The Master List of Resources

All about language programs, courses, websites and other learning resources
White Belt
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:37 am
Languages: German (mother tongue), English C2, Turkish C1, French C1, Spanish C1, Russian A2, Brazilian Portuguese A1, Albanian (new), Azerbaijani (new), Thai (new)
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Re: The Master List of Resources

Postby weissnichtgenau » Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:51 am

Thanks for this great list. Isn't there anything for Albanian? I can't use the search function (I actually don't even see a search field, maybe because I'm a new member), so I can't search for anything related to Albanian.
Thanks for your help!
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Blue Belt
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Irish, Polish, Lithuanian, (French?) Italian, Modern Greek, Latin, Old English, Arabic, Modern Hebrew, Amharic, (Aleut, Cayuga, Cherokee, Tlingit, Lakota, Lushootseed, Navajo, Choctaw)
Language Log: ... 15&t=17499
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Re: The Master List of Resources

Postby księżycowy » Fri Aug 05, 2022 1:00 pm

Huh, there doesn't appear to be a topic on Albanian resources. I might try to slap something together(, but as I say that I'm reminded I said I'd do a few other languages as well :P ).
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White Belt
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:37 am
Languages: German (mother tongue), English C2, Turkish C1, French C1, Spanish C1, Russian A2, Brazilian Portuguese A1, Albanian (new), Azerbaijani (new), Thai (new)
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Re: The Master List of Resources

Postby weissnichtgenau » Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:17 am

księżycowy wrote:Huh, there doesn't appear to be a topic on Albanian resources. I might try to slap something together(, but as I say that I'm reminded I said I'd do a few other languages as well :P ).

That would be lovely :) But please - only if you have the time.
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