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Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:12 am
by tungemål
About listening. What is the most effective?

When I listen to German radio I don't get everything, but enough to follow the program. Maybe I get 70-80 % of the sentences. I have always been a perfectionist, but I understand that is not always good when it comes to language learning.

When I listen intensively I usually listen to a part without subtitles (or a transcript), then listen again with (German) subtitles, looking up words I don't know, then maybe listen once more without subtitles. This is undoubtedly beneficial.

But could it be just as good to just listen a lot not worrying about understanding everything? In the time I do the intensive listening, I could listen to 4 times the content passively. However it feels "too easy" to just listen to a lot of content without sweating over understanding every word.

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:18 am
by zenmonkey
Es ist nicht langweilig zu lesen, Sie könnten mehr über den Inhalt hinzufügen. Viel Glück!

Intensive listening is more effective for learning new words, extensive is more effective to train yourself to guess and drive that part of language learning but you can use both for balance.

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:41 pm
by tungemål
Tag acht

NDR doku ist ein Kanal, der interessanter Inhalt hat. Heute habe ich ein gutes Programm über KI gesehen (künstliche Intelligenz):

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:44 pm
by tungemål
Tag neun

Ich finde die Ausspracheübung anstrengend, weil es schwierig ist und ich merke keine Fortschritt. Aber, ich muß mich zusammenreißen. Ich setze fort mit dieser Übung diese 30 Tagen und werde danach sehen, ob es irgendwelche Unterschied gibt.

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:45 pm
by tungemål
Tag zehn

Plodding along...
Google translate says plodding along is "dahinschleichen" in german.

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:11 pm
by tungemål
Tag Elf

Es lohnt sich, Deutsch zu lernen, wenn auch nur für die deutsche Fernsehprogramme und Radioprogramme. Viele Hochwertiges und Interessantes anzuschauen. Bayerischer Rundfunk ist auch auf Youtube. Dieses Programm geht um Elektro-Autos und die Deutsche Autoindustrie.

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:24 pm
by tungemål
Tag Zwölf

Practicing imitating german prosody. Maybe I will go crazy from this exercise.
I have music training and have an analytical ear, and so it is easy for me to analyze the native german prosody. To imitate it myself is hard and takes practice, and to internalize it so that it sounds natural in my speech, maybe even harder. Now I have become used to notice the prosody whenever I hear german, so that sometimes I will listen only to the prosody and not to the meaning of the sentence. Something that I will need to eventually tone down, because obviously I need to focus on meaning when I speak.

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:04 pm
by tungemål
Tag Dreizehn

Ich merke schon, dass mein Hörverstehen besser ist. Viel Deutsch auch Heute gehört - ungefähr zwei Stunden Inhalt.

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:06 pm
by tungemål
Ich habe noch nicht aufgegeben...

Tag Vierzehn und Tag Fünfzehn

...ungefähr eine Stunde Deutsch angehört und angesehen. Ich nutze youtube - z.b. NDR, ZDR, Quarks, Galileo...


Ich habe auch weiter in meinem Buch gelesen. Archäologische Funde in Dänemark von germanischen Kriege und Opferplätzen - Spannend.

Re: How to improve my German (in one month)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:55 am
by tungemål
Tag Sechszehn

Die Seite (Deutsche Welle) ist eine wahre Goldgrube für Deutschlerner.
Ich habe eine Episode des Wissenschaftsmagazins "Projekt Zukunft" gesehen. Sehr interessant.

(I watched an episode about the Humboldt Current and Peru, and of course the spanish is dubbed with a german voice. I am partly annoyed and partly proud of the fact that I also understand the spanish speakers in the program, who are abruptly interrupted by the voice-over :D So I get into spanish for a few seconds, and then suddenly back to german again. Well, it is german that I am focusing on now)