SRS challenge rules and registration.

Ongoing language-learning challenges, and team challenge logs (but not individual logs)
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SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby sfuqua » Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:52 am

Some people have already registered in the other thread; there is no need to reregister here.

This challenge offers what many of us here love the most, a chance to over commit ourselves and melt our brains :lol:

This challenge is to "do" 10 000 srs cards in a 20 month period. A convenient time to do this challenge is between 1 May 2016 and 31 December 2017, since this matches the super challenge, and it is possible to do this challenge as an adjunct to the super challenge.

I'm going to speak of this as if you have to do the challenge with anki. You are welcome to use any other srs system. If you use something other than anki, figure out how to do something the equivalent.

You have won the challenge, if at the end of the challenge (600 days roughly) you have a total of 10 000 cards in the review section of your deck (a total of 10 000 cards that are either "new and learning" or "mature") and none of these cards are suspended ordue for review that day.

You can rush through 10 000 cards in a few months and then do the reviews to keep them current. You can fall behind and then start 1000 new card the final day reviewing them to where they are all due the next day. You can start 20 000 cards and delete or suspend half of them when you get bored with them. If you've done the card at least once, and it isn't due on Dec 31, 2017, or 20 full months after you start, you have met the challenge.

For the purposes of this challenge any card with an L2 on at least one side counts as a card. A card and its reverse count as different cards. Different MCD cards of the same sentence count as different cards. Sentence cards, cloze cards, cards of different drills, cards of verb conjugations all count as cards. Both L2->L1 cards and L1->L2 cards count as cards. Characters count as cards. You can mix different types of cards and different languages in the same deck. You can make several decks and just total the cards from the different decks. Some ways of setting up your deck and are easier or faster than others. Some types of decks and some types of cards are easier and faster than others; you should do what you find most useful for your study.

You should feel free to hold yourself to higher standards if you want.
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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby Komma » Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:52 am

Even though I never got around with srs for even a week, I want to give it a try. :mrgreen: (Maybe for myself I aim for a half challenge..)

I guess the first thing I should learn is how to make cards fast, because with my way it needs a huge amount of time just typing them in..
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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby Tomás » Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:37 pm

Komma wrote:Even though I never got around with srs for even a week, I want to give it a try. :mrgreen: (Maybe for myself I aim for a half challenge..)

I guess the first thing I should learn is how to make cards fast, because with my way it needs a huge amount of time just typing them in..

subs2srs will make audio sentence cards very efficiently. Of course, it takes a full afternoon to accumulate the software and learn to use it, but after that you can make cards in just a few minutes, hundreds at a time.
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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby sfuqua » Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:31 pm

I've got to learn to use subs2srs. I've been meaning to for years.

I usually just change an epub to txt edit it into sentences with notepad++, copy it into libreoffice calc, drag and drop the txt file into chrome and let google translate it into English, copy this into another column of libreoffice calc, and make a csv file from that which I can then import into anki. This gives me thousands of cards, and I delete aggressively to get rid of "dud" cards.

Of course this just gives me sentence cards with no audio.
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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby rdearman » Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:46 pm

sfuqua wrote:I've got to learn to use subs2srs. I've been meaning to for years.

I usually just change an epub to txt edit it into sentences with notepad++, copy it into libreoffice calc, drag and drop the txt file into chrome and let google translate it into English, copy this into another column of libreoffice calc, and make a csv file from that which I can then import into anki. This gives me thousands of cards, and I delete aggressively to get rid of "dud" cards.

Of course this just gives me sentence cards with no audio.

Serious check out EMK's SubStudy program if you can, it is faster and easier to use.
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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby Brun Ugle » Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:37 pm

I'm in. I probably won't be able to start until I get back from Berlin, so I'll be starting off already behind, but 20 months should give me time to catch up. I like that we can do it in more than one language.
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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby Radioclare » Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:50 pm

I'd like to join too :) I'll mainly do Serbian, maybe a bit of Russian.
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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby language2015 » Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:03 pm

sfuqua wrote:
Of course this just gives me sentence cards with no audio.
If you need human translated sentences.
This program allows you to make decent audio for your cards painlessly
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Why did I decide to become a polyglot when I knew I am a super lazy student?!?

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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby chokofingrz » Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:38 pm

I don't expect to be able to compete to these high standards over such a long period (I'm more of a 2-months-on, 2-months-off person), but if I want to try, is it ok to use Memrise and make a record of my "total words learned" on May 1st and then at various points during the challenge? My words there already number over 6000 and I don't want to make a new account or use Anki.
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Re: SRS challenge rules and registration.

Postby smallwhite » Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:38 am

chokofingrz wrote:is it ok to use Memrise and make a record of my "total words learned" on May 1st and then at various points during the challenge?

That number is highly unreliable, on top of being calculated in unintuitive ways. ie. It is never what you expect it to be, and never what Memrise staff meant it to be either.

I tested just now:
I had 6360 words learned to start with.
I planted 3 words, and the figure became 6346.
I planted 3 more words, and the figure became 6347.
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