Robierre’s French C2 log

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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby Robierre » Fri May 11, 2018 4:49 pm



Prošli tjedan sam trabunjao da neću ništa novo kupovati sve dok ne počistim policu s onih deset groznih nepročitanih knjiga; danas sam se već porekao. Ništa mi se od toga ne čita, nema spasa. Ima u gradu valjda tri knjižare koje znam obilaziti, ušao sam danas u jednu (najbolju), kao "malo da bacim oko između kave i muzeja". Zadržao sam se hipnotiziran nekih dvadesetak minuta. Pograbio Dnevnik seoskog župnika od Bernanosa i Lorda Jima od Conrada i krenuo prema blagajni. Na pola hodnika zapelo mi oko na jednu roza knjižicu Stefana Zweiga, naslov "Lettre d'une inconue". Zacaklila mi zjenica jer sam se sjetio odličnog Zweigovog romana "Confusion des sentiments", ali brzo sam se disciplinirao i krenuo dalje. Kaže prodavačica: "Upravo ste odložili najbolju knjigu ovdje". Predlaže mi da čitam Zweiga na njemačkom. Kažem njemački mi nije tako jak. Onda francuski. Odoh s tri knjige. U muzeju i na kavi sam se zadržao kraće nego u knjižari.
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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby reineke » Fri May 11, 2018 5:28 pm

Pismo nepoznate žene je vrlo lijepa i kratka knjižica. Dobro ti je rekla prodavačica. Mislim da je šteta kupovati takve knjige na francuskom. Daninos je kratak i lagan ali to tebi više ništa ne znači. Lord Jim - samo na engleskom.
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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby Robierre » Fri May 11, 2018 6:04 pm

reineke wrote:Pismo nepoznate žene je vrlo lijepa i kratka knjižica. Dobro ti je rekla prodavačica. Mislim da je šteta kupovati takve knjige na francuskom. Daninos je kratak i lagan ali to tebi više ništa ne znači. Lord Jim - samo na engleskom.

Super, to su onda već dvije preporuke za Zweiga. A Lorda Jima uzmi u obzir da ga je pisao Poljak na engleskom. :mrgreen: Nadam se samo da nije težak kao Srce tame koje mi je bilo teško čitati i na hrvatskom.
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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby reineke » Sat May 12, 2018 4:52 pm

Czytaj ga onda na poljskom ili czekaj još malo. ;)
Kako ti se svidio Zweig?
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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby Robierre » Sat May 12, 2018 8:01 pm

reineke wrote:Czytaj ga onda na poljskom ili czekaj još malo. ;)
Kako ti se svidio Zweig?

Ma svidio mi se. :D Taman kad pomisliš "ovo kreće u sladunjavost", sve se nekako vrati u normalne okvire i nastavljaš čitati s nekom blagom nevjericom. U jednom trenutku sam se pitao da li je priča moguća, pokušavajući se staviti u istu poziciju, tj. da li je moguće da ne prepoznam osobu s kojom sam prije deset godina proveo par sati, i odgovor je: da definitivno. :roll: Unatoč tome mi ostaje mala nevjerica, ne znam zašto. Inače, u Verwirrung der Gefühle (ne znam kako je to prevedeno) on literalno puno bolje obrađuje baš istu tu temu - paradoks da nešto površno (neuzvraćeno) i "neostvareno" (platonsko) može biti emocionalni vrhunac života. Konkretno tamo je intelektualna fascinacija profesorom u mladim danima koja prerasta u nerealiziranu opsesiju (znači slično).
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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby Robierre » Sun May 13, 2018 5:51 pm

3rd year
Week 40


Read: Stefan Zweig - Lettre d'une inconnue (1922), 103 p.
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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby Robierre » Sun May 20, 2018 2:42 pm

3rd year
Week 41


In my first post in this thread, 3 years ago I wrote:
[Week 1]
[...] The example of the show that is very hard for me to follow is On n'est pas couché on France2 – I always get depressed when I try to understand the jokes.

Two years ago I wrote:
[1st year, Week 39]
Hier j'ai regardé On n'est pas couché. C'est vraiment un bon exemple d'émission que je devrais regarder plus régulièrement. Tout y est: les participants parlent vite, avec différentes intonations, les mots se perdent dans la discussion (plusieurs personnes parlent simultanément), il y des blagues etc. Donc une vraie communication.

Finally, a year ago I wrote:
[2nd year, Week 37]
[...] je suis capable de suivre un film ou un talk-show sans trop [me] fatiguer, de la même manière qu'avec des programmes en français standard (c.à.d, documentaires, reportages, discussions politiques...). A une exception près, les dialogues à grande vitesse me pourrirent la vie.

Yesterday I spent about three hours watching the same show (it must be the longest talk show on French TV) and I found it straightforward and easy to understand. I was fairly tired in the end, probably also because I was watching the royal wedding in the morning ( :oops: :mrgreen: ), which makes a total of 7-8 hours of TV in the same day. There was certainly no "depression" like three years ago, I was enjoying jokes and discussion and I didn't mind fast speaking.

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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby Robierre » Sat May 26, 2018 7:01 pm

3rd year
Week 42

Reading history


2006 (B1)
1. Dürrenmatt, Friedrich – La Panne
2007-2010 (B1-B2)
2. Camus, Albert - La Chute
3. Maupassant, Guy de - Boule de Suif
4. Sagan, Françoise - Toxique

2011-2012 (B2)
5. Camus, Albert - L'Été
6. Gide, André – Paludes
7. Quignard, Pascal - Tous les matins du monde
8. Pennac, Daniel – Merci
9. Poulin, Jacques - Les Grandes Marées
10. Beigbeder, Frédéric - Un roman français
11. Jauffret, Régis - Asiles de fous

12. Duras, Marguerite – L'Amant
13. Gide, André – Immoraliste
14. Duras, Marguerite – Moderato cantabile
2013-2014 (C1)
15. Gide, André - Les Faux-monnayeurs
16. Houellebecq, Michel - La carte et le territoire
17. Duras, Marguerite - Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein
18. Zweig, Stefan - La Confusion des sentiments
19. Jarry, Alfred - Ubu Roi
20. Moravia, Alberto – L'Amour conjugal
21. Yourcenar, Marguerite - Alexis
22. Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de – Le petit prince
23. Leroy, Gilles - Dormir avec ceux qu'on aime
2015 (C1)
24. Melville, Herman - Billy Budd
25. Houellebecq, Michel – Soumission
26. Louis, Édouard - En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule
27. Mazzantini, Margaret - La mer, le matin
28. Alain-Fournier - Le Grand Meaulnes
29. Camilleri, Andrea - L'âge du doute
30. Giordano, Paolo - Les humeurs insolubles
31. Zweig, Stefan – Le monde d'hier
2016 (C1)
32. Houellebecq, Michel - Rester vivant: et autres textes
33. Despentes, Virginie - Vernon Subutex, 1
34. Perec, Georges - L'Attentat de Sarajevo
35. Colette – Sido
36. Banine - Jours caucasiens
37. Despentes, Virginie - Vernon Subutex, 2
38. Flaubert, Gustave – Trois histoires
39. Vargas, Fred - Temps glaciaires
40. Constant, Benjamin – Adolphe
41. Baricco, Alessandro – La soie
2017 (C1-C2)
42. Tesson, Sylvain - Sur les chemins noirs
43. Énard, Mathias - Parle-leur de batailles, de rois et d'éléphants
44. Melville, Herman – Bartleby, le scribe
45. Pouchkine, Alexandre - La fille du capitaine
46. Moravia, Alberto – Les deux amis
47. Steinbeck, John - Des souris et des hommes
48. Tabucchi, Antonio - Nocturne indien
49. Giono, Jean – Regain
50. Renard, Jules - Poil de carotte
51. Montherlant, Henry de - Les jeunes filles
52. Delerm, Philippe - La première gorgée de bière
53. Gide, André - La porte étroite
54. Maupassant, Guy de - Contes de la Bécasse
55. Hugo, Victor - Le dernier jour d'un condamné
56. London, Jack - Croc-Blanc
2018 (C2)
57. Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de - Terre des hommes
58. Pahor, Boris - Place Oberdan à Trieste
59. Bible - Evangile de Jean
60. Hamsun, Knut – La faim
61. Hesse, Hermann - Peter Camenzind
62. Gard, Roger Martin du - Les Thibault (Le Cahier Gris; Le Penitencier)
63. Bouvier, Nicolas - Le Courrier, la courroie, ta bonne lettre
64. Volo, Fabio – Ainsi va la vie
65. Ernaux, Annie - Mémoire de fille
66. Aymé, Marcel - Les Contes du chat perché
67. Zweig, Stefan - Lettre d'une inconnue


2012 (B2)
1. Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de - Il piccolo principe
2014 (B2-C1)
2. Carofiglio, Gianrico - Testimone inconsapevole
2015 (C1)
3. Carofiglio, Gianrico - Né qui né altrove: una notte a Bari
4. Carofiglio, Gianrico - Le perfezioni provvisorie
5. Collodi, Carlo – Pinocchio
6. Levi, Carlo - Cristo si è fermato a Eboli
7. Volo, Fabio - Il giorno in più
8. Bukowski, Charles – Pulp
9. Calvino, Italo - Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno
10. Salgari, Emilio - Le tigri di Mompracem
11. Bassani, Giorgio - Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini
12. Pasolini, Pier Paolo – Ragazzi di vita
2016 (C1)
13. Bassani, Giorgio - Gli occhiali d'oro
14. Proust, Marcel - Un amore di Swann
15. Ginzburg, Natalia - Lessico famigliare
16. Twain, Mark - Le avventure di Tom Sawyer
2017 (C1-C2)
17. Vittorini, Elio - Conversazione in Sicilia
18. Ginzburg, Natalia - Le voci della sera
19. Rumiz, Paolo - È Oriente
20. Ginzburg, Natalia - Le piccole virtù
21. Svevo, Italo - La coscienza di Zeno
22. Buzzati, Dino - Il deserto dei Tartari
23. Frank, Anne – Il diario di Anna Frank
24. Özpetek, Ferzan - Rosso Istanbul
25. Morante, Elsa - L'isola di Arturo
26. Pavese, Cesare - Il compagno
27. Vittorini, Elio - Il garofano rosso
28. Moravia, Alberto – La noia
29. Saba, Umberto - Ernesto
30. Sciascia, Leonardo – Candido
31. Remarque, Erich Maria - Arco di trionfo
32. Ginzburg, Natalia - È stato così
2018 (C1-C2)
33. Ferrante, Elena - L'amica geniale

(Red = poor understanding at that time)
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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby Carmody » Sat May 26, 2018 11:25 pm


Thanks so much for posting your book list; it is very interesting.

So, I went ahead and posted my reading list in my blog just in case you are curious. I think we have some overlap.

Would be interested to learn what your 3 favorite French contemporary fiction writers are, if you care to share.

Thanks again.
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Re: Robierre’s French & Italian C2 journal

Postby Robierre » Sun May 27, 2018 8:43 am

Carmody wrote:Robierre,

Thanks so much for posting your book list; it is very interesting.

So, I went ahead and posted my reading list in my blog just in case you are curious. I think we have some overlap.

Would be interested to learn what your 3 favorite French contemporary fiction writers are, if you care to share.

Thanks again.

Hi! Your list looks excellent considering your current level (A2?)! As you can see, I started reading regularly only when I was somewhere around C1, but your intensive method sounds really interesting. We do have some overlap, Duras and Gide are both superb writers. But they are almost classics; I can't say that I'm a big fan of contemporary French literature (if by "contemporary" you mean living authors). I prefer good old times, je suis un peu ringard. :mrgreen: I read Roger Martin du Gard a few months ago (Proust's contemporary, but less famous outside France), he was so much better than anything else written today. I might change my mind, I still have to discover more new authors. I can recommend you Sylvain Tesson for example, if you like travel memoirs. He writes very well.
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