AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

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AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby Cavesa » Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:36 pm

This round of the wonderful 6wc, we discussed the issue, that some people are not that much of beginners (there are lower intermediates, there are relearning learners, there are people with highly uneven level at passive vs. active skills, and so on), that it is originally for the low levels only, and so on. We disagreed on whether the higher levels are well covered by the current challenges or not, or what is the main problem in comparing ourselves (some think the level, some think intensive vs extensive activities preference). So, I would like to present an idea for a follow up challenge, and I hope nobody, especially its inventor Sprachprofi, won't mind how much it is inspired by the 6WC. If she minds, as the creator, I'll change it in some way she'll find ok.

The goal is to motivate the intermediate and advanced learners. Yeah, you won't jump a level in one challenge, unlike at the low levels. But you can get over a particular hurdle, you can finally finish something you've wanted to do for a long time, or you can finally focus on a weak skill you always procrastinate from. Or all of these!

The Advanced Intensive 6 Week Challenge.
-6 weeks of focusing primarily on one language, at which you are at least B1. No upper limit.
-friendly competition to keep us going through at least a part of the plateau. An artificial way to feel progress, even if we cannot really see it on our skills every day any more.
-only "intensive activies" count: textbook or workbook work (paper or digital based), speaking and writing practice, intensive reading, intensive listening, SRS.
-any language. Just one in the challenge. No total time spent learning for now, for the sake of simplicity.
-6 weeks in between the real 6WC rounds.

Now the practical side: I am willing to keep the tabs in a forum thread. I don't expect the first round to be that huge. If we all agree to post just once a day, I am sure it won't be too time consuming to update the main post every two or three days. I don't have the skills to make a twitter bot, and I don't think everyone is comfortable with giving an email address for creating a google doc (and alternatives I've just googled require it too, or even more personal info). This first round is not about technical details, but whether this idea will even be liked enough to be worth it.

Simple update posts like "Welsh 53 minutes reading, 25 minutes textbook" would be great. Anything more in personal logs or other threads.

So, anyone wants to try this with me?
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby Lianne » Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:21 pm

I'm in! Whether my French is B1 is by no means certain (maybe reading, but definitely not across the board). But I do feel like I'm pushing the limit on participation in the 6WC for French. Counting only intensive activities will be hard for me but a good challenge!
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby Amandine » Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:18 pm

Oooh, this sounds perfect for me and just what I was talking about doing in some downtime over Christmas. Count me in. Thank you, Cavesa.
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby Elsa Maria » Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:09 am

Thanks, Cavesa, for organizing.

I will happily join with Danish. My skills are a terribly uneven B-something. I have plenty of workbooks that I keep wanting to get to but somehow never do.
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby IronMike » Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:17 am

I'm in for Russian.
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby Mista » Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:42 am

I'd like to join with German. My current level is probably B2.

I have a very specific project in mind, provided that everything goes as planned: I'm going to write a term paper on German literature that I was supposed to deliver last spring, but never properly started on (I will probably know by the start of this challenge if I will be allowed to deliver it next semester without attending classes, or not). This will involve intensive reading of academic literature, and academic writing. I will probably add Drops to that, and if I finish the paper before the challenge is finished, I will add some more intensive reading.
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby rdearman » Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:42 am

The code for the super challenge bot is on GitHub you could adapt it. :)
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby philomath » Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:58 am

This sounds great! I'll participate with French. :)
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby badger » Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:06 am

I'll give it a go for French. does it start after the current 6WC, so 13th Dec ?
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Re: AI6WC-a new challenge experiment

Postby CarlyD » Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:14 pm

I'm hovering in the "passing A2 tests but missing too many on B1" level right now. Can I sneak in as identifying as B1? I'm so determined to make it this time.
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