Il viaggio di Shandra

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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby shandra » Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:32 pm

He hecho la prueba de nivel Dialang y ha sido un fracaso total :o
A2 Grammar
B1 Listening
B1 Reading
B1 Vocabulary

Well, I understand, it isn't too bad considering I've almost never used Spanish in last ten years, but it is a language so close to my native one!
It's for this that I'm so shocked :shock:

Now I want to improve my overall level at least to B2 :evil:

I have a Coupon for a local online bookstore.
I have to buy books for 30 euros to use the coupon and save 10.

I chose Gramática de Uso de Español B1-B2.
I think adding Nivel C could be overestimate my determination (and on Amazon C costs less, and B isn't available).

Poechali! for Russian is too expensive, and it isn't time for this language yet.

Finally I remember it would be nice to start German (at a very slow pace, just for my fun).

They don't have Begegnungen DaF A+ :cry:

Y así​ me quedo aún sin libros... :cry:
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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby shandra » Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:11 pm

Oggi scrivo in italiano, un po' per pigrizia, un po' perché spero sia utile agli studenti di questa lingua che dovessero passare di qui.

Ricordate che avevo un coupon sconto per l'acquisto di libri?

Dopo una settimana di riflessioni ho comprato
Gramática de uso del español (B1-B2)
давайте! Comunicare in russo 1

Ho iniziato oggi gli esercizi di GdUdE ed ho completato le prime sette unità. Vorrei procedere il più velocemente possibile perché per ora si tratta di argomenti semplici (articoli, genere e plurale del sostantivo), con regole simili all'italiano. I verbi appariranno solo dall'unità 37 e lì ci sarà davvero da divertirsi (e soffrire).

Ho impiegato circa 20 minuti per unità: faccio gli esercizi, controllo le correzioni, leggo le regole grammaticali, leggo ad alta voce gli esercizi. Mi piacerebbe studiare un'oretta al giorno (e completare circa tre unità, se gli argomenti lo permettono), vediamo se riesco ad organizzarmi la sera.

Ho iniziato a leggere El amor en los tiempos del cólera di García Márquez.
Anche se ci sono parole che non conosco, procedo speditamente.
Purtroppo non ho voglia di usare un SRS per rafforzare il vocabolario. Mi diverto con Clozemaster, ma non ho proprio l'energia per creare un mio mazzo personale con Anki o Memrise.

Mi ha colpito perché la maggior parte delle persone che frequentano questo forum NON scrive sui libri, proprio come ho fatto io negli ultimi anni.
Il mio pensiero è stato per molto tempo: se non completo gli esercizi scrivendo sul libro, posso rifarli più avanti e il volume resterà sempre utile.
Temo che questo abbia però rallentato il mio studio, perché usare un foglio a parte ha finito per risultare molto scomodo per me, facendomi presto perdere l'entusiasmo e accantonare i testi (vedi quelli di inglese First ed Advanced che mi aspettano lì sullo scaffale della libreria).

Sul libro di russo forse non scriverò, perché ha le pagine un poco lucide, devo verificare come reagiscono a gomma e matita.

Ho comprato давайте! perché è il primo libro di russo a colori che ho trovato. Questo è un formato che di solito non mi piace (specialmente per le lingue di cui ho una conoscenza intermedia/avanzata), ma non so se abbiate mai visto i testi di russo pubblicati in Italia. Si tratta di volumi A4 scritti molto fitti, con spaziature non curate, secondo me scomodi da gestire e che tolgono l'entusiasmo dopo le prime pagine.
давайте! è un testo (probabilmente) per le scuole superiori, contiene molto italiano, ma mi sembra accettabile per un libro di livello A1 rinunciare ad essere monolingua se questo permette allo studente di completarlo ed avere voglia di continuare con lo studio.

Oggi ho rivisto l'alfabeto. Devo ancora passare sul cellulare i file audio del CD incluso, quindi non mi sono arrischiata a leggere ad alta voce le parole nuove (ah, la o che si legge a!).

Il russo sarà uno sfizio per il tempo libero, non ho fretta di intraprendere questa avventura anche perché questa estate mi focalizzerò sullo spagnolo.

Ieri ho superato un test di posizionamento per l'iscrizione ai corsi di inglese del comune.
Ho risposto a una sfilza interminabile di domande di grammatica a scelta multipla, poi ho sostenuto un breve colloquio in lingua. Risultato B1-B2: conosco la grammatica, ho un buon vocabolario, ma fatico a parlare.

    Piani per l'estate
Questa estate mi voglio concentrare sullo spagnolo.
Mi piacerebbe completare GdUdE e leggere alcuni romanzi in lingua originale.
Non sono sicura di farcela perché quando andrò in ferie (per tre settimane circa) non potrò chiudermi nella mia bolla monolingua, ma dovrò dare la mia attenzione alle persone che mi circonderanno.
A settembre vorrei fare il test di posizionamento per controllare i miei progressi.

Per ora è tutto.
Alla prossima.
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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby shandra » Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:23 pm

I haven't done anything remarkable during last ten days.

I'm going on with GdUdE. I've completed first 24 units.
It is difficult to find time for Grammar because I'm tired after a day of work.
In the evening I like more passive activities like watching Netflix or read books.
I've begun Vivir para contarla.
I listen to Cadena Dial every day (a radio airing only lo mejor de nuestra música).

My sister convinced me that it is time to know who the Mum was, so I've already watched 8 episodes of How I Met Your Mother, season 9 (the last). After finished it I could watch all the other seasons at my pace.

My city organises annual Language Courses taking place from October to May, with lessons once or twice a week in the evening.
It is already possible to enroll in absolute beginner courses (so without taking the placement tests). I'm really tempted because fees are ridiculously cheap (but consider the average class is made of 15 students or more for very popular languages...).

I'm daydreaming.
You know I'd like to study two new languages.
I can study it alone.
I think that facing its grammar (I mean declensions) makes easier to study the other language.
A different alphabet.
Twice the time needed to make progress.
A teacher and scheduled lessons could be really helpful to keep studying.

I guess the real problem is to be committed for (almost) a year because I don't know what could happen if I'll change my job. Actually I can sign in for the 6-to-8 pm course because the school is near my work place. Choosing the 8-to-10 pm option means to came back home after 11 pm, and it could be so tiring especially in winter. I can't change my timetable on the go.
And last, being busy once or twice a weeks makes almost impossible to meet my Pathfinder's group. The Dungeon Master will kill me (me, not my character).

Nothing done, surely :roll:
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Postby shandra » Sun Dec 03, 2017 4:46 pm

One hour and a half ago I finished my Japanese N5 test.

Due to many reasons, I wasn't ready (enough), but I chose to take the test anyway in spite of my lack of preparation.

The test consists of 3 part.

Part 1
The kanji section was easy. The vocabulary wasn't bad, but words was written all in hiragana so I missed something. The reading part was tough, because I didn't study enough.

Part 2
Grammar: not so bad. My problem was vocabulary :roll:

Part 3
Listening: not bad, although we listen to each question only once.

I'm glad I tried it. Obviously I regret I didn't study :oops:
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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby shandra » Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:35 pm

Just finished a Japanese class, only 4 more to go :)

During last month I've felt quite overwhelmed (mainly for job and personal reasons), and not motivated enough to study and to take advantage of my private classes.
It was really a pity :oops:

I've suspected the situation could end this way. But in September I chose to register to the test instead of deal with regrets.

Well, I regret not study for the exam, but at least I tried. 8-)
(I haven't told my teacher about the exam, because I already knew I couldn't do my best, so I've kept it my dark secret. The only way I can explain to you this resolution is with the label "it's complicated" :oops: ).

Spanish was my morning soundtrack: I've listen to some music during breakfast.
And to English songs while commuting.
Maybe it was my way to forget my commitment. :oops:

When you feel tired of your L2, I recommend you to take a little breath thanks to your L3.
You have to put in count you could will lose precious L2 study time, but it depends on your goals.

As you may imagine, N5 for me wasn't a main goal.
Nothing to do with my career, only interesting for personal satisfaction.

From mid December I will take a break for a while from any Japanese related stuff.
I am sure that without pressure I could have a fresh new start.

I'd like to go on with Gramática de Uso de Español B1-B2.

In my wish list there is also Begegnungen Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1.
I don't plan to start it this year, but maybe having the book could push me to start learning German, one day. :lol:

Thanks for reading :)
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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby shandra » Thu Dec 07, 2017 7:11 pm

I'm doing my Japanese homeworks for tomorrow (3 more lessons to go).
Do you remember what I said last time here?
shandra wrote:From mid December I will take a break for a while from any Japanese related stuff. I am sure that without pressure I could have a fresh new start.
I've just added some Japanese textbooks to my wishlist :oops:

I asked my teacher to cover N5 Grammar in around 3 months.
So we've used Try N5 for Grammar, Kirari N5 for Vocabulary and Nihongo Challenge for Kanji.

He told me he uses Contemporary Japanese with other students.
It covers N5 + N4 Grammar.

After sitting for JLPT I think that I can learn how to face a N4 challenge.
Not learning Japanese, I mean to pass a test.
It obviously involves to do as many mock exams as possible.

I hope I can finish Contemporary Japanese in six months and then use Try and Nihongo Challenge to revise grammar points (and make Anki exam's style cards). In November I can focus on mock exams.

It seems doable.

I can't say now that I'll study for N4. But dreaming things is so satisfying 8-)

During 2018 I want to track my progress.
Like how many Spanish and English books I'll read, or TV shows I'll watch.
The new Super Challenge is coming, isn't it? 8-)

I want to have fun with languages.
And maybe I'll start a new log.

Thanks for reading :)
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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby shandra » Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:32 pm

Yesterday I talked with a friend about English certifications.
She said she read about an exam for state level employment (concorso pubblico) that asked among prerequisites Cambridge First (B2) and similar (but not exams with expiration date).

Who's already read my log knows how my mind works :?
So you may imagine that I'm considering taking First :roll:

I've just sit for N5, so the mystical world of certifications seems less terrifying.

Concerning Grammar, I'm already in the B range.
I need to focus on the Writing and Speaking sections.
It's not a matter of fluency, rather of knowing how the exam works and learning how to pass it.

With an efficient plan I can take this exam by March and then concentrating on Japanese N4 until December.

Thanks for reading :)

And be ready for my next change of plans in a few days (or minutes) :lol:
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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby dampingwire » Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:11 am

shandra wrote:I've just sit for N5, so the mystical world of certifications seems less terrifying.

I've never sat any of the Cambridge certs, but I should warn you that they're not at all like the JLPT: they are not exclusively multiple-choice questions. There are sample papers here.
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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby shandra » Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:32 pm

dampingwire wrote:I should warn you that they're not at all like the JLPT.
Thank you for your kind warning. :)

I like LLF because forum members help each others evaluating pros and cons.
Here I'm not alone! Thanks :)

Compared with JLPT (low levels), English CEFR is not only more demanding in terms of studying and pressure, but also 5 times more expensive. :o

The main advantage for me is that Cambridge First (computer based) is available almost every month, so I can apply when really ready.

I underrated JLPT N5 because it was not so demanding (no productive skills needed, multiple-choice only). I sit although not ready also because next time means to wait one year long.

Trying JLPT N5 despite all meant to me to overcome my fear after 7 years of maybe one day. It's for this that now I feel so surrounded by unicorns positive.

Next year I'll apply for N4 only if I'll cover at least all grammar points and kanji by September.

Do or do not. There's no try. :mrgreen:

Thanks for reading :)
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Re: Il viaggio di Shandra

Postby shandra » Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:52 pm

Watching Sherlock.
Now I am reading this forum using British accent :roll:

I have a couple of days of holiday.
I'm spending them watching Netflix and reading in my TL.

I hope you're having a great time with your families doing what you like best (or alone immersed in your target languages).

This year Santa brought me Contemporary Japanese and Compact First.
I wonder if 2018 will be enough to finish both. :roll:

Happy end of the year to everyone!
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