Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

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Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby frenchfish55 » Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:52 am

Right now I am A2 in French and I was inspired by user SKYNET from this forum (He used a lot of courses in his preparation to DELF B2)
Let's check what will happens with me after 3 month
I am now Iversen's guinea pig :-)

My current routine
Reading Fiction books (2-2,5 hours) 5 days per week ( Currently Le Petit Nicolas) during my road to work
RFI 20-30 minutes
Living language FRENCH Advanced (20 minutes)
Reading News in french (1 hour per day)
Grammar (10-15 minutes) Good russian grammar book
Unfortunatly I don't like exercises (they are somehow boring) and I was avoiding them during my learning of English

Buffy(now it's little bit difficult for me, but I will give her a chance to beat PeterM )
We will call her Buffy PeterM Slayer :-) my secret weapon

So i am going to add Iversen lists from vocabulary books like Vocabulaire progressive
and grammar exercises
Right now it's mostly passive skills improvements...

Weekends (I don't decided yet what I will do during weekends. Maybe It'll be Tv series or cartoons like Le Petit Nicolas)

FAMOUS skynet thread how he archieved B2 during summer holidays ... =15&t=8686
UNFAMOUS PeterM log.. There are a lot of them... Attention dangerous for the brain
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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby Iversen » Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:47 am

frenchfish55 wrote:I am now Iversen's guinea pig :-)

:shock: ... but good luck with the experiment
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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby PeterMollenburg » Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:05 am

frenchfish55 wrote:FAMOUS skynet thread how he archieved B2 during summer holidays ... =15&t=8686

Skynet was quite impressive indeed.

frenchfish55 wrote:UNFAMOUS PeterM log.. There are a lot of them... Attention dangerous for the brain



frenchfish55... Good luck!
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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby frenchfish55 » Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:11 am

PeterMollenburg wrote:----------------------------------------------

frenchfish55... Good luck!

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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby badger » Wed Aug 31, 2022 12:35 pm

bon courage!

A2->B2 in three months is quite a leap - are you intending to talk to any French speakers for active skills practise ?
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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby frenchfish55 » Wed Aug 31, 2022 12:50 pm

badger wrote:bon courage!

A2->B2 in three months is quite a leap - are you intending to talk to any French speakers for active skills practise ?

I am not sure.The are doubts that I'll have time for language exchange during next 3-4 month.
My primary goals are listening and reading (vocabulary). Now I don't think about speaking.
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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby desafiar » Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:11 pm

Good luck. I'm fairly certain, I'd melt at 1.5 months in were I to put in the hours needed to do that.
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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby Cavesa » Thu Sep 01, 2022 8:20 am

frenchfish55 wrote:Bonjour
Right now I am A2 in French and I was inspired by user SKYNET from this forum (He used a lot of courses in his preparation to DELF B2)
Let's check what will happens with me after 3 month
I am now Iversen's guinea pig :-)

Great to see you start your own log!!! And it will be a pleasure to see your progress, thanks for sharing it! And don't hesitate to share obstacles and troubles too, it often helps. Haven't seen Skynet around for some time, I miss them.

My current routine
Reading Fiction books (2-2,5 hours) 5 days per week ( Currently Le Petit Nicolas) during my road to work
RFI 20-30 minutes
Living language FRENCH Advanced (20 minutes)
Reading News in french (1 hour per day)
Grammar (10-15 minutes) Good russian grammar book
Unfortunatly I don't like exercises (they are somehow boring) and I was avoiding them during my learning of English

Fiction is great. And RFI is surely a recommended resource.
Living language "advanced" is sort of A2 and not too highly regarded course. What are your plans after that? Perhaps a B1 and B2 level of something like Édito.
What is your russian based grammar book like? I find that sometimes books based in German or Czech are more thorough than those based in English, what type of book is that? I am curious :-)
The exercises are usually a huge part of grammar learning. You may not be using your book to the full potential. However, there are other options. For example some learners prefer to turn their grammar examples into anki cards, and therefore have a different kind of practice. It depends. I personally think you need some sort of practice, but there are definitely more ways to go about it.

Buffy(now it's little bit difficult for me, but I will give her a chance to beat PeterM )
We will call her Buffy PeterM Slayer :-) my secret weapon

I think it was Garyb, who started the Buffy wave in our community. I still haven't watched the show! I should get the German dub :-D It should be awesome for my tastes.

So i am going to add Iversen lists from vocabulary books like Vocabulaire progressive
and grammar exercises
Right now it's mostly passive skills improvements...

The Progressive books are awesome. I'd recommend vocab, grammaire, and also communication. Either for the tons of exercises, or for Iversen lists, or Anki, or anything you like. But there is nothing more complete and thorough on the language learning market for any language. I'd suggest you started at Intermediaire level. They can even replace any "normal" coursebooks, if you chose so.

Weekends (I don't decided yet what I will do during weekends. Maybe It'll be Tv series or cartoons like Le Petit Nicolas)

FAMOUS skynet thread how he archieved B2 during summer holidays ... =15&t=8686
UNFAMOUS PeterM log.. There are a lot of them... Attention dangerous for the brain

I am sure you'll get on the list of FAMOUS logs! Good luck! And have fun!
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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby frenchfish55 » Thu Sep 01, 2022 9:12 am

Cavesa wrote:
frenchfish55 wrote:Bonjour
Right now I am A2 in French and I was inspired by user SKYNET from this forum (He used a lot of courses in his preparation to DELF B2)
Let's check what will happens with me after 3 month
I am now Iversen's guinea pig :-)

Great to see you start your own log!!! And it will be a pleasure to see your progress, thanks for sharing it! And don't hesitate to share obstacles and troubles too, it often helps. Haven't seen Skynet around for some time, I miss them.

I am sure you'll get on the list of FAMOUS logs! Good luck! And have fun!

Cavesa thanks for your inspiration
I chose russian grammar book, because lingustics terms, explanations are easier for me in russian and I prefer paper version
I have few grammar books, they all cover the same topic. So they are almost equal, but one book explain better pronoun, another verbs, verb tenses etc
Ivanchenko-Grammatika or another name Grammaire francaise
Grammatika is russian word written by latin characters for Grammaire
Yes I know that Living Language is A2. I'll try to complete it quickly, so it is additional resource to me, because of dialogues and its format. Speed of Speech is faster than ASSIMIL .
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Re: Road to B2 in French (3 month) with Iversen lists + Buffy against PeterM . SKYNET 2

Postby Cavesa » Fri Sep 02, 2022 3:49 pm

frenchfish55 wrote:I chose russian grammar book, because lingustics terms, explanations are easier for me in russian and I prefer paper version
I have few grammar books, they all cover the same topic. So they are almost equal, but one book explain better pronoun, another verbs, verb tenses etc
Ivanchenko-Grammatika or another name Grammaire francaise
Grammatika is russian word written by latin characters for Grammaire

Yes, the terminology is one thing. I love some Czech based grammar books also because they don't shy away from translation based exercises and from lots of drills (a few could compete against the FSI material and win. Perhaps not in the audio part, but in the drill and paper part yes). So, I was curious what are your Russian based grammars like. Are they exercise heavy or rather focused on explanations? What types of exercises are there?

Perhaps I am too curious though. :-D

(And it wasn't that hard guess what "grammatika" meant ;-) )

But I am so eager to see you succeed!!!! It will be a great journey!
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