I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby rdearman » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:15 pm

I changed that setting awhile back after researching. If I do it again it would mean everyone would have to re-login. I have noticed a pattern however:
arthaey wrote:I'm still getting logged out failing on my iPhone.

I am using an iPad - iOS 9.1 - and I am logged out constantly.

(Firefox 39.0.3, Mac OS X 10.9.5).

The only people who've reported the issue in this thread anyway.
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby Serpent » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:36 pm

i don't own a single working iDevice though ;)
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby Iversen » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:23 am

I still sometimes get locked out when I spend a long time writing a long message (maybe even with a couple of interruptions along the way). But not if I do something else on another tab, like opening or closing a page. It seems that the time you spend inside an edit box isn't counted as active, whereas just about about anything else you can do counts. However I have learned to copy my text to a file or just to the clipboard, and sometimes I also deliberately does something active on another tab just to keep my session alive, and I haven't lost anything recently.

There are however still a few behaviours which I find puzzling: sometimes a password entry box appears, and then you are directed back to your message - but not always. Sometimes I end up at the Board index instead. Or I return to an empty answer box. If I go back to it with ALT + LEFT or the return button then the text has definitely disappeared. But as I said, I have learnt to take my precautions and the timeout syndrome doesn't bother me anymore.
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby Montmorency » Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:30 pm

The following is not a massive issue, and it hasn't caused me any data loss or anything like that, but from time to time I come back to the forum and have to log on, in spite of having ticked "remember me", and when the PC involved has not been rebooted, and the browser has not been reloaded. (Chrome, latest, on Windows 7).

I'm just reporting it, since I'm guessing this is not intended behaviour. In the most recent case, I found it not logged on when I returned to the PC/browser in question at about 19:20 GMT, having been using the forum (and logged in) several hours earlier. The only thing I will have done earlier is probably to close the browser tab that I was accessing the forum from, but this does not normally log me out. (I will double check this after posting).

Edit: at 19:31:

After posting the above, I closed the tab, opened a new one, accessed the forum, and was still logged in, which is what happens at least 90% of the time. It's just the odd occasion when I find myself unexpectedly logged out.
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby luke » Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:04 pm

rdearman wrote:Wouldn't it be easier just to make the remember me checkbox, checked by default?

That would be very nice and helpful.
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby Iversen » Fri Nov 26, 2021 7:33 pm

I have sometimes stayed logged in for a whole day, but a few times when I have been passive for a very long time doing other things on my PC I have found myself logged out after I returned. This is not a major issue, and the only puzzling effect I have noticed is that my headlines become black when I have clicked 'remember me' - however when I copy a post to MSWord then the headline is blue again. Mystery! Anyway, it's a small price to pay for the privilege not to be kicked out all the time.

I support the idea of making "remember me" checked by default. It's not like the dubious "remember my password" thing where your password is stored somewhere on your device so that you never see it again and then you forget it.
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby luke » Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:29 pm

Iversen wrote:I have sometimes stayed logged in for a whole day, but a few times when I have been passive for a very long time doing other things on my PC I have found myself logged out after I returned.

A couple things I can see might be going on:
1) I have accidently not checked "stay logged in". I know this has happened several times lately.
2) Maybe there's some logout interaction when you're using 2 devices?
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby tractor » Sat Nov 27, 2021 8:44 am

luke wrote:2) Maybe there's some logout interaction when you're using 2 devices?

Maybe, maybe not. I’m usually logged in on two or three devices and can stay logged in for days or even weeks. Then, for no apparent reason I’m logged out on one of them, but not the others.
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby StringerBell » Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:21 pm

I am getting logged out constantly. I'm using Safari on a laptop. I also tried Firefox and the same thing happens.

Here's what happens to me:
1) Login with UserID and password, but then am directed to re-enter UserID and password again, plus answer an anti-spam question.
2) write a post/comment, click submit.
3) I am immediately directly to relogin before anything posts and whatever I wrote is lost (I have to copy whatever I wrote because I almost always have to re-create it). I enter UserID and password and then I'm directed to re-enter UserID and password, plus answer anti-spam question again.

I don't go to other sites while logged in.

I seem to get kicked out while I'm in the process of writing something, it's never because of inactively. Occasionally I don't get kicked out but that's somewhat rare. Often I'll login, like someone's post, and then get logged out so it doesn't always seem to be tied to writing something.

However, I don't generally choose the "keep me logged in" option, so I'm going to try that to see if it makes any difference.

EDIT: the "keep me logged in" option worked for about 2-3 minutes, then I got kicked out and had to log back in again. There was no inactivity, I was clicking on new threads every 20-30 seconds.
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Re: I almost lost my post because of automatic log-out

Postby Cainntear » Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:34 pm

StringerBell wrote:I am getting logged out constantly. I'm using Safari on a laptop. I also tried Firefox and the same thing happens.

Here's what happens to me:
1) Login with UserID and password, but then am directed to re-enter UserID and password again, plus answer an anti-spam question.
2) write a post/comment, click submit.
3) I am immediately directly to relogin before anything posts and whatever I wrote is lost (I have to copy whatever I wrote because I almost always have to re-create it). I enter UserID and password and then I'm directed to re-enter UserID and password, plus answer anti-spam question again.

I don't go to other sites while logged in.

I seem to get kicked out while I'm in the process of writing something, it's never because of inactively. Occasionally I don't get kicked out but that's somewhat rare. Often I'll login, like someone's post, and then get logged out so it doesn't always seem to be tied to writing something.

However, I don't generally choose the "keep me logged in" option, so I'm going to try that to see if it makes any difference.

EDIT: the "keep me logged in" option worked for about 2-3 minutes, then I got kicked out and had to log back in again. There was no inactivity, I was clicking on new threads every 20-30 seconds.

The site has been under attack for a few years now. The server detects that a bot is attempting to log in by guessing passwords, and logs people out for security.

It's not ideal, but it's the most reliable fix for the problem.
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