I have less recent experience than księżycowy, and haven't used Deinonysus' recommended book, but here's a little to supplement those excellent recommendations.
księżycowy wrote:I found Kittel, et al. fantastic for diving into the actual text and getting bites out of grammar and vocabulary. The approach is very inductive. This was the textbook I used a few years ago, when I was getting back into Hebrew after a long break.
I found Kittel decent but a bit... Bitty? Theoretically inductive, but without enough content to work like an inductive textbook should? It works, though, and is better than most.
księżycowy wrote:If you want something of a reading course (cf. JACT's Reading Greek or the like), hands down I'd recommend Learning to Read Biblical Hebrew by Kutz and Josburger. I have a very high regard for this text (and it's Greek equivalent). Kutz gets nitty gritty as well, I just miss the parsing exercises of other textbooks. But other things can help add that back in (if desired).
Heartily agree! This is
definitely where I'd start if I was going to begin again: not exactly a reading course, but more of one than anything else available, and with solid grammar coverage into the bargain.
Of other courses, the well known (evangelical) textbook by Pratico & Van Pelt suffers from the same issues as many other Hebrew grammars (i.e being what
critics of grammar-translation think grammar-translation is, but it's still a one of the best of them bunch and has a lot of available resources - if you want a choice of Anki decks, audio, video courses, supplements, etc, this is where to go.
Of other textbooks, Routledge looks ok too.
I also reckon Aleph with Beth is very good: an exemplary communicative course, really very well done indeed, and a great companion to a textbook to get you listening. Even if full communicative style isn't your thing (it's not mine) most textbooks lean so far the other way that is an ideal companion for multi-tracking.
A good recording of the whole Bible is available, chapter by chapter, by Samuel Shmuelof, is available at Mechon Mare -