EN: Apart from that I have continued my musical extravagances, today mostly listening to ballet music. And I must say thay I'm shocked by the amount of sheer rot in the dirty world of ballet. No, I'm not speaking about child abuse or dictatorial ballet masters or the dancers' private lives, but about the behavior of the spectators and about the confusion about who actually has written what.

Let's take the first problem first.

IT: Ho ascoltato alcuni video di spettacoli dal vivo su Youtube, e al mio orrore l'orbetto ha urlato e battuto le mani durante la musica come se assistessero a una lotta de gladiatori romani. E quelle persone dovrebbero rappresentare il segmento culturale della popolazione ...

RU: Я безусловно не активный балет-любитель и никогда не был - в последний раз я смотрел, как балет был в 1975 году, когда я был в поездке в Ленинград с группой, и мы были в Кировском театре, чтобы услышать хачатурианский шедевр Гаяне (балет, содержащий танец с саблями)). Я получил первый ряд на балконе, но оставил его менее удачливому в группе, который хотел увидеть, как люди занимаются гимнастикой на сцене. Я сосредоточился на прослушивании музыки.

And now the second problem. Let's first deplore that some composers are known for one piece only, and you never get a chance to hear whether they have written other music. OR rather: this would be the case if we didn't have Youtube. For instance Ponchielli apparently wrote the Dance of the Hours and then jumped out of a window .. well, he didn't: he wrote lots of interesting instrumental music too, including a concerto for a forerunner for the tuba, the flicorno basso. Or take Riccardo Drigo , ..

IT: ..che non è molto famoso, ma se lo fosse, sarebbe dovuto solo alla serenata degli Millioni di Arlecchino. Ma ha scritto strisce di balletti, che raccolgono polvere sotto il pavimento delle retirate in un teatro d'opera italiano. C'è solo un problema: gran parte della musica è stata scritta da altri in una specie di collaborazione - come Il Corsaro, scritto da almeno quattro compositori.

DA: Det kender vi også herhjemme fra Danmark,. De store komponister i starten af 1800-tallet var JPE Hartmann og NW Gade, og Hartmann skrev musikken til 2. akt af Et Folkesagn, mens Gade skrev 1. og 3. akts musik (franskmanden Bournonville skrev koreografien). Et andet eksempel: en vis V.C. Holm (der med garanti er ukendt af 99,99 % af den danske befolkning) skrev musikken til balletten Livjægerne på Amager, men Bournonville .. ja ham igen! ... hyrede Tivoli's musikgeni Lumbye til at skrive finalegaloppen, for den slags musik var han eminent god til.

IT/FR/EN/LA:: Ritorniamo alla bella Italia ... eh no, a proposito, stiamo andando a Sankt Peterborg, perche era lì che signor Drigo scriveva la maggior parte dei suoi balletti, incluso Diana et Actéon (avec un titre français, puisque le français était la langue favorite des classes supérieures). Et les danses d'un ballet sont souvent nommés en fonction du nombre de stars qu'on peut persuader à participer dans chaque danse. À Youtube on peut par example écouter le Pas de Deux de Diane et Actée de Drigo (avec une interférence constante et énnervante de la foule dans le théâtre) ... disais-je "de" Drigo? Ha, ha... the one and only terse comment to this piece goes as follows: "Only the female variation is by Drigo. Everything else is by Cesare Pugni.". Sic transitur gloria mundi.


By the way, do you know how the composer Schobert died? Well, he had collected a bunch of mushrooms in the forest, but when he asked a professional cook to prepare them the man simply refused - they were poisonous, he said. Then Schobert asked his doctor, and he said they were OK. So Schobert invited him to have dinner with his family, and apart from one child they all died.

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