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Vote for the July book club book

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:09 pm
by Mista
There are no other nominations, so I'll just copy my most from the other thread:

Mista wrote:I have a romance languages project going this summer, so for July I’d like to nominate the books I’m planning to read in Italian and Spanish, respectively.

Elena Ferrante: L’amica geniale (My brilliant friend)
331 pages

Goodreads wrote:A modern masterpiece from one of Italy's most acclaimed authors, My Brilliant Friend is a rich, intense and generous hearted story about two friends, Elena and Lila. Ferrante's inimitable style lends itself perfectly to a meticulous portrait of these two women that is also the story of a nation and a touching meditation on the nature of friendship. Through the lives of these two women, Ferrante tells the story of a neighbourhood, a city and a country as it is transformed in ways that, in turn, also transform the relationship between her two protagonists.

Mario Vargas Llosa: Tiempos recios.
353 pages

In the bookstore, I thought this would be a safe choice. When I got home and checked Goodreads, however, it seems to only have been translated into German. But since I already bought the book, I’m going to suggest it anyway. This is the Spanish presentation of the book:

Una historia de conspiraciones políticas e intereses encontrados durante la Guerra Fría. Una mentira que pasó por verdad y cambió el devenir de América Latina.
«¿Era la historia esa fantástica tergiversación de la realidad?»
Guatemala, 1954. El golpe militar perpetrado por Carlos Castillo Armas y auspiciado por Estados Unidos a través de la CIA derroca el gobierno de Jacobo Árbenz. Detrás de este acto violento se encuentra una mentira que pasó por verdad y que cambió el devenir de América Latina: la acusación por parte del gobierno de Eisenhower de que Árbenz alentaba la entrada del comunismo soviético en el continente.
Tiempos recios es una historia de conspiraciones internacionales e intereses encontrados, en los años de la Guerra Fría, cuyos ecos resuenan hasta la actualidad. Un suceso que involucró a varios países y en el que algunos verdugos acabaron convirtiéndose en víctimas de la misma trama que habían ayudado a construir.
En esta novela apasionante, que conecta con la aclamada La Fiesta del Chivo, Mario Vargas Llosa funde la realidad con dos ficciones: la del narrador que libremente recrea personajes y situaciones, y la diseñada por aquellos que quisieron controlar la política y la economía de un continente manipulando su historia.

Re: Vote for the July book club book

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:10 pm
by Mista

Re: Vote for the July book club book

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:17 am
by kanewai
Well, I wasn't paying attention! I didn't realize Mario Vargas Llosa had a new book out. I just ordered Tiempos recios. I can try and hold off on reading it until August if others are interested in it as a future selection.

L'amica geniale is a great choice. Over the years I've read the book, listened to the audiobook, and watched the HBO series ... so I don't need to read it again! But I'll probably join in with the discussion.