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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:47 am
by reineke
Ajme, jos samo fali njemacki. Te slicice strasno motiviraju (provociraju), ali ja se junacki drzim.

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:16 pm
by Robierre
Njemački čeka bolje dane.

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:15 am
by reineke
Kao i poljski? :) Jedna od prvih talijanskih knjiga koje sam procitao, negdje u srednjoj, bila je bas od Vittorinija: Il garofano rosso ..

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:29 pm
by Robierre
Ne, poljski ide tutta forza već godinu dana al nisam stigao napisati na forum ni riječ o tome. :)
Morat ću još nešto uzeti od Vittorinija; Conversazione in Sicilia je imao dobrih momenata...

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:22 pm
by reineke
Mozda bi ti se vise svidjeli "Piccolo Mondo Antico" (Fogazzaro) ili "Sorelle Materassi"(Palazzeschi).

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:42 am
by Robierre
@reineke: Zvuči zanimljivo - nisam čuo ni za jednog ni za drugog; dodano na popis!

2nd year
Week 24


Deux livres cette semaine:
Mathias Enard - Parle-leur de batailles, de rois et d'éléphants (2010), 170 pages
Un roman court qui joue avec des faits historiques, à l'époque ou’ Michel-Ange travaillait sur le projet d'un pont à Constantinople. Il se situe à mi-chemin entre le récit historique (tous les personnages sont vrais) et la fiction (un triangle platonique, les amours jamais réalisés, la sexualité de ce grand artiste de la renaissance). Le style ressemble un peu à celui de Baricco dans La soie; donc une écriture que je n'aime pas trop, même si l'histoire était assez intéressante avec beaucoup d'informations qui m'intriguaient, surtout sur l'artiste, l'époque, la ville etc.

Alexandre Pouchkine - La Fille du capitaine (1836), 190 pages
Un style séduisant, une simplicité d'expression qui fascine... J'étais un peu hésitant avant de commencer de lire ce livre (tout de même, il s'agit d'un grand classique du XIXème siècle, et donc potentiellement d'une littérature pure et dure), mais dès les premières phrases j'ai déjà su que ce sera une belle lecture. L'histoire concerne une bataille à l'époque de la reine Catherine II (les faits historiques dont j'ignorais l'existence) dont le protagoniste et un jeune noble russe, Griniov, porté par le destin et la providence. Le roman n'est pas long et il se lit facilement.


Audio-livre: Le Journal d'Anne Frank (les premières trois épisodes)

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:16 pm
by Robierre
2nd year
Week 25

Grammar: Becherelle, L'essentiel - p. 102-123 and 319-336
France culture, 4-5 hours of listening
Cartoons in the morning (Disney channel)

Two films on Rai3
And the most important thing: next week I'm going to Italy :D

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:26 pm
by Robierre
2nd year
Weeks 26 & 27


10 days in Italy, 100% immersion
Visited (in chronological order): Milano****, Torino*, Genova***, Lucca*, Firenze****, Bergamo*
(* = first time, *** = third time, **** = fourth time)
Was using: 99,9% Italian, literally zero switching; the only switching has occurred (on my initiative) when I was too tired to remember the Italian word for stamps - francobolli - I still feel bad because of this. :mrgreen:
Occasions for conversations: plenty. In Italy nothing goes without a conversation, even when you're just buying a sandwich there will be at least ten questions to respond (come lo vuoi? lo mangi qui o lo porti via? ma il caffè lo prendi prima o dopo? te lo metto in un sacchettino? lo riscaldiamo un po’? ...). Everywhere, literally everywhere, people would just show up from nowhere and start to chat: sciopero dei tassisti (lady waiting for taxi), ma tu sei francese? :mrgreen: (guy in the train), letteratura africana (Senegalese guy selling books on the street) ...
Read: Paolo Rumiz - E' oriente; Natalia Ginzburg - Le piccole virtu'
(and first 100 pages of Italo Svevo's novel La coscienza di Zeno; I love it very much so far)
Listening: audio guides in most of museums I've visited, including Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence and Museo egizio in Torino
(also some funny Italian TV shows: Striscia la notizia and Undressed; I don't have any private channels on my TV at home, just Rai 1,2,3, so it was cool to discover something new)
Some thoughts: I need more time for my Italian. But where to find it? Yes, I can continue to read books and watch TV. But is it enough? I need more conversation. (...)
Souvenirs: bag full of books (Italian classics). Btw., Turin is a heaven for book lovers with tons of bouquinistes all around the centre, almost like Paris. :shock:

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:18 pm
by Robierre

Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C1/2 journal

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:24 pm
by reineke
Robierre wrote:Le doppie:

...and something called "raddoppiamento fonosintattico" :o

Ma va.jpg