My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

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My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

Postby Fenderman » Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:23 pm


After many false starts over the last couple of years, I've decided that my main focus of study this year will be to complete all parts (textbook, audio, workbook, videos, etc.) of Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish. I've used the videos in the past and enjoyed them but I thought by adding the other elements it will give me more structure since I've had friends use this course in their college courses and swear by it.

I'll also supplement other things (Pimsluer, Language Transfer, etc.) as well as Italki lessons but I don't want to flail around with too many options since that's where I've gotten into problems in the past in trying to learn Spanish.

Good luck to everyone in your language learning pursuits this year!
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Re: My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

Postby Cerebral_Arbitrage » Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:31 am

Fenderman wrote:Hello.
I'll also supplement other things (Pimsluer, Language Transfer, etc.) as well as Italki lessons but I don't want to flail around with too many options since that's where I've gotten into problems in the past in trying to learn Spanish.

Hi Fenderman. Welcome to the Forum! If you have a commute to work or drive around a lot, I've found "Pimsleur" or "Learning Spanish Like Crazy" practice in the car to be really helpful. The only problem is that I can get sick of it sometimes. :D
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Re: My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

Postby Fenderman » Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:36 pm

Cerebral_Arbitrage wrote:If you have a commute to work or drive around a lot, I've found "Pimsleur" or "Learning Spanish Like Crazy" practice in the car to be really helpful. The only problem is that I can get sick of it sometimes. :D

Hi Cerebral_Arbitrage. Thank you for the information since I haven’t heard about “Learning Spanish Like Crazy” so I'll definitely try that out after Pimsleur.
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Re: My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

Postby Le Baron » Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:43 pm

Fenderman wrote:but I don't want to flail around with too many options since that's where I've gotten into problems in the past in trying to learn Spanish.

A good idea. I also had a false start with Spanish until I just started a course and got on with it. Not doing this just creates a tiresome loop where you're looking for new resources all the time rather than just studying. I hadn't had this problem before, but Spanish is one of those which has a ton of resources (and there are lots of conflicting recommendations).
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Re: My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

Postby Fenderman » Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:12 pm

Le Baron wrote:but Spanish is one of those which has a ton of resources (and there are lots of conflicting recommendations).

Hi Le Baron. You are so correct on this fact since there's so many options for Spanish that it's often overwhelming. Hopefully by focusing mostly on one course (Destinos) it will keep me focused this year.
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Re: My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

Postby Fenderman » Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:10 pm

I'm a little late updating since I had planned on doing so bi-weekly but work was a little crazy.


I stayed on track by completeding the first 3 Chapters from the book along with the audio as well as the 3 chapters and audio from the accompanying workbook. I also watch each episode at least twice: with and without subtitles.


I did a lesson a day in Pimsleur so that's the good news. The bad news is I quickly remembered how boring it can be. I think I'm going to work through the first two of the five levels before taking a break and going to something else like Paul Noble before coming back again to Pimsleur to keep it interesting.


Averaged around 10-15 minutes a day which is all I'm really shooting for otherwise it becomes a little boring for me.


Not a lot of choices out there for a beginner in the reading department but I found some graded readers so I made my way through those. Since I'm a false-beginner I'm really trying to make it a priority to add more reading this time since it was always lacking in the past.


All in all I'm fairly happy with my start since I was consistent and studied everyday and averaged around an hour each of those days. My plan is to start working more on grammar and trying to find more reading material in Spanish that is A1 friendly.
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My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

Postby Fenderman » Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:24 pm

Destinos: Finished the first four Chapters of the textbook/workbooks and also watched each episode at least twice: with and without subtitles.

Listening: Completed Level I of Pimsleur and started Level II.

Anki: Averaged around 10-15 minutes a day.

Reading: Didn't do as much as I wanted but still read some simple short stories.

Comments: Overall I'm happy since I averaged a little more than a hour a day. That said, I need to add more reading in Spanish and also introduce more Grammar practice. I'm also hoping to add some Italki lessons as well by the end of the month.
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Re: My Quest to Finish the Destinos Course in 2023

Postby Fenderman » Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:00 pm

I’m WAY overdue for updating this since I started the year wanting to do it ever other week but the good news is I’ve at least been consistent with my Spanish learning so far and averaging about an hour a day.

I also plan to have my first tutor session on italki later this week so that’s good.

Destinos: I fell slightly behind with me trying to complete a chapter from the textbook/workbook a week along with watching the videos. I’ve completed 10 chapters so far.

Listening: Completed Level 2 of Pimsleur but thought I’d take a break so I started Paul Noble’s course to see how it compares.

Anki: Averaged around 10 minutes a day.

Reading: Read simple short stories.

Comments: I’m excited to add some tutoring this week on italki!
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