What is behind your username?
- stell
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Re: What is behind your username?
My origin story is very boring. My original username both here and on htlal was stelle: the first two letters of three of my real names. I dropped the final -e after getting locked out due to entering the wrong password too many times after a long absence.
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- Deinonysus
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Re: What is behind your username?
A portmanteau of deinonychus /daɪˈnɒnɪkəs/ (δεινόνυχος), a dinosaur related to velociraptor, and Dionysus /daɪ.əˈnaɪsəs/ (Διόνυσος), the Greek God of wine, yielding Deinonysus /daɪ.nəˈnaɪsəs/(Δεινόνυσος /deːnónyːsos/), the Greek god of drunk raptors. Hence the wine glass with the raptor on it.
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- tungemål
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Re: What is behind your username?
allf100 wrote:allf100 = a language learner's forum 100
I always think of this TV series when I see the name Alf.
My username is an old Norwegian / Norse word that means language. I wanted to have a name with a non-English character ("å") on this forum and a word that reflected something about language. The word probably has the same connotations as English "tongue" when used to mean "language".
tunge - tongue
mål - speech
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- MorkTheFiddle
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Re: What is behind your username?
Mord Sighvatsson (c. 900–968; Old Norse: Morðr Sighvatsson; Modern Icelandic: Morður Sighvatsson, better known as Mord "Fiddle" (O.N.: Morðr Gígja; M.I.: Morður Gígja).
The melodious first sentence of the extraordinary Old Norse novel Burnt Njal's Saga goes, " Mörður hét maður er kallaður var gígja." (Mordr was a man who was called Fiddle.) Or, Mord the Fiddle. My avatar comes from my days studying Old Norse, though I have yet to read the novel in the original. Mordr morphed into Mork under the influence of Robin Williams and his over-the-top portrayal of Mork in the TV series of some years back. It was in fact not until well after I started to use the name that I realized that I had misspelled it.
The melodious first sentence of the extraordinary Old Norse novel Burnt Njal's Saga goes, " Mörður hét maður er kallaður var gígja." (Mordr was a man who was called Fiddle.) Or, Mord the Fiddle. My avatar comes from my days studying Old Norse, though I have yet to read the novel in the original. Mordr morphed into Mork under the influence of Robin Williams and his over-the-top portrayal of Mork in the TV series of some years back. It was in fact not until well after I started to use the name that I realized that I had misspelled it.
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Many things which are false are transmitted from book to book, and gain credit in the world. -- attributed to Samuel Johnson
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Re: What is behind your username?
Wow, that is quite a bit of context for the name!
Now how about the picture?
Wow, that is quite a bit of context for the name!
Now how about the picture?
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- Ogrim
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Re: What is behind your username?
My username is not particularly fanciful, I took the first letter of my first name Ø and modified it slightly to O, and then the three first letters of my surname.
I later found out that Ogrims are also creatures in the video game The Elder Scrolls. They are described as "large dim-witted Daedra with very little intellect, which are describable as "fat-faced ogres". They are chiefly sent into the mortal world to menace living things for the amusement of Daedra Princes."
I later found out that Ogrims are also creatures in the video game The Elder Scrolls. They are described as "large dim-witted Daedra with very little intellect, which are describable as "fat-faced ogres". They are chiefly sent into the mortal world to menace living things for the amusement of Daedra Princes."
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Ich grolle nicht
- tungemål
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Re: What is behind your username?
In that case I can guess your name. At least the surname, while your first name could be one of two-three alternatives. Living abroad, how annoying has it been to have a name that begins with a non-standard letter?
Ogrim wrote:My username is not particularly fanciful, I took the first letter of my first name Ø and modified it slightly to O, and then the three first letters of my surname.
I later found out that Ogrims are also creatures in the video game The Elder Scrolls. They are described as "large dim-witted Daedra with very little intellect, which are describable as "fat-faced ogres". They are chiefly sent into the mortal world to menace living things for the amusement of Daedra Princes."
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- Ogrim
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Re: What is behind your username?
tungemål wrote:In that case I can guess your name. At least the surname, while your first name could be one of two-three alternatives. Living abroad, how annoying has it been to have a name that begins with a non-standard letter?
It is not only the non-standard letter, it is also the sound of it, which is non-existant in many languages. You can't imagine in how many weird ways I've heard my name pronounced.
My favourite though was in Mexico many years ago. We were going on an excursion with a guide, my name was handwritten on a list and he interpreted it as "Divino", so for the rest of the trip he just called me "Señor Divino".
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Ich grolle nicht
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Re: What is behind your username?
Mine is the title of a song by my favourite band. I picked it because it sounds optimistic, even though the actual lyrics are quite melancholic
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