Perplexity's LLMs chatbots

Ask specific questions about your target languages. Beginner questions welcome!
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Perplexity's LLMs chatbots

Postby Kraut » Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:22 pm ... on/502523/
How Do PPLX Models Compare To GPT 3.5?

Early testing provided by the company indicates Perplexity’s online LLMs match or exceed the capabilities of leading proprietary LLMs like GPT-3.5 across benchmarks measuring robustness, helpfulness, and knowledge across academic subjects.

PPLX models’ ability to tap into the latest online information allows them to provide timely facts and data in response to queries.


Translate this German text into English:
Bei uns finden sich ständig tausende reduzierte Rest- und Mängelexemplare sowie Sonderposten. Täglich treffen neue Angebote ein. Alles nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Sparen!

At our store, you can find numerous reduced rest and special offers, as well as postage stamps. New offers arrive daily. Enjoy your shopping and saving spree!

Translate this German text into Spanish:
Bei uns finden sich ständig tausende reduzierte Rest- und Mängelexemplare sowie Sonderposten. Täglich treffen neue Angebote ein. Alles nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Sparen!

En nuestra tienda, encontramos constantemente reducidos de restos y mangas, así como postes especiales. Todo día, nuevos anuncios aparecen. ¡Disfruta de la compra y ahorra!


Paraphrase this German text in German:

Bei uns finden sich ständig tausende reduzierte Rest- und Mängelexemplare sowie Sonderposten. Täglich treffen neue Angebote ein. Alles nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Sparen!


Rest- und Mängelexemplare: Diese sind reduzierte Produkte, die in begrenzter Anzahl erhältlich sind.
Sonderposten: Diese sind spezielle Angebote, die von der normalen Produktpalette abweichen.
Tägliche Angebote: Diese werden täglich angeboten und können sich ändern, je nach Verfügbarkeit und Angebot.
Vorrat: Dies ist die Menge an Produkten, die zur Verfügung steht, um sie zu kaufen.

Die Anzahl der täglichen Angebote kann variieren, und es ist wichtig, den Vorrat im Auge zu behalten, um sicherzustellen, dass die gewünschten Produkte verfügbar sind. Genießen Sie den Einkaufserlebnis und sparen Sie Geld!

Give an Englisch summary of this text:

Sam Altman geht zu Microsoft: Der bisherige CEO des führenden KI-Unternehmens OpenAI, Sam Altman, wechselt wohl zum Software-Riesen Microsoft. Das kündigte der Chef des US-Tech-Konzerns Satya Nadella auf X, ehemals Twitter, an. Am Freitag war Altman überraschend von OpenAIs Verwaltungsrat entlassen worden. Nach massiver Kritik liefen anschließend Gespräche, ihn zurückzuholen. Doch diese scheiterten am späten Sonntagabend endgültig, wie die US-Medien „The Information“ und Bloomberg übereinstimmend berichteten. Altmans Nachfolger bei OpenAI wird der ehemalige Chef des Streaming-Dienstes Twitch, Emmett Shear.

Sam Altman, the former CEO of OpenAI, has joined Microsoft to lead a new advanced artificial intelligence research team. This decision came after Altman was ousted as CEO of OpenAI and following massiver Kritik. Emmett Shear, the former CEO of Twitch, has been named the interim CEO of OpenAI. The appointment of Shear as interim CEO was confirmed by Satya Nadella, the CEO of MSFT, on X. The change in leadership at OpenAI was marked by a dramatic weekend of boardroom drama, with Altman's ouster occurring on Friday. Despite efforts to reinstate Altman, the board appointed Shear as the new CEO, replacing Mira Murati, the company's chief technology officer. Shear has stated that he is "in favor of slowing down" AI's rapid development. In addition to Shear, Greg Brockman, OpenAI's former president and co-founder, will also join the new AI research team at MSFT. The partnership between OpenAI and MSFT remains committed, with Nadella stating that he is open to staff staying at OpenAI or coming to MSFT.


Is "shadowing" a useful technique in language learning?

"Shadowing" is a language learning technique where students listen to a recording of a target language and simultaneously echo what they hear, aiming to develop pronunciation that mimics a native speaker's. It was invented by linguist and polyglot Alexander Arguelles, who defined shadowing as "repeating aloud word for word, with as little delay as possible". Some benefits of shadowing include:

Improved pronunciation, accent, and intonation
Development of muscle memory for common phrases or collocations
Enhanced understanding of native speakers' emotional contexts
Practice of grammar and vocabulary, particularly with consolidation

Shadowing is particularly useful for auditory learners, students who learn best with structured study plans, and polyglots who have already learned a foreign language. It can be done as part of a wider study routine and can help with accent and intonation, as well as grammar and vocabulary learning. However, it is essential to note that shadowing is not a magic bullet for language learning, and it should be used in conjunction with other techniques. To incorporate shadowing into your language learning plan, consider the following tips:

Active learning: Engage actively in the activity and focus on the content.
Short duration: Limit the duration of shadowing sessions to about 10 to 15 minutes.
Repeat a few times: Practice the technique multiple times to improve your skills.

In conclusion, shadowing is a useful technique in language learning, especially for those who struggle with pronunciation, accent, and intonation. It can be a valuable addition to your language learning plan, helping you develop a more natural and fluent speaking style.


How useless is "shadowing" as a language learning activity?

Shadowing is a language learning activity that involves imitating the speech of a native speaker or a text in a target language. It is considered a useful technique for improving pronunciation, intonation, and overall fluency in the language being learned. Some benefits of shadowing include:

Practicing multiple aspects of pronunciation: Shadowing allows students to work on various features of pronunciation simultaneously, making it an effective activity for improving their speaking skills.
Active learning: Engaging in shadowing requires focus and active participation, which can help improve language learning outcomes.
Short duration: Shadowing sessions can be short, typically lasting around 10 to 15 minutes, making it a manageable and efficient activity for language learners.
Repeating a few times: Repeating shadowing sessions can help reinforce vocabulary, collocations, and structures that have already been learned.
Developing listening comprehension: Shadowing can help improve listening skills in second language learning.

However, some critics argue that shadowing may not be as effective for imprinting the language into long-term memory as other methods, and it might not be suitable for all learners and contexts. To make shadowing more engaging and effective, it can be combined with other language learning techniques, such as story-based learning. In conclusion, shadowing can be a useful language learning activity when applied correctly and can help improve various aspects of language learning, such as pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. However, it is essential to use it as part of a broader language learning strategy and consider individual learners' needs and preferences to maximize its benefits.


In Spanish please: Explain the different meanings of the Spanish verb "pretender" and illustrate them by providing three example sentences each. Translate all example sentences into German.

LLM served by Perplexity Labs

The Spanish verb "pretender" has several meanings, including to want, to hope, and to expect. Here are some example sentences to illustrate these meanings:

To want:
Pretendo comprar un nuevo libro para leer. (I intend to buy a new book to read.)
No puedo pretender que no haya desigualdad salarial entre los hombres y las mujeres. (I can't pretend there's no salary inequality between men and women.)
To hope:
Pretendo que el equipo gane el campeonato. (I hope the team wins the championship.)
Aunque no puedo hacerlo, pretendo que puedo cambiar el mundo. (Even though I can't do it, I pretend I can change the world.)
To expect:
Pretendo que él llegue a tiempo para la cena. (I expect him to arrive on time for dinner.)
Pretendo que la lluvia caiga más tarde. (I expect it to rain later.)

In German, the verb "pretenden" can be translated as "wollen," "hoffen," or "erwarten," depending on the context. The example sentences in German are:

To want:
Ich will ein neues Buch kaufen, um es zu lesen. (I want to buy a new book to read.)
Ich kann nicht behaupten, dass es keine Gehaltsunterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen gibt. (I can't claim that there's no salary inequality between men and women.)
To hope:
Ich hoffe, dass das Team den Meistertitel gewinnt. (I hope the team wins the championship.)
Obwohl ich es nicht tun kann, hoffe ich, dass ich das Welt zu ändern kann. (Even though I can't do it, I hope I can change the world.)
To expect:
Ich erwarte, dass er zum Abendessen kommt. (I expect him to arrive on time for dinner.)
Ich erwarte, dass es später regnet. (I expect it to rain later.)

Seems useless for langage learning tasks like translation, paraphrasing, summary.
As a search engine it can be useful for the learner with the right prompt.
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Black Belt - 2nd Dan
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Re: Perplexity's LLMs chatbots

Postby Kraut » Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:35 pm
llama2 70b chat

Is "shadowing" a good language learning practice?
LLM served by Perplexity Labs
Shadowing is a language learning practice where a learner listens to a recording of a native speaker and repeats the speaker's words and phrases out loud, often while trying to mimic the speaker's pronunciation and intonation. The goal of shadowing is to improve one's pronunciation, intonation, and fluency by imitating the way a native speaker speaks. Shadowing can be a useful practice for language learners, especially for those who are trying to improve their pronunciation and intonation. By listening to a native speaker and repeating their words and phrases, learners can get a sense of the correct pronunciation and intonation patterns in the target language. Additionally, shadowing can help learners improve their fluency by practicing speaking at a natural pace and with appropriate pauses and inflections. However, it's important to note that shadowing should be used in moderation and in conjunction with other language learning practices. Here are some potential drawbacks to shadowing:

Overemphasis on pronunciation: Shadowing can lead to an overemphasis on pronunciation, which may cause learners to neglect other aspects of language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Lack of context: Shadowing often involves repeating phrases or sentences out of context, which may not help learners understand the meaning or context of the language they are repeating.
Limited exposure: Shadowing typically involves listening to a single speaker, which may not provide learners with a diverse range of language models and exposure to different speaking styles and accents.
Inadequate feedback: Shadowing does not provide learners with feedback on their pronunciation or fluency, which can make it difficult for them to identify and correct errors.

To make shadowing a more effective language learning practice, learners can try the following strategies:

Use shadowing in conjunction with other language learning practices, such as listening to podcasts, watching TV shows or movies, and engaging in conversation with native speakers.
Choose a variety of shadowing materials, such as audiobooks, podcasts, and videos, to expose themselves to different speaking styles and accents.
Focus on the meaning of the language they are shadowing, rather than just the pronunciation.
Record themselves shadowing and listen to the recording to identify areas for improvement.
Seek feedback from a language teacher or tutor to help them improve their pronunciation and fluency.

In conclusion, shadowing can be a useful language learning practice when used in moderation and in conjunction with other language learning strategies. By listening to native speakers and repeating their words and phrases, learners can improve their pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. However, it's important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of shadowing and to use it in a way that is balanced and effective.

Translate this German text into English:
Bei uns finden sich ständig tausende reduzierte Rest- und Mängelexemplare sowie Sonderposten. Täglich treffen neue Angebote ein. Alles nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Sparen!

"At our place, you'll constantly find thousands of reduced remainder and damaged goods, as well as special deals. New offers arrive daily. Everything is available only while supplies last. Have fun browsing and saving!"


Paraphrase this German text in German:

Bei uns finden sich ständig tausende reduzierte Rest- und Mängelexemplare sowie Sonderposten. Täglich treffen neue Angebote ein. Alles nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Sparen!
Hier finden Sie regelmäßig tausende reduzierte Rest- und Mängelexemplare sowie Sonderposten. Neue Angebote kommen täglich hinzu. Alles ist verfügbar, solange der Vorrat reicht. Viel Vergnügen beim Durchstöbern und Sparen!


In Spanish please: Explain the different meanings of the Spanish verb "pretender" and illustrate them by providing three example sentences each. Translate all example sentences into German.
LLM served by Perplexity Labs
The Spanish verb "pretender" can have several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are three different meanings and example sentences for each, along with their translations into German:

Meaning: To intend or plan to do something

Example sentences:

Yo pretendo ir al cine esta noche. (I plan to go to the movies tonight.)
Ella pretendía estudiar medicina, pero cambió de opinión. (She had planned to study medicine, but changed her mind.)
¿Pretendes venir a la fiesta este fin de semana? (Are you planning to come to the party this weekend?)

German translations:

Ich plane, ins Kino zu gehen, diese Nacht.

Sie hatte geplant, Medizin zu studieren, aber sie änderte ihre Meinung.
Könntest du kommen zur Party este Wochenende?

Meaning: To claim or assert something

Example sentences:

Ella pretendió que no había visto nada. (She claimed that she hadn't seen anything.)
El hombre pretendió ser un experto en arte, pero no sabía nada. (The man claimed to be an art expert, but he didn't know anything.)
No pretendas que no sabes lo que hiciste. (Don't pretend you don't know what you did.)

German translations:

Sie behauptete, nichts gesehen zu haben.
Der Mann behauptete, ein Experte für Kunst zu sein, aber er wusste nichts.
Du darfst nicht behaupten, du wüsstest nicht, was du tatest.

Meaning: To pretend or feign something

Example sentences:

El niño pretendió ser un superhéroe. (The boy pretended to be a superhero.)
Las actrices pretendieron ser sorprendidas por la noticia. (The actresses pretended to be surprised by the news.)
No puedo pretender que me gusta la comida de tu madre. (I can't pretend that I like your mother's cooking.)

German translations:

Der Junge tatete, er wäre ein Superheld.
Die Schauspielerinnen taten so, als wären sie überrascht von der Nachricht.
Ich kann nicht taten, als ob ich deiner Mutter Essen mag.
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