AroAro's log (languages, books, certificates)

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• Certified - C1: French, Italian, Romanian; B2: English, German
• Estimate - B2: Russian; B1: Bulgarian
• Learning - Czech, Hebrew
• Dabbled in - eo, la, uk, sw, lt, oc
Language Log: ... d80b60a5e9
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby AroAro » Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:27 am


Hebrew – Assimil lesson 47. When I'm done with the lesson 49, I'll take a break from Assimil and will go through the second volume of the Hebrew course for Polish speakers by Schorr's Foundation. Assimil lessons are becoming more and more demanding and I don't want to force myself too much, so it's time to go back to basics. I tried to read an article from the website I can recognize the letters more easily but of course I cannot understand much in terms of meaning. I know it was about Benjamin Netanyahu and Beni Gantz but everything else remained a mystery.

Russian – Assimil lesson 70. Only 30 lessons left!

English – “Time” p.80-81, watched 1 video by a YT channel “Atlas Pro”.

to wallow – tarzać się, pławić się

French – “Le Point” p.84-87. Watched 1 video by DocSeven and listen to Radio France Info for around one hour

I forgot to mention last week that I was reading a book in French - "Pierre de patience" by Atiq Rahimi. It was a short book so once finished I decided to read another short book in French - "C'est egal" by Agota Kristof. I'm not really impressed with either of the books, I will try to write more in a separate post in French.

ballotter – odbijać, przerzucać
décapant - intrygujący

Italian – “L’Espresso” p.93-94. I watched a video by BarbieXanax (somewhat an awkward name for a YT channel), she creates videos about movies and this one was about how the cinema and movie-going is going to change due to the pandemic. I used to go very often to the cinema, I even logged each movie in an excel table but I cannot find it now on my laptop. I believe I've watched so far around 1600 movies (including short films) so the amount of time I spent on them is staggering, even to me! I think I've watched too many of them because it's really hard for a film to interest or surprise me now - in most cases, I can predict the plot and so on. I will write more on this topic in one of my languages. It should be in German I guess because I barely write anything in this language. I also watched 1 video by Barbaroffa but that was less interesting.

in pegno – w zastaw
spolpato – ograbiony z pieniędzy
inerme - bezradny

German – “Der Spiegel” p.68-69. Listened to 1 episode of “Einhundert”, “Echo der Welt”, “Eine Stunde Liebe”, “Weltempfanger”, “Zwischen Hamburg und Haiti” and listened to NDR Info while working and watched 1 video by “Y-Kollektiv”

spröde – kruchy
der Triebfeder - pobudka

Romanian – read 1 article from Deutsche Welle. Watched 1 video by “Atentie cad mere” (I can understand this guy better than a few months ago, though he still mumbles rather than speaks clearly) , 1 “Telejurnal” and 2 episodes of “Romania te iubesc”

a nimeri un punct nevralgic – uderzyć w czuły punkt
într-o răsuflare – jednym tchem
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• Certified - C1: French, Italian, Romanian; B2: English, German
• Estimate - B2: Russian; B1: Bulgarian
• Learning - Czech, Hebrew
• Dabbled in - eo, la, uk, sw, lt, oc
Language Log: ... d80b60a5e9
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby AroAro » Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:22 pm


Récemment, j'ai lu deux livres en français et finalement, j'ai réussi à écrire quelque chose sur eux. En fait, j'ai déjà écrit une critique dans une autre partie de ce forum mais elle est en anglais, donc voici sa version française. Comme les deux livres étaient en français, cela va de soi qu'il faut écrire un jour son opinion en français aussi !

Donc, le premier livre c'est 'Pierre de patience' d'Atiq Rahimi. Le livre a gagné le Prix Goncourt en 2008 mais franchement je ne sais pas trop pourquoi. Bon, je ne prête plus attention à tous ces prix littéraires parce que la qualité des vainqueurs laissent souvent à désirer et les livres qui gagnent ne sont bizarrement pas les meilleurs. Dans la majorité des cas, il est difficile de savoir quels critères ont été pris en compte pour sélectionner le vainqueur et c'est le cas à mon avis avec 'Pierre de patience'. Nous avons ici l'histoire d'une femme Afghane qui s'occupe de son mari paralysé (suite à un échange de feux déclenché par hasard). Elle peut lui parler enfin librement, sans encombres, parce que lui, il ne peut pas réagir, elle n'a donc plus peur de lui et elle peut lui livrer tous les secrets qu'elle a gardés jusque-là. Au final, il s'avère que tous ces secrets sont liés d'une façon ou d'une autre à la sexualité, et donc cela devient un peu ennuyant. Le livre se termine à un certain moment mais franchement l'histoire pourrait aussi bien continuer pour encore 50 ou 100 pages parce qu'il manquait de culminuation en termes d'action, au moins c'est mon opinion. Je ne veux pas découvrir d'autres livres de Rahimi, ce livre m'a laissé sur ma faim, heureusement qu'il est assez court !

L'autre livre que j'ai lu, c'est 'C'est égal' d'Agota Kristof. C'est une collection de 25 nouvelles, le problème est que la plupart me semblait non-terminées à proprement parler. J'ai aimé en particulier celles qui produisent une ambiance dérangeante et qui évoquent la solitude dans le monde d'ajourd'hui. Mais les autres jouaient trop avec le surréalisme et cela n'était pas trop convaincant. Au final, je pense que 'Le Grand Cahier' reste l'oeuvre majeure de cette femme écrivain.
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• Certified - C1: French, Italian, Romanian; B2: English, German
• Estimate - B2: Russian; B1: Bulgarian
• Learning - Czech, Hebrew
• Dabbled in - eo, la, uk, sw, lt, oc
Language Log: ... d80b60a5e9
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby AroAro » Fri Feb 26, 2021 8:07 pm


In my last update, I inserted some new words that I encountered and it seems I can memorize them much better, so I will continue to do so in the future.

Hebrew - I did the lesson 49 from Assimil and as promised, I switched to the 2nd part of Shorr's Foundation coursebook (the 1st was about the alphabet and I went through it last year). The book has 120 pages but the font is very generous so there is less material than might appear at the first glance. But that's fine, I need to relax and go back to basics now at a slow pace.

Russian - lesson 74 from Assimil. I read some articles in Russian online and I think I can read the Cyrillic alphabet more smoothly after so many Assimil lessons.

English - "Time" p.82-85, watched 1 video by AtlasPro

to be swayed - dać się przekonać

French - "Le Point" p.88, listened to Radio France Info for around 2 hours while working

Italian - "L'Espresso" p.95-96, watched 1 video by GioPizzi

spurio - fałszywy

German - "Der Spiegel" p.70-72, watched 2 video by MrWissen2go Geschichte, 1 by Die Frage, listened to 1 episode of "Echo der Welt", "Eine Stunde History" and "Deep Talk"

keinen Hehl aus etwas machen - nie robić z czegoś tajemnicy
unüberhörbar - ewidentny

Romanian - read 2 articles from DW Romanian Service, watched 3 episodes of "Romania te iubesc" and 2 "Telejurnal"

a împușca - zastrzelić
a duce până la capăt - doprowadzić do końca
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby cjareck » Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:40 am


In my last update, I inserted some new words that I encountered and it seems I can memorize them much better, so I will continue to do so in the future.

Remember that not only you profit from some new words that are inserted in your log :)
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Listening: 1+ (83% content, 90% linguistic)
Reading: 1 (83% content, 90% linguistic)

MSA DLI : 30 / 141ESKK : 18 / 40

Mandarin Assimil : 62 / 105

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• Certified - C1: French, Italian, Romanian; B2: English, German
• Estimate - B2: Russian; B1: Bulgarian
• Learning - Czech, Hebrew
• Dabbled in - eo, la, uk, sw, lt, oc
Language Log: ... d80b60a5e9
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby AroAro » Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:09 am

cjareck wrote:

In my last update, I inserted some new words that I encountered and it seems I can memorize them much better, so I will continue to do so in the future.

Remember that not only you profit from some new words that are inserted in your log :)

Given the fact that the meaning of new words is in Polish, my log doesn't have a broad appeal so I'm glad someone may find it useful :)
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• Estimate - B2: Russian; B1: Bulgarian
• Learning - Czech, Hebrew
• Dabbled in - eo, la, uk, sw, lt, oc
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby AroAro » Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:30 pm


Am terminat de citit o carte despre Transnistria și aș vrea să lăs aici câteva fraze în româna, chiar dacă cartea a fost scrisă în limba polonă de către un ziarist și istoric polonez. El a petrecut câțiva ani la Tiraspol și a cunoscut destul de bine situația la fața locului, nu numai pe plan politic, economic, dar și pe cel sociologic.

Cartea începe cu o prezentare a istoriei Transnistrii. Aflăm tot despre rădăcinii acestei regiuni și cum ea a fost folosită de Rusia pentru a manipula, acum și în trecut, relațiile între mai multe țări în Sud-Estul Europei. Transnistria este o țară care funcționează ca toate altele țări din lume, totuși nu este recunoscută pe plan internațional de nicio altă țară, nici de Rusia. Se găsea mereu între cele mai dezvoltate regiuni din fostul URSS și după prăbușirea comunismului, Transnistrianii s-au hotărât să lupte pentru a duce aceeași viață ca în timpul URSSului. De fapt, majoritatea cetățenilor Transnistrii se descrie până acum ca Ruși sau cel puțin ca oameni ruși (care au o legătură specială cu Rusia), deci n-au vrut să trăiască în aceeași țară cu Moldovenii, unde ar fi fost, într-o dată, o minoritate. Elita politică și economică locală a făcut totul ca să păstreze privilegiile lor, fără să-și împărțească nimic cu Moldovenii.

Și acum? Se pare, după această carte, că Transnistrienii trăiesc o viață pașnică - la fel ca Moldovenii. Cele două țări trăiesc alături una de alta dar în același timp sunt foarte departe și oamenii pe două maluri ale Nistrului se găsesc într-o indiferență uriașă.

Este greu de imaginat cum va arăta viitorul Transnistriei, dar cel mai probabil n-o să schimbe nimic și Transnistria o să rămână o țară nerecunoscută de nimeni pentru că această situație este mai comodă pentru toată lumea - incluziv pentru Transnistria, ca și Moldova și Rusia.
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• Learning - Czech, Hebrew
• Dabbled in - eo, la, uk, sw, lt, oc
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby AroAro » Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:54 am


Hebrew - I read 65 pages of "Zeszyt 2" by Shorr's Foundation. I think I'm going to continue directly with "Zeszyt 3", so I will go back to the remaining lessons from Assimil only in 3-4 weeks' time. Assimil lessons became quite excruciating whereas the Shorr's Foundation covers basics but in a more structured way, so I still learn a lot of new things (like irregular plural forms of nouns that were not explained in Assimil).

Russian - Assimil lesson 78

English - "Time" p.86-89, listened to 2 BBC Documentary Podcasts, watched 1 video by Lindi Botes and AtlasPro

quirks - dziwactwa
drudge work - niewdzięczna, nudna robota

French - "Le Point" p.89-93, watched 1 video by "Poisson Fecond" and 1 by "Geopolitis" - it's a channel managed by Swiss TV if I'm correct, it's great for those interested in what's going on around the globe + 2 calls in French with IT departments (there were some issues with our accounting system and I was afraid I'd have to do everything manually but in the end the issues were resolved)

le ressac - przybój (I barely know what it means in Polish, I do not spend much time at sea)
éreinter - ostro skrytykować, nie pozostawić suchej nitki

Italian - "L'Espresso" p.98, watched 1 video by "Progetto Happiness"

finanche - nawet
la sciagura - biada, nieszczęście

German - "Der Spiegel" p.73, listened to 1 episode of "Eine Stunde History", "Echo der Welt" and "Eine Stunde Liebe", watched 1 video by MrWissen2go + listening to NDR Info while working

aufhorchen - zainteresować, przykuć uwagę

Romanian - 2 articles from DW, watched 1 video by "Zaiafet", 2 episodes of "Romania te iubesc" and 2 "Telejurnal"

a înainta un ultimatum - postawić ultimatum

I think I could spend more time on podcasts this week but I spend some time watching movie trailers on YT instead. I realized we're in the middle of the movie awards season and the Berlin Film Festival is taking place right now. Last time I went to the cinema was in 2017 so I lost track of all the movies that have been released ever since but I hope to catch up with some of them in the future. "Nomadland" looks exactly like the kind of movie I will like (even though I'm not a big fan of Frances McDormant).
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(All levels estimates and given as a guide only)
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby Caromarlyse » Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:12 am

Just added Eine Stunde Liebe to my podcast library, thanks! Lots of episodes there to keep me entertained (I need a lot to fill an hour a day, and there is only so much politics/current affairs I can take!).
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby cjareck » Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:52 am

AroAro wrote:aufhorchen - zainteresować, przykuć uwagę

Are you sure that this is the correct translation? I know that there was Horchdienst - służba nasłuchowa, so I've checked in my old Dictionary. It says nadstawiać uszu, nasłuchiwać, zacząć uważnie słuchać. So more or less listen carefully. Some examples given there also support the second meaning, but with the listening component in mind.
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Listening: 1+ (83% content, 90% linguistic)
Reading: 1 (83% content, 90% linguistic)

MSA DLI : 30 / 141ESKK : 18 / 40

Mandarin Assimil : 62 / 105

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• Dabbled in - eo, la, uk, sw, lt, oc
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Re: AroAro's log Pусский and עברית

Postby AroAro » Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:59 am

Caromarlyse wrote:Just added Eine Stunde Liebe to my podcast library, thanks! Lots of episodes there to keep me entertained (I need a lot to fill an hour a day, and there is only so much politics/current affairs I can take!).

The only problem is that the podcast promises "one hour" but in fact most episodes vary between 20-35 minutes :) but yes, it's a nice change from current affairs podcasts. You may like as well "Einhundert" (also on Deutschland Funk Nova), this episode almost brought me to tears (not all the episodes are equally interesting but it's quite cool).
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