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Life and language in transition to adulthood

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:03 am
by Bilingual_monoglot
Hello. So, I've just graduated from school and will be taking the A Levels in 3 weeks. Next year I will also start a 2 year career as a conscript. In liew of this, as well as to make a clean start, I have decided to start this new log.

At the moment, I am planning to focus on Chinese, Malay, and either Hindi or Telugu. At some point, I would like to swap out Mandarin Chinese for either Hokkien or Cantonese. Eventually, I would also like to try out some other languages.

This log will be an attempt to document my daily language learning activity and a place for any language related musings and fun facts I have as well.

Re: Life and language in transition to adulthood

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:13 am
by Bilingual_monoglot
Yesterday I watched the first episode of the chinese dub of Death Note and did 5 minutes of drops for Chinese, and nothing else. (My current focus is on the upcoming A Level papers, which means that my language programme is going to be fairly minimalist for now.)

Re: Life and language in transition to adulthood

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:42 am
by Bilingual_monoglot
It appears that we've hit some challenges within the first week. But don't worry my friends, I have still been doing something on a daily basis. I have taken to listening to Warna 94.2 FM to improve my Malay comprehension the advice of my barber, which is certainly an interesting experience, and I have continued with the Chinese dub of death note. Now if only I could post bout this stuff on my log more regularly. Also, inmorder to manage my time well, my languages are mostly on maintenance mode, so I haven't been so much trying to improve as not regress.