Carl's log: Spanish, Scandinavian, German

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Re: Carl's log: Spanish, Scandinavian, German

Postby jeff_lindqvist » Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:52 pm

Welcome onboard!

That's some plan you've got there! There are members here who are native speakers of the Scandinavian languages, so feel free to ask any questions you might have. I'm from Sweden and watch anything I can in Danish and Norwegian. I've written a little about my listening experiences for both languages in my log (posts from late 2018 until the end of 2019).
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Re: Carl's log: Spanish, Scandinavian, German

Postby DaveAgain » Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:00 pm

Carl wrote:Here are my posted goals for the SC:
Language: Germanic (primarily German, but also Swedish, Norwegian, and/or Danish)
Challenge: half
Current level: B1+ for German, C2- for Swedish, C1- for Norwegian, and thus I read Danish.
Comments, links: Targeting Germanic languages instead of just German is less daunting, since I can coast along in Scandinavian if I get behind on German. To start, I plan to listen to and read the transcript of Trisolaris Trilogie Hörspiel, to watch film versions of Emil und die Detektive, and to listen to and read Die 13 1/2 Leben des K-pt'n Blaubär.
I was watching an Erich Kästner interview earlier, he autographed a copy of Emil und die Detektive on camera :-)
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Yellow Belt
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Re: Carl's log: Spanish, Scandinavian, German

Postby wallflower » Mon May 06, 2024 3:43 am

Carl wrote:It’s five days into the Super Challenge, and I’m already behind in three of the four areas. There’s still time to catch up! ;-) Fortunately, part of why I am behind is that I haven’t fully developed the habit of logging podcasts I listen to, so I’ve listened to more than what I take credit for.

I don't know if this would help you, but my trick for keeping track of podcasts is to take a screenshot on my phone when I pause the podcast at the point I'm no longer listening for that session, and now I have a record of what the podcast was and how far I got into it. Then at the end of the day or whenever I have the chance to log my activities, I only need open my photos app and look at the recent photos :D
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