Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Mon May 15, 2023 4:36 am

Weekly update for the 2023 365 Day Challenge

Turkish 30 min
- I started unit 13, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish.
- I finally managed to watch the first two episodes of A League of Their Own. Of course I know it’s an idealized version of 1940s USA, but everything looks so pretty! And I adore the fact that these characters are wearing casual, sporty clothes, things that were usually only acceptable in public for teenagers. I love the aesthetics of vintage and retro clothing, but I’ve always been more drawn to these styles, not so much to the ladylike things grown women were generally expected to wear.

- Hugo - Taking Dutch further, lesson 4, text 1
- Listening: I finished Boy 7 (30 min). Yes, it’s a book for young readers, but I enjoyed it.

- 2 little topics Hueber Italienisch Übungsgrammatik A1-A2

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 13, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish
- I listened to the last story of the Turkish Fairy Tales Youtube channel that interested me, The Wild Swans (about 10 min).

- listening: 1 episode Chroniques Criminelles

- 2 little topics Hueber Italienisch Übungsgrammatik A1-A2

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 13, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish
- watching: 2 episodes A League of Their Own

- Hugo - Taking Dutch further, lesson 4, text 1

- I started, but didn’t finish 1 topic in Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 13, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish

I think I might have finally found a mnemonic for the most confusing aspect of the conditional tenses.

So we have two forms for the simple present tense:
gelirsem - If I come (possible)
gelsem - If I came (improbable)

And two forms for the past:
geldiysem - If I came (possible)
gelseydim - If I would have come (improbable)

I don’t know if this would apply to any conditional tense. But according to these four forms, I could say: The closer the conditional marker (sa / se) to the verb stem, the less probable the action.

- I finished yesterday’s topic in Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana.
- 1 mini-topic Italienisch Übungsbuch Grammatik A1-A2
- listening: I started a new audio book, Maurizio de Giovanni: Il senso del dolore (about 30 min)

I have bought new headphones.
I do most of my listening practice while I’m either cooking or out and about (walking, metro, bus).
For years I had just used any old pair of cheap earbuds, but the cable always got caught on my cross-body bag.
A friend gave me a big wireless headset he had lying around. That was a great change, but it was a bit bulky, and I didn’t like how it flattened my hair when it was recently styled. (I’m always in a hurry when I go dancing and run out of the door with still-wet hair.)
I had never considered wireless in-ear headphones, because I was afraid of losing them. But the other day I thought: There must be an option with loops for sports, and yes, I found a pair on Amazon.
I’m superhappy with these, I think they are going to be a game changer.

Turkish 30 min
- I started to review some older vocabulary flashcards.
- I finished unit 13, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish.
Usually I would now take a little break from the course, because I’m a bit frustrated. But there are only 4 units left and I would like to finish soon, so I think I’ll keep going.
- watching: 1 episode A League of Their Own

- 1 mini-topic Italienisch Übungsbuch Grammatik A1-A2
- listening: Il senso del dolore (about 30 min)

Turkish 30 min
- I managed to start and finish the explanation part of unit 14, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish, in one sitting, because I was already familiar with most of the topics.
- watching: 1 episode A League of Their Own

- 3 topics Vocabulaire progressif du français
- listening: 1 episode Chroniques Criminelles

- 2 mini-topics Italienisch Übungsbuch Grammatik A1-A2
I think I might concentrate on this during the next weeks, because I’ve advanced a lot with this book and could finish it soon.
- listening: Il senso del dolore (about 30 min)

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 14, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish, exercise part
- I watched the last episode of A League of Their Own. This series is not what I expected it to be. I thought it would about baseball, and it turned out to be about how the LGBTQ-community navigated life in early 1940s USA. Oh, and some of the characters happen to play baseball. Still a good show, I enjoyed it.

- 2 little topics Hueber Italienisch Übungsgrammatik A1-A2

I have a cold - again. I think it might be the tenth since October, I’m so fed up. On the one hand I’m really angry at my body, on the other hand I probably know the reason. I’m leading a rather healthy life, but one aspect is problematic: I’m not able to relax. I’m always busy either physically or mentally, I never wind down, and that’s taking a toll on my immune system.
I’m superhappy with the effects of the 365 days challenge for Turkish, it’s teaching me how to be disciplined and consistent and it’s really showing results.
I think, once I’m actually willing to work on the relaxation-thing, I might do something similar.
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Sun May 21, 2023 8:25 pm

Weekly update for the 2023 365 Day Challenge

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 14, The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook, exercise part
- Watching: I discovered a new Turkish series on netflix, Terzi (Tailor), but I had to force myself to watch the first episode till the end, because it is another one of these typical Turkish super-over-the-top dramas. Fame, money, vice, family, trauma, death, illness ... We get all of this served in the first half of the episode. But when it turns out towards the end who’s the bad guy here, and how very, very bad he is, I really lost interest. I’m not sure if I’ll give it another chance.

- reading: 3 chapters Florence

- listening: Il senso del dolore (30 min)

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 14, The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook, exercise part
The way I go through this course is the following: With every new unit, I start with the coursebook and just read through the explanation part (which has a text and, duh, explanations) and underline things. Later, when I work on the exercise part, I have to refer back to the explanations to understand the assignment and how to do it.
And then I repeat the second part again with the corresponding unit in the workbook. It works well for me. Yesterday I had noticed that I needed a bit more “at one glance” clarity for some topics in this unit, so today I started to write grammar flashcards. I managed to make two so far.

- I worked through text 3 Hugo - Taking Dutch further
- reading: 3 chapters Florence

- listening: Il senso del dolore (30 min)
- I did the test at the end of unit 10, Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana

Turkish 45 min
- working on unit 14, The Delights of Learning Turkish: I wrote 2 grammar flashcards

-reading: 2 chapters Florence

- listening: 1 episode Chroniques Criminelles
I’m not going to listen to any more episodes of this podcast for the time being. Lately they are all reposts of older ones.

- listening: Il senso del dolore (30 min)

Turkish 30 min
- I finished the exercises of unit 14 in the coursebook and started with unit 14 in the workbook of The Delights of Learning Turkish.

- 2 topics Communication progressive du français A2 B1

- 2 little topics HUEBER Italienisch Übungsbuch Grammatik A1-A2
- listening: Il senso del dolore (30 min)

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 14, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 14, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish

Today was one of these days I really wasn’t happy with the course.
First because of a translation exercise that was supposed to resolve doubts about certain expressions, but only created more by pointing out that, technically, “İçme suyu” could mean both “drinking water” and “Don’t drink the water”.
Generally I’m very confused by the exercises for this unit, because they mix all the different topics and use verbs or adjectives that have not been introduced properly during the explanation part of the unit in the coursebook.

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 14, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish
In the end, I’m mainly worked through the exercises in a passive way: looking up the answers, analysing the resulting sentences and taking note of what they showed me of the use of certain verbs / expressions.

While working on my translation project (English -> German), I needed a synonym for “das Chaos”. I ended up writing “das Tohuwabohu” and was thinking: I’ve always used this word without paying much attention to it. Maybe I found it funny as a child, but I’ve never wondered where it comes from, although it doesn’t look very German.
Turns out it’s Hebrew (tohû wạ vohû), means “desolation and waste” and is an expression from the Bible (Genesis 1,1-2). Still doesn’t really explain to me how it ended up in German in its untranslated form. Anyway, although its meaning is quite dramatic, it still sounds droll to me.
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby tastyonions » Sun May 21, 2023 11:46 pm

French also has tohu-bohu as a synonym for chaos:
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Sun May 28, 2023 7:23 pm

Weekly update for the 2023 365 Day Challenge

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 14, The Delights of Learning Turkish, workbook
Right now I hate everything about this.

Turkish 30 min
Today was much better than yesterday. I finished the last exercise of unit 14 in the workbook of The Delights of Learning Turkish. But generally, this unit made me angry. It introduced 4 different big topics.
The only one that was completely new to me was the use of “rağmen”, but that was actually easy to explain and understand.
Then there were different ways of saying what you like (to do). At least, it became clear to me today that I have understood the structures well, even though I might not yet be able to actively recall the cases. But I have already seen the different forms several times and am familiar with them.
Then there were the different ways of expressing need and obligation. Why should it occur to anyone to introduce these all at the same time? WHY? I just had a look at my grammar flashcards and counted 12 different structures. Oh, come on!
The last one was the use of verbs + different kind of infinitives. That one was annoying as well, because the coursebook introduced some verbs with their respective cases, and then the workbook asked me to actively use others that had not expressly been introduced. So, impossible to do without looking it up. Sigh.
Okay, let’s take a deep breath, end of rant.
I still had time left to start with unit 15 in the coursebook.
- watching: I gave Terzi another chance, and now that I know what to expect, it’s okay. I watched 2 episodes.

Turkish 30 min
- I finished the explanation part of unit 15, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish
- watching: 2 episodes Terzi

Turkish 30 min
- working on the exercise part, unit 15, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish
- I watched the last 2 episodes of Terzi. Very cringy, but they managed to make me care about the characters, so that is something, I guess.

- Because I’m in Amsterdam right now, I wanted to do at least a little bit of Dutch. So I’m pausing my Italian audiobook and started with a Dutch one, Blauwe maandagen by Arnon Grunberg (about 30 min).
- I also watched a film on netflix, Faithfully yours, which was okay in the beginning but just got worse and worse. I’m really tired of the search for good content, in any language.

Turkish 30 min
- working on the exercise part, unit 15, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish

Turkish 30 min
- I finished unit 15 of The Delights of Learning Turkish in the coursebook and started the corresponding part in the workbook.

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 15, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish

I finished the film Lee & Cindy C I’ve been watching bit by bit during the last days.
Nothing special, just a romantic comedy, but at least it didn’t pretend to be anything it wasn’t.
Last edited by Sonjaconjota on Tue May 30, 2023 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Tue May 30, 2023 5:55 am

So, about my days in Amsterdam:
First things first: I really did not speak a lot of Dutch.
When it came to asking for information / help, in the city centre, people just answered in English, even if I tried to speak to them in Dutch, so I just gave up. The only place where Dutch worked was at the supermarket in front of my hotel in a quarter in the Western part of the city.
By the way, this area turned out to have a population of mainly Moroccan and Turkish descent, so I actually heard a lot of Turkish.
(I also had to put up with hours and hours of honking the whole night through after Erdoğan was reelected.)
At the swing dance festival, it was a bit weird as well. I guess I was one of the few people (if not the only one) who had come from abroad, but many of the participants were expats living in the Netherlands, and the main language of communication just very naturally was English. I spoke to one Spanish guy who told me that he had been living in Utrecht for twelve years and didn’t speak any Dutch. That made me really sad.
But I managed to speak a tiny little bit of Dutch and also Italian on the dancefloor.
If I go back to the Netherlands for language learning reasons, I’ll definitely go to a smaller town. (Utrecht seems to have a thriving swing and blues dance community, from what I heard at the festival ...)
I had to work a bit, did some touristy things and some shopping.
In regards to my plans of visiting a bookshop: I was surprised to see at least three very big bookstores for books in English in the centre. Finally, I managed to find a nice large store for books in Dutch called Scheltema.
I bought a thriller called De duiker by Mathijs Deen and the language learning book Nederlands op niveau, which will take the learner from B1 to B2.
I also found a book in Dutch at a bookexchange shelf, it is a compilation of the three Millenium books by Stieg Larsson, combined in one huge paperback.
I would have preferred something originally Dutch, but after seeing how incredibly expensive paperback novels are in the Netherlands (costing about double of what I would expect in Germany), I’m very thankful for my find.
(Unfortunately, my suitcase got lost during the flight back, and all of the books are inside. Let’s just hope it’ll turn up again.)
By the way, I was also tempted to get Intermediate Dutch – A grammar and workbook by Routledge. First I was put off by the fact that the publishers don’t reference to the CEFR and I wouldn’t know the level it’s aimed at according to the framework I’m used to. But then I also noticed the price. It’s a small, thin volume, and it cost about 65 € in the American Book Center (What?) and about 54 € at Scheltema (about 50 € at Amazon Spain). Has anybody used this and could give me any information about it?
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Mon Jun 05, 2023 4:23 am

Weekly update for the 2023 365 Day Challenge

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 15, The Delights of Learning Turkish, workbook
- I saw online that the main actor from Terzi was also playing the protagonist in Hakan: Muhafız, which I found amusing, because the two characters are so completely different that I didn’t even recognize them as being played by the same person. (Yes, I know that’s what actors are paid for. But isn’t it astonishing sometimes?)
So I decided to give Hakan: Muhafız another chance. I had watched about half an episode when I first started learning Turkish and hadn’t been to keen on it.
Now I’ve rewatched the whole first episode, and I’m okay with it.
I had also completely forgotten that one of the other actors is German Turk Mehmet Kurtuluş, so that was a nice surprise.
I hope I really get into the series, because it has four seasons with a total of 32 episodes and would keep me busy for a while.

- listening: Blauwe maandagen (1 h)
I might not go on with this book, as I’m not really enjoying it, neither the content nor the fractured way of narrating.

Turkish 30 min
The airline managed to lose my suitcase on the way back from Amsterdam to Barcelona. Not only mine, but everybody’s luggage got lost due to a strike of the handling company, and my two books of The Delights of Learning Turkish-course are in my suitcase.
I really, really hope I’ll get it back, because of the books and all the other great stuff in there.
So, today I had to work on something different and spent my thirty minutes with PONS Grammatik kurz & bündig Türkisch.
And it has been quite satisfying. On the one hand, I’m nearly finished with this small grammar book. On the other hand, I’ve worked through some topics (e. g. gerunds and participles) that looked a bit scary at first glance. But the book laid them out in a very clear way, and it turned out that I already knew most of the forms but had learned them as vocabulary items in the past. So, seeing them in a broader grammatical context was neat.
- watching: 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

Turkish 30 min
- I worked through the last little topics of PONS Grammatik kurz & bündig Türkisch and finished the book!
- 5 minutes or so of working on the graded short story Konstantin'in Kayıp Heykeli (intensive reading)
- watching: 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

Turkish 30 min
- working on 1 topic, Turkish Grammar in Practice
- watching: 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

Turkish 30 min
- I wrote 1 grammar flashcard
- intensive reading: graded short story Konstantin'in Kayıp Heykeli

Turkish 30 min
- Turkish Grammar in Practice

Turkish 30 min
- Turkish Grammar in Practice
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:24 pm

Weekly update for the 2023 365 Day Challenge

Turkish 30 min
- I finished unit 15 The Delights of Learning Turkish, workbook.
- review of some older vocabulary flashcards
- 2 episodes Hakan: Muhafız

After a week, I finally got my suitcase back, not because the airline or handling company kept me informed in any way, but because I went to the airport twice to ask about it.
Lesson learnt: Always put a tag with your name and telephone number/email-address on any luggage (me and others contacted some people whose luggage was standing around since the day before while waiting to do our reclamation) and never put anything inside that has any kind of value for you, for example, your language learning books or your dancing shoes. I had also packed away my agenda and my teeth guard - never again! Right now, I’m actually considering buying an AirTag.

Turkish 30 min
- I started unit 16, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish.
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

- I worked through the first text of Hugo Taking Dutch further, lesson 5

- listening: several episodes Crimes - Histoires vraies

- I worked through 1 little topic in Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana.
- listening: Il senso del dolore (45 min)
- Currently I’m also obsessed with 2 songs in Italian, Le parole lontane by Måneskin and Ovunque sarai by Irama.

I’ve handed in the big project that was superurgent and my main focus during the last month. The publishers were in no hurry with the next project and let me set the submission date myself, so I chose the start of September.
This will give me ample time to work on it in a relaxed way.
After having been so stressed for the last months, I’m really looking forward to it.
I also haven’t planned any travelling till the end of August. My idea is to just enjoy summer in Barcelona. There’s a lot of swing dancing going on here in the summertime and I also want to dedicate time to other personal interests and hobbies: of course language learning, but also hiking, then there are some sewing and knitting projects that I had to put on the back burner, and one mammoth task I’ve imposed on myself and which consists in creating physical photo albums for my life so far.
On the one hand I’m excited, on the other hand I’m worried I might have planned too much and will end up stressed again, especially because the car and some things around the house need attention, too. (Adulting just never stops, does it?)

Turkish 30 min
- I finished the explanation part of unit 16, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish.
- 2 episodes Hakan: Muhafız
There was a big revelation, and I was like: “I knew it!” I guess we can say I’m officially hooked.

- reading: 6 chapters Florence

Turkish 30 min
- 1 topic Turkish Grammar in Practice
- I started the exercise part in The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook, unit 16.
- 2 episodes Hakan: Muhafız

- speaking: 1 h conversation class

- listening: I finished Il senso del dolore (1 h)

Turkish 30 min
- working on the exercise part in The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook, unit 16
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

- reading: 5 chapters Florence

Turkish 30 min
- working on the exercise part in The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook, unit 16
- 3 episodes Hakan: Muhafız
The plot holes are starting to become a bit ridiculous, but I’m in now for better or worse.
- I also listened to 1 episode of News in Simple Turkish, a podcast I’ve found on spotify (about 4 min). I basically only understood what the episode was about: El Niño.

- reading: 4 chapters Florence

Turkish 30 min
- working on the exercise part in The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook, unit 16
- 1 topic Turkish Grammar in Practice

I read the last 10 or so chapters of Florence and finished the book. Hm, nothing special.
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Mon Jun 19, 2023 7:18 am

Weekly update for the 2023 365 Day Challenge

Turkish 30 min
- I finally finished the exercise part of unit 16, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish.
- I started unit 16 in the workbook.
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

- 2 little topics Conjugaison Progressive du Français

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 16, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish
- 1 topic Turkish Grammar in Practice

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 16, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 16, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish

- speaking: 45 min conversation class

Turkish 30 min
Today I had a lot of work (I’m reviewing the review of my translation). Because it had priority, I did not do my half hour of Turkish first thing in the morning, as usual, but left it for later. I finally started between working and going out to dance, and my head was completely empty. I wanted to finish unit 16 in the workbook of The Delights of Learning Turkish, but I was just staring at the page without even understanding what I was supposed to do.
So I put the book away and did something easier.
I worked on the third story in my graded reader by Circon, Konstantin.
- 2 episodes Hakan: Muhafız

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 16, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish
- I also wrote 1 grammar flashcard.
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

Turkish 30 min
I finally finished unit 16, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish. This one was tough.
Only one more unit to go. I’m going to finish this course soon!
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız
I’m just starting the third season of Hakan: Muhafız, and the plot revolves around a deadly virus spreading in Istanbul. I looked up when this season was first released. At the beginning of March 2020. Wow.
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:08 pm

Weekly update for the 2023 365 Day Challenge

Turkish 30 min
- I started unit 17, The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook.

- working through text 2, lesson 5, Hugo - Taking Dutch further

- reading: I started a new book, Patients, the autobiography of Grand Corps Malade, 2 little chapters

- 1 little topic Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana
- 1 little topic Hueber - Italienisch Übungsbuch Grammatik A1-A2

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 17, The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook
- 3 episodes Hakan: Muhafız

- reading: Patients, 5 little chapters

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 17, The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook, exercise part
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

- reading: Patients, 3 little chapters

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 17, The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook, exercise part
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

- I started a new audiobook, Vrij uitzicht by Anya Niewierra, about 45 min

Turkish 30 min
- I finished the exercise part of lesson 17, coursebook, The Delights of Learning Turkish.
This one was difficult, I skipped an exercise and did a couple more passively through analysing the solutions.
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

- 45 min conversation class
- I worked through the last text, lesson 5, Hugo - Taking Dutch further.
I really like both the Hugo book and the Dutch book by PONS I’m working with, but I think they might not be what I really need.
Both concentrate on providing the student with the more complex vocabulary and sentence structures that you need as an intermediate student. But, as I have seen again this morning during the conversation class, my biggest problem is accuracy. I think maybe I should rather review the basics, because I lack a strong foundation.
So I looked up a couple of things I was struggling with this morning in my beginners’ grammar book by Hueber.

- 1 topic CLE Grammaire progressive du français

Turkish 30 min
- I started unit 17, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish. It started with a text about a group that goes hiking, and I found out about the long-distance hiking trail Lycian Way in Turkey. Very interesting!
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız. I do not enjoy season 4 as much as the other ones.

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 17, workbook, The Delights of Learning Turkish
- I read 3 mini-stories for reading learners at
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

- 2 little topics Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana
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Re: Little by little (TUR, DUT, ITA, FRE)

Postby Sonjaconjota » Sun Jul 02, 2023 7:49 pm

Weekly update for the 2023 365 Day Challenge

Turkish 30 min
- working on unit 17, The Delights of Learning Turkish, workbook
- 2 episodes Hakan: Muhafız

- 1 big topic Vocabulaire progressif du français
- listening: 1 episode Chroniques criminelles (It even seemed to have actually been a new one!)
- reading: 12 little chapters Patients

Turkish 30 min
- I finished unit 17, The Delights of Learning Turkish, workbook. That means I have basically finished this course. There is a bit of extra content at the end of the coursebook, like a restaurant menu and a list of Turkish idioms, that I will have a look at tomorrow, but after that, that’s it!
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

Turkish 40 min
I had a look at the additional material at the end of The Delights of Learning Turkish, coursebook. I’m done!
The 365 day challenge has made working through this course a very satisfying experience.
So, what’s next?
- I am soon going to finish Turkish Grammar in Practice.
- I am going to work through the third story of my graded reader by Circon.
- I want to review through part 10 - 12 of my distance course again, because I feel that I need it.
- Today I have also been browsing a bit before going to sleep through the Lonely Planet Turkish Phrasebook a friend gave to me.

I read the last 8 little chapters of Patients.
In the end, this isn’t really the autobiography of Grand Corps Malade, it’s him explaining his life during the first months after the accident that left him physically handicapped at a young age. Not a fun read, but interesting and short.

- 2 little topics Hueber Italienisch Übungsbuch Grammatik A1-A2

Turkish 30 min
- I worked through 2 topics in Turkish Grammar in Practice.
- I read 4 ministories at
- 1 episode Hakan: Muhafız

- listening: 45 min Vrij uitzicht
I’m enjoying this, but there is one problem. It seems that the author likes to repeat certain themes, thus the story takes place in the same region as Het bloemenmeisje, and among the main characters there are names that are the same. Add the fact that the narrator is the same one, Charlotte Lap, and it really creates some confusion.

- 1 little topic Communication progressive français A2-B1

- 1 little topic Hueber Italienisch Übungsbuch Grammatik A1-A2

Turkish 30 min
- I worked through the last topic in Turkish Grammar in Practice - and thus finished the book!
- intensive reading: working on the short story Konstantin
- I watched the last episode of Hakan: Muhafız! I’m happy with the experience, it’s nice to have finished the series, but now I have to look for new content again.

- listening: 30 min Vrij uitzicht

Turkish 30 min
- I started reviewing part 10, lesson 1 of my beginners’ distance course.
- I have discovered the youtube channel Travel Comic. Because of the name (Franzi) and accent of this young lady, I guess she’s a German native speaker. I’m watching her series about hiking the Lycian Way, and although she starts out speaking mainly English and only a bit of Turkish, from the second video on everything is completely in Turkish.
I began watching this because I was interested in the topic, but this is going to be great in regard to the language as well. Because her Turkish is slow and simple, it’s actually easier for me to understand her than native speakers. (3 videos watched)

I started lesson 4 in PONS Power-Sprachkurs Niederländisch für Fortgeschrittene A2-B1. The topic so far is the Dutch educational system. I find it very cute that the Germanic Dutch word for philosophy is “wijsbegeerte”, which means something like “urge for wisdom”.

Turkish 30 min
- working on the review of part 10, lesson 1, of my beginners’ distance course
- 3 youtube videos: Travel Comic - Likya Yolu

- listening: 1 episode Chroniques criminelles
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