Genki II - Japanese Language Log

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Genki II - Japanese Language Log

Postby Xelian » Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:44 pm

My previous language log was actually on the old forum if you care to look: ... ?TID=40894

EDIT: Here's my Tobira - Summer Japanese Language Log: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2984

Last quarter I didn't make a language log, but I went through chapters 16-19 in 10 weeks, it was hard but I made it through!!

I'm going to be doing more or less the same thing this quarter, but now it is with chapters 20-22, which is slightly more laid back than last quarter. We are skipping chapter 23 (the last chapter) in the course, but I will likely be going over this chapter in the summer on my own. This is a class that really cracks down on the vocabulary, so I've had to find a kind of vocab learning routine that works for me.

I completed the chapter 20 exam just a few hours ago, so now I'm on to completing the Genki II book! It's going to be really exciting to finally finish it!

I feel like I am somewhere between B1 and B2 level with my Japanese, and by the time I finish Genki II I'll hopefully meet all of the B2 standards.

Feel free to keep track of my journey, I will update soon!!!
Last edited by Xelian on Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Genki II - Japanese Language Log

Postby Xelian » Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:47 pm

I'm on chapter 21 now and learning the vocabulary on Quizlet. We finished going over the kanji for this chapter in class today.

The passive form grammar is pretty challenging, but I've seen it in previous Japanese classes before so I am a little ahead.

I am working on a skit assignment for class, it should be interesting.

Outside of class, I am writing the script for a youtube vlog for my channel ^^

We'll see how everything goes!
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Re: Genki II - Japanese Language Log

Postby Xelian » Sun May 08, 2016 10:27 pm

I took the Chapter 21 test, and also an oral exam. I think I did well on them thankfully.

Now I'm working on the draft of my skit. I'll have it done soon ^^

To continue, I'll learn the vocabulary for Chapter 22. There are also various assignments for this week in Chapter 22 I'll be working on.

Just a few more weeks until the class is done. I'll be self-studying over the summer however ^^
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Re: Genki II - Japanese Language Log

Postby Xelian » Thu May 12, 2016 6:39 pm

I took the first chapter 22 vocabulary test (1/2), and am now working on learning words for the next vocabulary test.

The skit is nearly finished, I will be performing it with my skit partner today to get some corrections/suggestions from our sensei. The final draft of the skit is due Monday, and we present the final draft to the class during the last week of the quarter.

Since we aren't going over chapter 23, our sensei supplemented the course with a reading about "Spirited Away", which I will have to read in Japanese and answer some questions about it.

The kanji worksheet for chapter 22 is due next week. All of the chapter 22 workbook pages are due the week after next, but I really would like to get ahead on those since I rushed to complete them last time.

There is also another reading, and a kanji quiz still left near the end of the quarter.

Other than this, I've changed my phone's language to Japanese and am pleased with the fact that I am still able to use it easily. The 24 hour clock system sure is something to get use to though.

I ordered two of the required Japanese textbooks for the fall quarter. I hope to get ahead on Japanese and learn as much vocabulary/kanji from the textbooks as possible over the summer. This is because I know that 3rd year Japanese will be really hard as it is, so I'd like to at least get the vocabulary down so I can focus on the grammar and such. I'm also planning to take a class that teaches Swedish in the fall. When I tried taking two language courses here before (Japanese and Korean) I had to drop the Korean class because it was so difficult to keep up with both.

If I would have known the vocabulary for at least one of the languages in advance, it would have been so much easier. The issue was, I had to learn about 60-100 vocabulary total for both languages every 2-3 days, and this is simply unachievable for me when also taking another class with a heavy work load.

So... My plan is to learn as much Japanese vocabulary over the summer as possible (while also reviewing previous vocabulary and extra lists) so that at least half of the stress of memorization is taken off, and I can focus on learning vocabulary for Swedish during the school year. I also would like to keep up with Korean over the summer, as I'm going to be taking it again the year after next, and hopefully will be able to finish out the 1st year class sequence. It won't be easy, but now that my motivation is high and I'm more adjusted to college life, it shouldn't be as bad as this past year.

I'm only taking one quarter of Swedish. To keep up with it, if I'd like to continue, I'll try Duolingo's Swedish course and other materials I can find online. (edit: In order to get credit for language courses, you must take the entire year of the course... So, I am taking the entire year of Swedish!! ^^ check it out here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4705)

I could go on forever about my language learning plans, but I'll wrap up this post for today. ^^
Last edited by Xelian on Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Genki II - Japanese Language Log

Postby Xelian » Wed May 25, 2016 11:08 pm

Spring quarter is quickly coming to an end.

The only things I have left to do for the Japanese class are as follows:
-Chapter 22 kanji quiz
-Skit performance with classmate
-Chapter 22 (final) exam

I will be done by June 4th. This means I'll be planning my summer studies.

Here is a rough idea of what my summer will look like. For the end of June, all of July, and the beginning of August, I'll be taking a photography class (Mondays and Wednesdays for about 2 hours). This leaves a lot of time for independent studying like I use to do during the summer. I might be taking on a summer job if I can work it out or just do jobs here and there (to get money for a trip to Japan next summer).

I have no expectation of how far along I get, but I want to try and stay on a schedule. Since the fall quarter doesn't start until mid September, I have nearly 4 months to get ahead in Japanese. My main goal is to learn as much vocabulary as I can. It seems like about 35 words a week is my maximum. If I start next week, I'll have about 15 weeks, and a maximum of 525 new words learned. I have about 100 words from Genki I I need to review, and and probably less from Genki II. This means I have about 400 words I can learn from Tobira. Hopefully there are a lot of overlapping words so I can get as far ahead as possible. I will get a better idea of this number soon, and start a new language log once I get a complete estimate. Since knowing what words I will know by the time I start Tobira is a bit challenging, I might just take a look at the words after I've finished learning the ones from the Genki texts. Since there are always words that come up that I WANT to learn, I'll be potentially adding 5 or so words to the 35 each week. We'll see though, this could become quite a lot to work on.

Along with this, I plan to continue reading/writing, and speaking/listening to Japanese.
I am yet to make plans for this, but I will say what I think I'll be doing.
-Writing journals on Lang-8 (trying to reinforce grammatical structures and vocabulary), subtitling my previous videos on Youtube.
-Reading through Japanese magazines, books, and manga, reading through Tobira lessons, Read Real Japanese, LinQ, etc.
-Watching Japanese dramas and/or anime (I want to try to watch some anime I've already seen without subtitles).
-Recording my corrected Lang-8 journals and presenting them on Youtube.

I will get a better idea of what I want to do with the things that aren't vocabulary soon. I will have a definite plan by the end of the spring quarter, and will start a new language log for "Tobira - Summer Japanese Language Log"

Until then, I'll be studying for those final exams and practicing for the skit performance. ^^
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Re: Genki II - Japanese Language Log

Postby Xelian » Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:01 am

ロータス wrote:
Xelian wrote:
I will get a better idea of what I want to do with the things that aren't vocabulary soon. I will have a definite plan by the end of the spring quarter, and will start a new language log for "Tobira - Summer Japanese Language Log"

Until then, I'll be studying for those final exams and practicing for the skit performance. ^^

Please post a link here when you start up your new log :D Also I would love to hear if you feel there is a hard gap between Genki II and Tobira.

Here's the new language log~! viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2984&p=38960#p38960

Thanks so much for following my language logs. It seems that so far Tobira is actually not too difficult to transition to... I love it already! I like that most everything is in Japanese, even instruction, but there is still English explanation. Overall seems like a great book to learn from...
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