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some cases that appears to me like failure in some sentences

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:44 pm
by jimmy
منذ خلق الله تعالى الأرض والسماوات، والشمسُ والقمر آخذان بالدوران في نظام أبدي دقيق لا يشوبه خطأ، وذلك كما قرر لهما الله عز وجل في قرآنه (الشمس والقمر بحسبان)، فالقمر الذي هو مجرد جرم سماوي كروي يدور حول الأرض كل 29.53 يوماً بما يعرف بالدورة الاقترانية أو كل 27.32 يوما وهي فترة الدورة النجمية له حول الأرض

in this sentence ,should not the red colored word be لهم instead the used (dual) form. Because there are three nouns in the sentence (the mentioned nouns: والسماوات، والشمسُ والقمر)

I shall try to add some more questions in the queue under this thread.

Re: some cases that appears to me like failure in some sentences

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:01 pm
by Maiwenn
لهما here only refers to الشمس والقمر. In Arabic, the comma is used for separating clauses/sentences. Here's a page that explains punctuation in Arabic: ... -in-arabic

"منذ خلق الله تعالى الأرض والسماوات" is a clause "Since God almighty created the earth and heavens,"

followed by

"والشمسُ والقمر آخذان بالدوران "the sun and the moon rotate ..."

(الشمس والقمر بحسبان) and the further explanation also point to the sun and the moon being the هما of the لهما

Re: some cases that appears to me like failure in some sentences

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:43 pm
by jimmy
A question:

is arabic (MSA) language full of fixed phrases and predicates/verbs?

I came across many words (most commonly : verbs) which do not satisfy their first meaning or the meaning that brought by google translate quickly.

What is more, when once again I check those verbs with google translate with some additional phrases near them,the meaning is being changed.
