tommus wrote:de verzameling van boeken
het verzamelen van boeken
There are tons of Dutch verbs/nouns with "ing" or "en".
I think I see a pattern. "ing" seems to indicate "the thing" whereas "en" seems to indicate "the process of". In other words, "ing" seems to be "noun-ish" and "en" tends to be "verb-ish".
Yes I'd go along with that. And there is indeed a sense of vagueness, because 'de verzameling van..' could easily sit in a sentence offering the same sort of meaning. At first glance if I saw:
de verzameling van boeken I would take that as 'the book collection'. Een verzameling, so a noun.
Whereas with het verzamelen van boeken I'd immediately take it as 'the collecting of books.' The process. Completely in line with what you said.
The 'changing of the seasons..' one you mentioned above fits into this as well: thing (changing) and the verb process. That structure using 'het + infinitive verb'
A similar pattern exists in English:
The renovation of houses is a skill.
Renovating houses is a skill.