6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

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6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby smallwhite » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:47 am

Challenge XXI - May 2016

Starts: Sunday, 1st May 2016 00h00m01s your time
Ends: Saturday, 11th June 2016 23h59m59s your time

The 6 Week Challenge is a challenge to upgrade your language skills in one language from beginner to something more worthwhile, and to see if you can find more time to study languages when competing with other participants in a global highscore. 6 Week Challenges start on February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st every year, so there is a rough 6 weeks on / 6 weeks off pattern. Note that you can only do the 6 Week Challenge with a language that you're a beginner at or lower-intermediate at most. This allows for a more just comparison between participants.

More about the Challenge here

The bot is already taking registrations. What are you waiting for?!

Sprachprofi wrote
The bot only knows ISO-639-1 languages.

ISO 639-1 codes here

The three tags #ie #multilingual #linguistics which are all grouped together as "Multilingual" on the scoreboard can be used if you don't want to differentiate between several languages.

Also available are: Nahuatl, Ancient Greek, #ASL, #Cantonese. I don't know what the tags are for the first two.

Link to last Challenge, Feb 2016

What language are you participating with? Why are you learning it? Tell us!
Last edited by smallwhite on Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby Komma » Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:13 am

Thanks for opening a thread :D

I am going to study Spanish. As stated in my log in a bit more elaborate way, I want to focus on Spanish for the next three months because I have a spanish flat mate.
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby Radioclare » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:27 am

I've registered with Russian. My motivation has really been lacking in recent weeks, so looking forward to the challenge giving me a bit of a boost :)
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby Brun Ugle » Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:35 pm

I just signed up for German, but I probably won't get to study much until about 11 May, ironically, because I will be in Germany. :)
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby rdearman » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:52 pm

Na... I'm challenged up to the eyeballs... have to take a pass.
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby CarlyD » Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:26 pm

I'll be joining again for Spanish this time.
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby kanewai » Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:07 pm

I haven't done a 6WC Challenge in awhile, but the timing for me really works this round. I'm in for Spanish too. I have a trip to D.F. at the end of June, and this will give me an additional incentive to cram. It's funny how something as simple as logging your progress on twitter can be motivating.

I've logged every language the other 6WCs I've done, but this round I'll stick with one. Maybe, hopefully, it will keep me more focused.
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby reineke » Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:38 pm

Some suggestions:

Drop the beginner/intermediate requirement. None of us traverse life or language learning in a straight line from the same starting point. I also don't remember we ever compared the final results.

A great way to participate in TAC is doing 4x 6WC and for each challenge completing one or two "Super challenge"requirements.

Rdearman - I hope you change your mind. If you have little time this May what better to practice your languages than by choosing one and sticking with it for the duration of the challenge. The more the merrier.
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby smallwhite » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:18 am

reineke wrote:Some suggestions:

Drop the beginner/intermediate requirement.

You can always start your own challenge.
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Re: 6WC 6 Week Challenge - May 2016

Postby reineke » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:19 am

smallwhite wrote:
reineke wrote:Some suggestions:

Drop the beginner/intermediate requirement.

You can always start your own challenge.

I did, with TAC :)
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