Werk, Obair, Rad, Kazi - the four steps to success

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Werk, Obair, Rad, Kazi - the four steps to success

Postby Vedun » Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:36 pm

I figured out it's about time to update my blog's name and OP. My bucket list:
bucket list.png

Blue shows languages in bucket list, light blue shows languages in extended bucket list - they are with lower priority and or still not completely decided on yet.
There are three languages not shown in the bucket list, they are Basque, Indonesian and Vietnamese. There is also one more extended bucket list language - North Saami.

It's been quite some mental effort not to add any more languages to the BL, but I've managed it in the last two three years. From now on I won't devote seriously in any language not already in the BL, but that doesn't preclude dabbling.

Old post:
Ni a3 naiz, forum zaharretatik. Oso pozik nago, hauek leku berrira mugitu diren. Betiko aldatu behar zen. Ez ematen berme dut, sarri idatziko hemen dudan, baina gutxienez bisita egingo batzuetan dut.

I'm a3 from the old forums. I'm very glad, that they have moved to a new place. They definitely needed a change. I can't guarantee, that I'll write here often, but at least I'll pay a visit sometimes.
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Last edited by Vedun on Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby Serpent » Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:55 pm

Welcome back :D Great to see you here!
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LyricsTraining now has Finnish and Polish :)
Corrections welcome

Orange Belt
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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby Vedun » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:02 pm

Serpent wrote:Welcome back :D Great to see you here!

Gracias! Veo, que muchos de regulares viejos aún están aquí.
Thanks! I see that many of the old regulars are still here.

All posts should be in English, apart from the multilingual rooms, logs and challenges, where other languages are allowed. When in doubt the default language is English.

Entradas multilingües son prohibidas fuera de loges de idiomas?
Are multilingual posts forbidden outside language logs?
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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby jeff_lindqvist » Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:33 pm

Multilingual posts with translation in English are OK (as far as I know).
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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby Serpent » Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:28 pm

No son prohibidas pero no tenemos la misma cultura de posts multilingües que por ejemplo unilang.
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LyricsTraining now has Finnish and Polish :)
Corrections welcome

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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby Vedun » Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:49 am

Serpent wrote:No son prohibidas pero no tenemos la misma cultura de posts multilingües que por ejemplo unilang.

E io pensavo, che la mia idea sia originale. Poi forse qua scriverò solo in lingue, cui impari, ed altrove anch'in Inglese.

Ed adesso finalmente scrivere qualcosa sul mio apprendimento, come dove in un giornale di apprendere di lingue(dove essere più corto modo dirlo). Di recente non ho appreso molto, solo provo mantenere ciò, che già sappia. Con 'di recente' significo di mesi recenti. Ancora mi è piuttosto difficile scrivere ed ancora necessito dizionario per tutta quarta o quinta parola. Oggi esercitavo in clozemaster e un po' in lingualy.

Anche lascerò questo quì per sicurezza.

tl;dr I'm intending to give my updates in my respective target language to practice, but I might still give a summary in English.
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Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5141
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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby Tristano » Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:44 pm

Welkom @Vedun!
De grootste probleem met multitalige posten zonder vertaling is dat je schrijft en andere gebruikers kunnen je berichten niet verstaan.
Het is overigens in de logsectie toegestaan (als ik niet verkeerd weet).
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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby Vedun » Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:11 pm

Ai ai, ho completamente scordato di scrivere qui! Ho fatto un buon progresso, forse domani scriverò più.
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Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5141
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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby Tristano » Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:53 am

Eh sì, sei stato uccel di bosco :D
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Re: Egun on! Returning to HTLAL after years of absence.

Postby Vedun » Mon Aug 22, 2016 4:50 pm

Em, è tempo di tornarmi.

É passato della qualcosa dopo il mio messaggio scorso. Ho mi fatto un piano di imparare lingue. Ogni due mesi mi concentro su una lingua, mentre tento non dimenticare ciò, che già so in le altre. Il prossimo mese è tedesco.

Finora ho ripassato ed imparato di lessico in clozemaster. Malgrado che è abbastanza buono per questo, sento, che è troppo lento per me. Probabilmente lo continuerò usare, ma cerco qualcosa più veloce.
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