What's your stance on hot weather?

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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby jeff_lindqvist » Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:49 am

21°C in my area. And it's getting hotter this weekend. And I thought it was hot enough already. I literally hate this. Winter now, please!
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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby BeaP » Fri Jun 24, 2022 8:23 am

I love hot weather and everything connected to it, like water and boats. Even as a small child I remember how much I loved to go to bed with the 'suntan and water' smell. I also love it that I don't have to wear proper shoes.
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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby garyb » Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:53 am

I have a bit more heat tolerance than the typical Scot who starts to complain as soon as it gets over 20°C, but above 30 or 35 gets uncomfortable if I'm having to do anything or go anywhere. For me around 16 is T-shirt weather and 20 or above is shorts weather, at least if the sun is out.

What I can't stand is air conditioning, and that's the one thing that would put me off living in a hot country especially if I had to work in the kind of modern office where the windows don't open and the only options are too hot to concentrate on anything with the AC off and like sitting a fridge with it on. I'm doing one or two days a week in an office like that now and even on a Scottish summer day it's bad.

One of the worst nights of my life was in a hostel near Venice in the middle of August where they put on AC in the rooms at night and hid the remote controller so nobody could turn it off. I was under my bed sheets wearing all the clothes I had with me and still couldn't sleep because I felt chilled to the bone and was breathing in cold air. The guest who snored loudly and constantly for ten hours didn't help either.
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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby Cavesa » Fri Jun 24, 2022 12:39 pm

That depends mostly on where I am taking my stance at the moment of such a heat happening.

By the sea or lake with a glass of something cold in my hand? Love it!
Inside that sea or lake? Excited!

At work without air-condition, treating (among others) the collapsed people, who've just been (for the thousandth time in their lives) surprised by having to drink water? Not much of a fan.

In my horribly tiny temporary "appartment" with nowhere to hide from the heat? I am desperate and would love waterproof books to take with me in the shower.
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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby LupCenușiu » Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:02 pm

Up to 40 Celsius, fine for me, if I'm not sick. I enjoy both heat and cold. The only less enjoyable situation is when that temperature is paired with too high relative humidity, then thermoregulation starts to be affected.
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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby jeffers » Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:12 pm

Cavesa wrote:I am desperate and would love waterproof books to take with me in the shower.

I think the latest versions of Kindles are "waterproof". Whether that means good enough to take in the shower, I couldn't say.

I live in England where it never gets truly hot by comparison to other countries I've lived in (USA, India), but I'm still grateful that they installed AC in my classroom 2 years ago.

I don't mind the heat, but I have to get used to it. I went to Marseille in the summer a few years ago. The locals said they were having a cool wave when I arrived, as the temperature had dropped to 33 C (91F). After going out and about the first afternoon I was there, my skin broke out in some sort of heat/sun rash (but not sunburn... I had the factor 50 going). By the 2nd day my body got used to the heat and the rash was gone.
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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby Le Baron » Fri Jun 24, 2022 3:45 pm

Generally I'm of the opinion that if a place needs air conditioning, it's probably not meant for human habitation.

Opinions will differ by what is meant by 'warm weather' (after all the Dutch seem to think 'warm' is a synonym for 'hot' in many instances from weather to drinks), but I can tolerate 'warm weather' quite well. Nice bit of sunshine, dry weather, no need for a coat etc. Desert-style sunshine though, no thanks. Or that heat and high humidity LupCenușiu referred to. That's what happens here when it's hot, and all that moisture in the atmosphere.

Sometimes people say to me: 'Oh, you don't like the heat because you're British.' But I say: 'no, it's because I'm sensible and like dry clothes and not getting a face like a pickled walnut, thanks.'
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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby Ogrim » Fri Jun 24, 2022 3:56 pm

jeff_lindqvist wrote:21°C in my area. And it's getting hotter this weekend. And I thought it was hot enough already. I literally hate this. Winter now, please!

You are a true Scandinavian! :D

In my corner of France we always get a few weeks of really hot weather in the summer, and this year it started early, last week we had 37C three days in a row. Here hot weather is always followed by impressive thunderstorms, one is coming this afternoon as well. I like hot weather but I admit that I get lazier when the temperature goes above 30C, especially if it is combined with humidity. I also don't mind cold weather, but I do prefer the summer.
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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby IronMike » Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:50 am

While deployed to Djibouti, prior to October, I'd walk at night. Because then, it was "only" 94F (34.4C), but the "feels like" temperature was 108F (42.2C).

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Re: What's your stance on hot weather?

Postby PeterMollenburg » Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:22 am

Very cold here today. 10-ish degrees C. Not so pleasant, especially given I'm not in northern Europe, in which case I'd be more willing to forgive the weather for the cultural experiences gained. Also European buildings protect much better from the cold than their flimsy Aussie counterparts. A lot of Europeans say the cold here feels colder.

We reach 40+ max usually for around a few days each year and 30+ max for a good portion of summer. My ideal temp range is prob 25 to 32. Perfect is perhaps 27 to 28 minus the humidity, imo. Still, I don't mind having the seasons, but warmer is nicer.

IronMike wrote:While deployed to Djibouti

Is there actually that much French actually spoken there by the general populace?
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