"exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

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"exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby jacquemarie » Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:02 pm

Whenever I try to log in, it always tells me I've exceeded the maximum number of log in attempts. Whether I have my un/pw autofilled or I manually type them in, I have to re do it and solve a captcha. It's not a big deal, but mildly annoying and inconvenient.

Is this happening to anyone else? Is it something with my browser (Chrome) that I can change so it stops doing that? LOL It also logs me out after like 3-4 pages even if I click remember me from time to time
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby Ogrim » Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:19 pm

Yes this happens to me as well quite often. It is part of the admins' effort to keep spammers away. I don't think it matters what browser you use, I've had those messages both in Safari and Microsoft Edge.

I agree it is annoying, but I also understand the need to stop spammers accessing the forum.
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby MorkTheFiddle » Tue Nov 10, 2020 5:31 pm

It affects me, too. I think it affects everyone, so you are not alone nor being singled out.
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby lingua » Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:25 pm

I also get them. Not every time but most of the time. I didn't realize it was by design.
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby tangleweeds » Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:39 pm

Yeah, I think it's an added homebrew layer of spammer-block.

I used to think something was malfunctioning since I hadn't been logging in repeatedly, but eventually realized it was basically a human-logic capcha to keep out robots.
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby rdearman » Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:13 pm

It is a captcha. But actually the problem is we are running across 6 AWS servers not just on one monolith server. Which means we use load balances across severs. Sometimes the cookies used to track your sessions between machines screws up and it makes you relogin. So the load balance has pushed you to a less loaded server, but lost your session data. Very annoying for everyone, but we have too many concurrent users to have a single server.

EMK wants to change the load config, but doesn't have time right now.
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby Gustav Aschenbach » Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:20 am

I get this every single time. :roll: By the way what is the answer to that question (see attachment)?
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby Saim » Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:13 am

The answer is Carl, which means Harry's sister has a typically male name. I also found the sentence very hard to parse.

For me the only login riddle I never managed to solve was this one:

Group the following 8 words into two themes of 4 words each: Car, Hovercraft, Dinghy, Phone, Oar, Remote-Control, Calculator, Anchor:

It seems to have since disappeared.
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby tommus » Wed Dec 16, 2020 2:04 pm

Saim wrote:
For me the only login riddle I never managed to solve was this one:

Group the following 8 words into two themes of 4 words each: Car, Hovercraft, Dinghy, Phone, Oar, Remote-Control, Calculator, Anchor:

Could it be the 4 items you normally hold in your hand and the 4 that you don't?
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Re: "exceeded maximum number of log in attempts"

Postby Iversen » Wed Dec 16, 2020 3:28 pm

Maybe we should have some more riddles soon - especially if all the solutions are presented on a silver platter in this thread.
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