Steyyan's log (DE | ES | nl | fr | ja)

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Steyyan's log (DE | ES | nl | fr | ja)

Postby steyyan » Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:08 pm

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2017 (pp. 8)
2016 (pp. 3)


Alright, since it doesn't seem like the other forum will return any time soon, I figured I'd join the bandwagon and continue my log here as well.

A backup of my previous log entries may be found here

I signed up to the TAChallenge with Spanish (B1) and Japanese (B1), but I'm also studying Dutch (A1) and German (B2).

Log entries from the previous weeks that weren't posted on HTLAL before the "D" day:
Week 28 06 Jul - 12 Jul

This week's goals
- JP Reading: 70 pages 106 pages (151%)
- JP Listening: 7:00 11:05' (150%)
More details: click here


This week I've been mostly working with a personal, more Anki friendly e-reader webapp that reads epubs converted into zip folders and split the books into "pages" consisting of 10 paragraphs. The work that remains is to make it more phone friendly version.

Screenshots: front page, table of contents, and sample page

Apart from that I haven't done much worth mentioning in Japanese. I'm not as motivated in Japanese at the moment, although I do feel that I've made some progress in Japanese as far as comprehension is concerned.


Next week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages
- ES Listening: 7:00
- NL Reading: 14 pages*

*1 page = 10 paragraphs on my webapp, which can mean everything from 100 words to 300+ words.

Week 29 13 Jul - 19 Jul

This week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages 254 pages (181%)
- ES Listening: 7:00 14:16' (204%)
- NL Reading: 14 pages 19 pages (136%)
More details: click here


Empecé a leer Cien años de soledad esta semana y fue tan difícil como yo esperaba. Sin embargo, después de leer 100-150 páginas podría seguir la historia suficientemente para disfrutarme de ese libro.

También he instalado Arch Linux en mi ordenador viejo, y curiosamente funcionó bien a pesar de no funcionó con Windows, y jugar Minecraft fue bastante para «convocar» una pantalla azul...


Next week's goals
- JP Reading: 140 pages
- JP Listening: 7:00
- NL Reading: 14 pages
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby steyyan » Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:51 am

Week 30 20 Jul - 26 Jul

This week's goals
- JP Reading: 70 pages 116 pages (165%)
- JP Listening: 7:00 14:09' (202%)
- NL Reading: 14 pages 36 pages (258%)
More details: click here


Japanese: I finished reading 隠蔽捜査 and read the first chapter of the third HP book, mainly to test the Japanese compatibility with my e-reader, but also because I finished 隠蔽捜査 on Thursday. As for listening, I watched the first six episodes of One Piece (which has nothing to do with dresses, surprisingly...) and watched some gaming related videos on Youtube.

Dutch: I've imrpoved my e-reader web-applet to include something akin to Kindle locations and made it much more mobile and tablet friendly. Therefore, I've been testing it with Dutch and that's why I've read that "much" in it.

My e-reader applet now looks like this (top and bottom of a "page"): scaled image
Well, the Kindle app was kind of the only thing that kept me from switching to Linux on my main computer...


Next week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages
- ES Listening: 7:00
- NL Reading: 15 pages
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby steyyan » Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:06 pm

Week 31 27 Jul - 02 Aug

This week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages 304 pages (217%)
- ES Listening: 7:00 14:19' (205%)
- NL Reading: 15 pages 28 pages (186%)
More details: click here


ES: 100 / 100 Cien años de soledad
NL: 34 / 100 Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen
ES: 10 / 100 El fin del mundo y un despiadado país de las maravillas


Español: Esta semana he terminado de leer Cien años de soledad. Pienso que fuera difícil en noruego o inglés también, por no mencionar en español. Estoy seguro que el próximo libro que voy a leer va a ser más fácil, y pienso que voy a leer el sexto libro de Harry Potter. También he leído los primeros cuatros capítulos de El fin del mundo y un despiadado país de maravillas, uno de los libros escritos por Haruki Murakami, un escritor japonés, que escribe libros surrealistas.

Hollandés: Continué a leer Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen, un libro que compré hace unos meses cuando compré el quinto libro de HP en español. Ya que estoy un poco harto de los primeros libros de esta seria, escogí un libro policiaca que voy a leer en cuanto haya (o ¿he?) terminado de leer el libro de Harry Potter.

Agradecería cualquier recomendaciones de libros en español, japonés o hollandés.

Además, ya que faltaba unos créditos en programación para ser ingresado en la escuela de enseñanza superior (Høyskole) en Gjøvik para hacer un máster en informático aplicado, voy a hacer unos cursos de enseñanza a distancia este año. Es la primera vez que me queda a casa durante el otoño desde hace quinto años...


Next week's goals
- JA Reading: 105 pages
- JA Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 16 pages
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby steyyan » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:02 pm

Week 32 03 Aug - 09 Aug

This week's goals
- JA Reading: 105 pages 214 pages (204%)
- JA Listening: 7:00 10:44' (153%)
- NL Reading: 16 pages 25 pages (158%)
More details: click here


1: 45 / 100 Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen
2: 41 / 100 ハリーポッターとアズカバンの囚人


Apart from reading and listening to Japanese and a bit of working out, I've been playing with Node Webkit and made a desktop client of my reading webapp. The reason for making it is to enjoy the benefits of the Kindle Whispersync feature without chaining myself to Amazon's ecosystem as well as not having to use two different accounts (UK and JP) to access my ebooks.

Japanese: I reached a personal record in terms of reading in Japanese this week. Of course, it could be seen as "cheating" that I'm reading a book I'm already familiar with, but personally, I find it more enjoyable, especially with a language such as Japanese.

Dutch: I'm having the same experience in Dutch. Since I know German fairly well, I can fill the gaps and learn the most common, yet difficult words (like for instance maar) without extensively using any dictionaries. I'm already getting somewhat confortable with reading in it, and after the Harry Potter book, I'm going to read another book that I found on Amazon, [I]Ik reis alleen[/b] by Samuel Bjørk, a book that is translated from my own native language, Norwegian.

German: I'm currently listening to the audiobook version of Tintenherz, and I really enjoy the story, although it is obviously meant for a younger audience. Though I assume the same could be said about the (first few) Harry Potter books, so personally I don't care as long as the story is good.


Next week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages
- ES Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 17 pages
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby steyyan » Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:54 am

Week 33 10 Aug - 16 Aug

This week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages 317 pages (226%)
- ES Listening: 7:00 15:38' (223%)
- NL Reading: 17 pages 22 pages (132%)
More details: click here


1: 55 / 100 Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen
2: 50 / 100 Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe
3: 20 / 100 El fin del mundo y un despiadado país de las maravillas


Después de no habido leer este libro de Harry Potter desde más que un año (cuando lo leí por la primera vez) tenía ganas de volver a leerlo. Cuando empiezé a leerlo, recordé cuanto ya he olvidado, y al leerlo me siente casi como lo leyera por la primera vez de nuevo, si eso tiene sentido...

Terminó escuchar el audiolibro de Ve y pon un centinela (Go Set a Watchman) por Harper Lee, sin saber que es una arte de continuación de Matar a un ruiseñor (To Kill a Mockinbird). Cuando me enteré de eso, empecé a escuchar a Matar a un ruiseñor.

Mi comprensión auditiva se ha mejorado mucho en los meses más reciente, y por eso pienso que hay que ver más telenovelas. No he visto más que un episodio de ningún telenovela salvo a El ministerio del tiempo por que mi comprensión auditiva fue malísima.


Next week's goals
- JA Reading: 105 pages
- JA Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 18 pages
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby steyyan » Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:52 pm

Week 34 17 Aug - 23 Aug

This week's goals
- JA Reading: 105 pages 183 pages (175%)
- JA Listening: 7:00 11:27' (164%)
- NL Reading: 18 pages 26 pages (144%)
More details: click here


-: 73 / 100 ハリーポッターとアズカバンの囚人
-: 66 / 100 Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen


I continued reading the Harry Potter book this week. In addition, I decided to watch Death Note again, a series that I haven't watched since I was going through RTK (unless you count adding subs2srs as "watching").

I feel like my listening comprehension does indeed improve, and I read much quicker when I'm familiar with the content of the book, as well as it being a book I enjoy reading, of course. The previous few books that I've read in Japanese haven't really been that interesting...


Next week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages
- ES Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 19 pages
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby steyyan » Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:49 am

Week 35 24 Aug - 30 Aug

This week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages 289 pages (207%)
- ES Listening: 7:00 14:04' (201%)
- NL Reading: 19 pages 25 pages (129%)


-: 100 / 100 Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe
-: 77 / 100 Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen
-: 25 / 100 El fin del mundo y un despiadado país de las maravillas


Terminó leer el libro de Harry Potter esta semana y también continué leer El fin del mundo y un despiadado país de las maravillas.

Escuché al audiolibro de Matar a un ruiseñor. Aparte de eso, no hice nada más que tendría que mencionar aquí. (Ya sé que tardé en escribir este log entry, pero tenía problemas con mi ordenador - rehusía a dejarme- instalar windows 8.1 por algúna razón... y Debian tampoco funciona bastante bien...)


Next week's goals
- JA Reading: 105 pages
- JA Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 20 pages
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby steyyan » Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:00 pm

Week 36 31 Aug - 06 Sep

This week's goals
- JA Reading: 140 pages 158 pages (150%)
- JA Listening: 7:00 12:34' (180%)
- NL Reading: 20 pages 26 pages (130%)


-: 100 / 100 ハリーポッターとアズカバンの囚人
-: 88 / 100 Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen


This was my first week of my online studies (programming, web development, etc.), but I still got to do some Japanese listening and reading: I finished the Harry Potter book and watched some more Death Note as well as some jikkyou-play videos on Youtube.


Next week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages
- ES Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 21 pages


Week 37 07 Sep - 13 Sep

This week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages 350 pages (250%)
- ES Listening: 7:00 17:28' (250%)
- NL Reading: 21 pages 28 pages (133%)


-: 100 / 100 Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen
-: 52 / 100 Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte
-: 5 / 100 El tiempo entre costuras


I finished the Dutch Harry Potter book and the next book that I'll read in Dutch is Ik reis alleen by Samuel Bjørk. Ironically, I'll be reading a translation of a book written in my own language. I have never read it before though.

I also started reading El tiempo entre costuras by Maria Dueñas for the book club in the Español subforum. I've only read two chapters so far, so I can't say much about the story, but language-wise, it's not a particularly difficult book to read, at least not compared to Cien años de soledad.


Next week's goals
- JA Reading: 140 pages
- JA Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 22 pages
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby steyyan » Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:14 pm

Week 38 14 Sep - 20 Sep

This week's goals
- JA Reading: 105 pages 165 pages (157%)
- JA Listening: 7:00 12:12' (174%)
- NL Reading: 22 pages 23 pages (106%)


-: 13 / 100 ハリー・ポッターと不死鳥の騎士団
-: 9 / 100 El tiempo entre costuras
-: 6 / 100 Ik reis alleen


This week was rather uneventful. The only remark is that I feel my Japanese listening comprehension is improving. That I started logging my listening hours made me listen more (I'm very susceptible to gamification) and hence improve.

I also started reading the fifth Harry Potter book, which, with its ~1350 pages isn't exactly short... I think I'll be reading that one for a while now, but to be honest, it doesn't bother me much; at least I don't have to look for ebooks on, which is a nightmare in my opinion, and I always run the risk of having my account closed and my content deleted...


Next week's goals
- ES Reading: 140 pages
- ES Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 23 pages


Week 39 20 Sep - 27 Sep

This week's goals

- ES Reading: 140 pages 315 pages (225%)
- ES Listening: 7:00' minutes 15:30' minutes (221%)
- NL Reading: 23 pages 30 pages (130%)


-: 100 / 100 Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte
-: 12 / 100 Ik reis alleen


As you can see above, I've made a more flexible language logging webapp that simplifies the logging immensely and lets me log several different activities (reading, writing, etc.) without forcing me to log half of those in Excel. Along with a few other nifty features, it automatically generate the BBCode you see under the "this week's goals" section. Another reason for making this web-applet was to practice some more "advanced" SQL-queries using JOINs and nested queries and so on that I've already learned through one of the courses I'm taking at the moment.

But anyway, I finished the seventh Harry Potter book in Spanish this week and I'm still not sure which book I'll read next week - maybe I'll stick to the ones that I haven't read through yet (the Murakami book and El tiempo entre costuras).

I also decided to add Dutch listening to my weekly goals from now on. Just an hour to make sure that I do some listening. I watched a video by the Youtuber GameMeneer and I was quite happy while realising that I could actually understand some of it. Not much, but more than enough to enjoy the videos to some extent. I'm not expecting it to be as easy as it was when I started practicing my German listening skills, but still, it's a start.


Next week's goals
- JA Reading: 105 pages
- JA Listening: 7:00'
- NL Reading: 24 pages
- NL Listening: 1:00'
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Re: Steyyan's (aka. Stifa's) TAC log [ES | JA | de | nl]

Postby Brun Ugle » Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:46 am

at least I don't have to look for ebooks on, which is a nightmare in my opinion, and I always run the risk of having my account closed and my content deleted...

Why would that happen? I haven't tried getting e-books from them yet, but I might. Is there a trick to it?
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