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Michel Thomas or Nihongo No Mori?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:09 am
by Drteeth123
I just finished Pimsleur level 5 (thank you public library!), but my reading is still ahead of my listening.

In addition to my plan of watching TV shows and Anki-ing unknown words, I want to have some sort of lessons on the go. The library has Michel Thomas Advanced and I have requested it, but in the meantime I have been working with the Nihongo No Mori N3 videos on Youtube.

With Nihongo No Mori, I like the fact that I'm getting listening comprehension, reading comprehension (from the subs) and grammar lessons all at the same time, but I worry that maybe my understanding of the grammar would benefit from instruction in English.

Does anyone have any idea of how the topics covered in the Michael Thomas course would compare with those of Pimsleur 5 and Nihongo No Mori N3? Should I do both of these programmes?


Re: Michel Thomas or Nihongo No Mori?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:32 pm
by AndyMeg
I can't compare those resources, but I do remember that I thought Michel Thomas was a great resource for a quick review of the most basic aspects of japanese grammar. (I finished Michel Thomas a long, long time ago, so I don't remember the exact content and I also used Pimsleur for a bit but never finished it). So, if I wanted a good quick review of basic japanese grammar, I would use Michel Thomas (as far as I remember, the "Advanced" course wasn't really advanced. It was more like upper-beginner or lower-intermediate at most). But if I wanted to focus more on listening, then I would probably go with the "Nihongo No Mori" videos (and reading japanese song lyrics while singing along).

Re: Michel Thomas or Nihongo No Mori?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 8:17 pm
by Drteeth123
Thanks AndyMeg, I appreciate your insight. :)