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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:29 pm

I picked up a poetry book from the Mallorcan theologian, Bartomeu Bennàssar Vicenç. Here is a poem of his I like:


Jesús no morí al llit
ni de mort natural

Tampoc s'hi mor
qui crida i lluita
ni el poble pobre
ni el just vençut
ni el marginat

S'hi mor aquell
qui no s'exposa
ni mai s'oposa
i bé es reserva
tip pel demà

Jesús no morí al llit
ni de mort natural

Jesus did not die in bed
Nor did he die a natural death.

Likewise, they do not die a natural death
The one who shouts and fights back
The wretched People
The just person who has been brought low
The marginalised

The ones who die a natural death are
Those who do not expose themselves
Those who never oppose
Those who hold themselves back
Because they are satisfied for the morrow

Jesus did not die in bed
Nor did he die a natural death.
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:37 pm

Si has mentio alguna vez
y dime si cuando lo hiciste…
sentiste vergüenza de ser embustero.

Dime, dime, dime …

Si has odiao alguna vez
a quien hiciste creer un cariño de verdad.

Dime ….

Si sientes tu corazon, como en si mismo
el dolor de tus hermanos…

Dime, dime, dime ….

Si has cortao alguna flor
sin que temblaran tus manos, dime …

Si de verdad crees en Dios
como crees en el fuego cuando te quema…

Dime, dime, dime ….

Si es el cielo tu ilusión
o es la verdad en la Tierra, dime …

A cada cosa, si o no, y entonces sabre yo
si eres mi sueño, dime, dime, dime, dime ….

A cada cosa si o no, y entonces sabre yo
cual es tu Credo.

Dime …

I always get chills when I hear Lola sing:

If ever you cut down a flower

and your hands did not tremble, tell me…
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:59 pm

Libertad sin ira, from the band Jarcha, is a classic Spanish song from 1976, during the Democratic Transition from the Franco dictatorship to democracy. It is, in a way, the 'anthem' of the Transition. The idea that there are two Spains is still an idea that exists today among many Spaniards, many many decades after the end of the Civil War. I might add that the 'old people' who Jarcha talk about, like Franco himself, passed away peacefully in their beds...the Transition granted large amnesty to these Francoists. The risk of violence, they say, was too great. Spain bought its democracy and peace from the dictatorship and the price they asked for in exchange was shutting up and forgetting about the bad stuff.

I was having this conversation with a Mallorcan taxi driver on the weekend. I wanted to get to a town, Deià but the buses had shut down. So at the bus stop, I met two English hikers who wanted to travel the same way. We agreed to flag down a taxi and split the costs. Just as we said that, a taxi came along. And I'm glad we got it because it really changed my day. The women sat in the back and I sat up the front with the driver who turned out to be a Mallorcan. We ended up talking in Mallorcan freely the whole ride. In hindsight it was a kind of dick move not letting the hikers into our conversation, but it also gave him the freedom to honeslty express what he thought of Mallorca. He was the one that brought up the fact that there are mass graves all over the island, something I had read about, but which is of course different when a native brings it up in a bitter tone.

It felt darkly ironic to talk about this as we weaved through the stunning mountains on this bright, sunny winter's day. The same mountains that the hikers were going to hike for over 4 days, and which attracts thousands of other hikers from around the world, also saw the summary execution of the others - the communists, the republicans, the anarchists etc. It's hard to balance at the same time the beauty and the horror of this island.

Dicen los viejos que en este país
Hubo una guerra
Que hay dos Españas que guardan aún
El rencor de viejas deudas
Dicen los viejos que este país necesita
Palo largo y mano dura
Para evitar lo peor
Pero yo sólo he visto gente
Que sufre y calla, dolor y miedo
Gente que sólo desea
Su pan, su hembra y la fiesta en paz

The old people say that in this country
There was a war
That there are still two Spains, that retain
The hatred of old debts
The old people say that this country needs
A long stick and a strong hand
To stave off the worst
But I have only seen people
Who suffer and are silent, pain and fear
People who only want
Their bread, their woman and their fun in peace.

Libertad, libertad
Sin ira libertad
Guárdate tu miedo y tu ira
Porque hay libertad
Sin ira libertad
Y si no la hay sin duda la habrá

Freedom, freedom!
Freedom without anger
Keep it to yourself, your fear and your rage
Because there is freedom
Freedom without anger
And if there is not, there will be!

Dicen los viejos que hacemos
Lo que nos da la gana
Y no es posible que así pueda haber
Gobierno que gobierne nada
Dicen los viejos que no se nos dé rienda suelta
Que todos aquí llevamos
La violencia a flor de piel
Pero yo sólo he visto gente
Muy obediente, hasta en la cama
Gente que tan sólo pide
Vivir su vida, sin más mentiras y en paz

The old people say that we do
Whatever the hell we feel like
And that it is not possible to have a government
That governs nothing
The old people say that we should not be given free rein
Because we all have violence
Just under the skin
But I have only seen people
Very obedient, even in their bed
People who only ask
To live their life, without any more lies and in peace.
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:59 pm

Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio wrote this song in the 60s as an allegory for the Spanish Civil War. He was arrested twice during the Franco dictatorship for being a committed leftist. His father on the other hand was a noted Falangist. This version of the song is by the Uruguayan duo Los Olimareños, who were also committed activists in the 60s, when Uruguay was ruled by a military dictatorship.

Cuando canta el gallo negro
es que ya se acaba el día.
Si cantara el gallo rojo
otro gallo cantaría.

When the black cock sings
It means that the day is already at an end
But if the red cock were to sing
Another cock would crow

Otro gallo cantaría
- a Spanish idiom, literally ‘another rooster would sing’, means that it would have been a different story (in a counterfactual situation where the black rooster didn’t win).

Ay, si es que yo miento,
que el cantar que yo canto
lo borre el viento.
Ay, qué desencanto
si me borrara el viento
lo que yo canto.

Oh! If I lie
Let the wind carry away
The song I am singing.
Oh! What a disappointment
If the wind were to take away
What I am singing

Se encontraron en la arena
los dos gallos frente a frente.
El gallo negro era grande
pero el rojo era valiente.

They met in the arena
The two cocks face to face
The black one was bigger
But the red one was brave

Se miraron a la cara
y atacó el negro primero.
El gallo rojo es valiente
pero el negro es traicionero.

They looked at each other
And the black one struck first.
The red one is brave
But the black one is treacherous

Gallo negro, gallo negro,
gallo negro, te lo advierto:
no se rinde un gallo rojo
mas que cuando está ya muerto.

Black cock, black cock
I am warning you
A red cock never surrenders
Until it is dead
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:39 am

It's always impressive to meet someone who came to Mallorca as a child and speaks Tarifit (Riffiya), Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, French and English. Casual polyglots are a dime and dozen here. Watch out, they walk among us! They may even look like you or me?
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:48 pm

I met quite fortuitously a Mallorcan teacher of German. She works in a school in my town. When I expressed my interest in the language, she gave me - for free- a couple of textbooks (A1-A2 level) and some German young adult short stories to read. Now it's been absolute yonks since I've studied the language, which was only for reading purposes because you know, German philosophers, but I suppose I have to now, if only because she will check in with my progress. I haven't been put under this much pressure in years. ;)

Are you bored of me saying this over and over? Sorry. I'll say it again. If want to have a good, long chat with a local here in Mallorca, speak Catalan. It opens ears (people listen to you) and mouths (people talk to you) like no other language.

An unexpected product of my learning Catalan is that I have totally integrated it into my life. I barely speak any Spanish...ever. When I have to, I have to chew on my words, ruminate and slowly consider the words I'm saying, because otherwise se me cola una paraula catalana. I'm very happy about my Catalan interfering with my Spanish though. It means I'm doing something right. Eventually, I'll find a balance like the natives, but for now, Catalan all the way!
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:07 pm

Una sola cançó que reuneix algunes de ses meves llengües preferides? M'he de pessigar per comprovar que no somnii! Però si, vos duc una cançó ben guapa, rica de quatre llengües...inclosa la llengua asturiana. Dakidarria és una banda gallega d'estil ska.

Dakidarria is a Galician band. This song has three of my favourite languages in one, Catalan, Galician and Basque and the last verse is in Asturian.

Asturian is a seriously endangered Asturleonese language, in a much worse demographic and legal situation than Catalan, Galician or Basque. But thanks to the decades long work of Asturians who want to save their language, the call for officiality is becoming more and more loud. There is a good chance that Asturian can become the sixth official language of Spain (after Catalan, Galician, Basque, Aranese and Spanish).

If Asturian does not get officiality in its autonomous community of Asturias, with all that means for its introduction in education and media and government, it will probably die. This is why it is critical for oficialidá AGORA!


Saim can tell you more about Asturian though, as he learned Asturian.

Por qué imos permitir que cambien a nosa cor,
ante o avance da imposición usa a túa voz.
Algo vai ben cando ladran os cans por medo á cultura popular.

Se nos censuran as rúas falarán,
non nos poden silenciar

Why are we gonna allow them to change our heart
In the face of creeping imposition, use your voice.
We're doing something right if the dogs are barking, they're afraid of popular culture.

If they censor us, the streets will talk.
They can't silence us

Linguas ceives!!
Llengues lliures!!
Hizkuntz askatuak!!
Lenguas libres!!

Free tongues! (Galician)
Free tongues! (Catalan)
Free tongues! (Basque)
Free tongues! (Spanish)

Parlem de respecte, parlem de llibertat
parlem de pau, dignitat y justícia, parlem d'avançar
parlem de tu, parlem de mi, parlem de sumar
parlem de viure, d'aprendre i créixer entre pobles germans.

We speak of respect, we speak of freedom
We speak of peace, dignity and justice, we speak of moving forward
We speak of you, we speak of me, we speak of adding up (me and you)
We speak of living, of learning and growing between sibilng peoples.

Mai no serà cap llengua un impediment
per compartir el futur que construirem.
Amb la revolta als ulls i la tendresa als llavis,
sempre amb el cap ben alt,
sempre cap endavant!

No language will ever be an impediment
To sharing the future that we will build.
With revolution in our eyes and tenderness on our lips
Always with the head up high
Always forward!

Potereak nahi baditu, hizkuntzak akatu
Herriak zutik herriak tinko, babestuko ditu
Gure ahoetan gure eskuetan, geroa daukagu
gure oihua entzun dezatela, mundu osoan!

If the powers-that-be want to kill our languages
The people on their feet, a strong people will defend them.
We have the future in our mouths, in our hands,
May our shout be heard through the entire world!

Ye la mía una llengua popular
marxinada por un gobiernu caciquil.
Cuantes veces mas vamos a esixir
l'asturianu llingua oficial!

My language is a language of the people
Marginalised by a corrupt government
How many more times are we going to demand
That Asturian be the official language!
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:50 pm

I showed this clip to my Russian friend and she said, oh, we used to watch this film (Ирония судьбы) every Christmas. The poem is by Marina Tsvetaeva.

Мне нравится, что Вы больны не мной,
Мне нравится, что я больна не Вами,
Что никогда тяжелый шар земной
Не уплывет под нашими ногами.

Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной –
Распущенной - и не играть словами,
И не краснеть удушливой волной,
Слегка соприкоснувшись рукавами.

Мне нравится еще, что Вы при мне
Спокойно обнимаете другую,
Не прочите мне в адовом огне
Гореть за то, что я не Вас целую.

Что имя нежное мое, мой нежный, не
Упоминаете ни днем ни ночью - всуе…
Что никогда в церковной тишине
Не пропоют над нами: аллилуйя!

Спасибо Вам и сердцем и рукой
За то, что вы меня - не зная сами! –
Так любите: за мой ночной покой,
За редкость встреч закатными часами,

За наши не-гулянья под луной,
За солнце не у нас над головами,
За то, что Вы больны - увы! - не мной,
За то, что я больна - увы! - не Вами.

I like that you are burning
But it’s not for me
I like that it’s not you
I’m burning for
And that this heavy sphere
Of a planet
Will never turn under our feet

I like the way I am around you
Funny, unabashed and wild
That there’s no need to
Play the silly games
Nor to be careful with
The words I’m choosing
No need to blush, drowning
In a wave of sensations
When our hands are touching

I like that right before my eyes
You’ll calmly hug and smile
At another
That you don’t curse me
To the flames of hell
For kissing someone else
Who isn’t you

That my name will never
Tenderly escape your lips
By day nor night
Nor will it ever even
Cross your mind, my dear
That in the silence of a temple
No one will ever sing
Over our union

Thank you, with all my heart
And all my mind, that,
Unbeknownst to you,
This is the way you love me

Thank you
For all my peaceful nights
And for how rare are our
Meetings in the sunset hours
For us not walking
Hand in hand under the moon
For the same sun rays
Never lighting both our faces

For being crazy, but alas,
It being not for me
And that, alas, it’s not for you
I’m burning.

Translation by Elayne Safir.
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:54 pm

Antonio Machado

Dice la razón: Busquemos
la verdad.
Y el corazón: Vanidad.
La verdad ya la tenemos.
La razón: ¡Ay, quién alcanza
la verdad!
El corazón: Vanidad.
La verdad es la esperanza.
Dice la razón: Tú mientes.
Y contesta el corazón:
Quien miente eres tú, razón.
que dices lo que no sientes.
La razón: Jamás podremos
entendernos, corazón.
El corazón: Lo veremos.

Reason says: Let’s look
for the truth.
And the Heart: Vanity.
we already possess the truth.
Reason: Ah, who can obtain the truth!
The Heart: Vanity.
The truth is hope.
Says Reason: You lie.
And the Heart replies:
The liar is you, Reason.
You say what you don’t feel.
Reason: We will never
understand each other, Heart.
The Heart: We shall see.
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Re: Catalan, Galician, Basque

Postby nooj » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:58 pm

Nicht die Wahrheit, in deren Besitz irgendein Mensch ist oder zu sein vermeinet, sondern die aufrichtige Mühe, die er angewandt hat, hinter die Wahrheit zu kommen, macht den Wert des Menschen. Denn nicht durch den Besitz, sondern durch die Nachforschung der Wahrheit erweitern sich seine Kräfte, worin allein seine immer wachsende Vollkommenheit bestehet. Der Besitz macht ruhig, träge, stolz. -

Wenn Gott in seiner Rechten alle Wahrheit und in seiner Linken den einzigen immer regen Trieb nach Wahrheit, obschon mit dem Zusatze, mich immer und ewig zu irren, verschlossen hielte und spräche zu mir: “Wähle!” - ich fiele ihm mit Demut in seine Linke und sagte: “Vater, gib! Die reine Wahrheit ist ja doch nur für dich allein!”

It is not the truth which a man is in possession of, or supposes he is, but rather the sincere efforts which he has taken up to get to the bottom of the truth, that is what makes the worth of men.

For it’s not through the possession of truth, but through the search for it, that his powers grow, and therein alone exists his ever growing perfection. The possession of the truth makes one quietist, lazy, proud.

If God held closed in his right hand all truth, and in his left the one and ongoing striving after the truth, albeit with the condition that I would always and forever make mistakes, and he said to me, “Choose!”, I would fall humbly before his left hand and say ‘Father, grant it to me! The pure truth is for you alone!”

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
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