Hi Tom, and others,
I'm not sure I fit the prerequisites in terms of level... is this a 2016 French team (with members of all levels) or a 2016 French beginners team with a few more experienced and native speakers?
Anyway if I can join here's my details. If I can't just disregard this post for the most part and wish me well on my own adventure(s) - not obligatory of course

One of my best attributes as a team member/oberver or one who provides a little input here and there may reside in the fact that I've completed a decent amount of French courses and can provide insight into them for others.
Here's my log:
viewtopic.php?t=784My current level is estimated around B2
My motivation of late has been weakening, but my contact with the language is ongoing (my active studies have considerably dropped in the last couple of weeks).
My aim is to fully return to courses for the time being. I know there is fantastic value in native content and it can't be ignored, but once again i'm realising by distracting myself with all that fantastic native content i'm not ploughing through my huge course list like i'd like to be. It's very much overkill really, but it's a goal of mine and a source of drive. So for the meantime i'd like to really step up my course focus in my 'active study hours' and use free time outside of those allotted hours for exposure to native materials with some watching and some reading, potentially a little listening.
Current courses I'm actively aiming to plough through (steadily) are:
1. Rocket French Platinum:
Currently I'm 3/4 through the course, but will do at least one re-run through. I can't recommend this course enough for intermediate learners B1/high B1/perhaps B2 as it certainly is a more challenging audio course when compared to all the levels of Michel Thomas and Pimsleur 1 through 4 (haven't used 5).
2. French in Action
I'm aiming to finally get back to this course I think I was on lesson 13 or 14 when I last left it. Unlike many previous attempts I'm not returning to the beginning anymore (nor with any of my courses I haven't yet finished). False starts, and restarts are a huge waste of time- language should pick up where you leave it last, as close to that level as possible.
3. Assimil
Here i've started with Using French, while continuing with the active phase of NFWE (like revision really). i'm enjoying the first handful of lessons of Using French

I must say though it's a little disheartening that many of the better Assimil courses are older. It seems to be a pattern with modern day language courses- they are dumbed down, cut down, or made smaller for sales and marketing purposes it seems.
4. Fluenz French 4
Great DVD-rom course that provides a lot of production and repetition of various forms. In some ways it's like an easier version of the FSI courses but in DVD-rom format with a nicer presentation. Great for drills. LIke with all my courses I always repeat everything I hear and see out loud. This course is great for that.
Anyway I hope my post is appropriate for this team. If not I hope I can help out from time to time.