So here's what's probably the simplest and most straightforward one-button (play only) audio interface: (obviously replace "audio_name_goes_here.mp3" with your filename/URL)
Code: Select all
<audio><source src="audio_name_goes_here.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<img src="play.png" onclick=""></input>
There's an image "play.png" attached that you're free to use, or make your own if you prefer.
I've used an image, as the unicode symbols for play, pause etc haven't been implemented widely enough yet. The other option is something like fontawesome or Google Fonts, but to be honest I don't see the point.
You can implement other features of the HTML5 audio object by copying the img line and changing the image file it points to, as well as the command .play() to the appropriate method, e.g.:
Code: Select all
<audio><source src="audio_name_goes_here.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<img src="play.png" onclick="">
<img src="pause.png" onclick="this.parentElement.firstElementChild.pause()"></input>
A stop button is slightly more complicated, as HTML5 audio doesn't have a built in stop function. Instead you have to pause the audio, then rewind the file by setting the current time to zero
Code: Select all
<audio><source src="audio_name_goes_here.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
<img src="play.png" onclick=""></input>
<img src="pause.png" onclick="this.parentElement.firstElementChild.pause()"></input>
<img src="stop.png" onclick="this.parentElement.firstElementChild.pause();this.parentElement.firstElementChild.currentTime=0"></input>
The only thing to watch for is that the whole thing stays within a single <span> and that you don't add anything between the opening <span> tag and the <audio> element. If you do, the firstElementChild won't be the audio, and it won't play. (e.g. if you want to start on a new line, put the <br> tag before the span.)
I realise that this is pretty simple stuff, but it had escaped me for quite some time, and I had wasted a lot of time using (and debugging) more complicated options, so I thought I'd share it here.