Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Nov 16, 2017 7:53 pm

I have spent a fair amount of time reading about waterfalls in Indonesia - the article I have found on some touristic site tells about 18 of them, and I have so far studied the introduction and three descriptions. Bahasa Indonesia is one of the languages I have neglected during the last months (due to travelling and music), so it was about time to do something about it.

BA IN: Artikel tersebut menyebutkan tentang setiap baris lain bahwa Indonesia adalah negeri yang sangat indah dan memiliki banyak air terjun yang sangat indah. Saya kira juga begitu, tapi juga memiliki banyak perkebunan jelek. Beberapa air terjun sulit dijangkau. Salah satu dari mereka membutuhkan jalan satu jam melalui hutan hujan yang dekat, dan jalan memiliki banyak tempat atas dan bawah. Namun penulis mengklaim bahwa kegembiraan melihat ke air terjun yang sangat indah menyebabkan kelelahan lenyap seketika. Mungkin ... tapi Anda harus jalan kembali ke titik awal dan di sana tidak ada air terjun yang indah.

GR: Επιπλέον, έχω επιλέξει ένα φυλλάδιο από τη Θεσσαλονίκη ως ανάγνωση της καληνύχτας

IT: Ho anche iniziato un progetto a lungo termine, vale a dire la recensione della mia vecchia e polverosa seconda sinfonia. Sono sicuro che questo durerà qualche settimane perché io SO che non posso farlo in un paio di giorni - e quindi non sto cercando di affrettare il compito. La sinfonia è un po 'speciale perché include un'arpa, e quindi devo ristudiare la modalità di giocare questo strumento. Una arpa standard con meccanica Erard è fondamentalmente accordata nel do bemolle maggiore, ma ci sono pedali che possono alzare ogni tono dell'ottava con metà tono o un tono intero. Il problema è che questo influisce su un determinato tono in TUTTE le ottave - quindi devo fare attenzione a non scrivere qualcosa che non sia giocabile. C'è anche un flauto dolce, e presumo che il secondo flautista possa suonare un tal aggeggio - perché anche i bambini possono farlo.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:46 pm

BU: Вече споменах български текст за зоопарк във Варна, но сега също прочетох и разгледах текст за Софийската зоопарка. Паркит е основан от крал Фердинанд, който е взет от Германия за да стане български крал. Той много се интересува от животни и растения, а подаръците за него стават ядрото на новата зоологическа градина.

SER: Ја сам прочитао пуно бугарских текстова у последњих неколико месеци, али сам занемарио српски језик зато што сам се плашио утицаја мојих студија на бугарски. Сада ћу покушати да наставим овај језик (и хрватски). А мој пољски језик је штета - заборавио сам већину ствари, али ћу покушати да оживим цадавер.


When I write that I have 'studied' a text it usually means that I have worked my way through while copying it by hand. If I just read a text I'll almost certain skip a lot of things and forget the rest. Forcing myself to be slow and to look at every word and think about the grammar is one goal of this activity. Ideally I should be reading the text aloud (as implied in the scriptorium exercise of Prof.Arguelles), but then I would probably find an excuse to stop the activity as soon as possible - I feel silly when I speak to nobody. Luckily writing to absolutely nobody doesn't have quite the same detrimental effect on me.

But the copy/study task doesn't in itself train your active skills - in that sense (and only that sense) it is a passive exercise. It can however be modified so that it also can help with the activation process, namely by incorporating retranslation af some sentences (or simply by trying to remember short passages). The important thing is not so much to train your translation skills, but rather to produce and use a hyperliteral translation as a memory crutch. The yardstick of success is that writing the sentence once more should feel almost like producing the sentence yourself. And if you can cut down on the time it takes to write a translation by just jotting down a few words (or by having a better immediate memory than mine) then it should in principle have the same effect. In principle it should be enough to write the first letters of some of the content words but I have yet to try that out.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sun Nov 19, 2017 6:15 pm

DU: Ik heb sinds gisteren een verzameling artikelen vanuit Natuurkunde.nl gelezen. Er was onder andere een kopie en artikel over oude navigatiemethoden zonder GPS. Het gaat om fijne oude kunstjes zoals het beoordelen van snelheid door een stuk hout overboord te gooien (werkt alleen totdat je geen los hout meer aan boord hebt) of een kruisstaf of Jakobsstaf (een voorlooper va de sextant) te bruiken om de hoogde van de zon te beordeelen. Helaas wordt de zonnesteen van de vikinger niet genoemd - er was een kristal (zoveer bekend) dat polarisatie kon vertonen en dus de positie van de zon op bewolkte dagen onthullen. Het artikel legt ook niet uit hoe het kan voorkomen dat ik niet verdwaalt in het verkeer, maar ik heb meestal een ouderwetse landkaart metgebracht op mijn reizen. Er is ook astronomische artikel op dit website, zo wie een artikel over de ongeveer 200 exoplaneten die momenteel gevonden zijn. Sommige televisiemensen kwijlen al - zij kunnen nu televisie-uitzendingen maken met het boodschap dat de aarde ter dood is veroordeeld en wij moeten binnenkort een nieuw tehuis vinden, blablablabla.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:16 pm

Since my last message here I have been studying short texts in a number of languages plus one longer one, mostly about natural sciences. I would however like first to mention a couple of texts that have a connection to another insanely timeconsuming project, namely the rewriting of my second symphony from days of yore. I had hoped it would be enough to revise it, but no. The articles I refer to are from the Italian and the Greek Wikipedias.

It all began when I suddenly came to wonder whether you could say "parte" in Italian about the notes extracted from a score for the use of one instrument (or in the case of the strings: a group of similar instruments playing in unison). And the answer is: yes, you call that a "parte" in Italien. And the Italian word for "score" is of course "partitura". English is just about the only major language where the word for a score isn't based on the word for a part.

IT: Ma evidentemente ci sone delle differenze minore tra le altre lingue. Per esempio una partitura si chiama "partition" en français. Ma quasi tutte le altre lingua utilizzana o "partitura" o "partitur". E che tipi esistano dunque? Il grande punteggio (in formata all'ottava) che i conduttori usano quando si esercita con l'orchestra (o quando non si ricorda un pezzo musicale a memoria) contiene linee per tutti gli strumenti, anche quando non suonano - ma spesso due voci sono scritte su un solo sistema di nodi (come per esempio flauto 1 e 2) e gli strumenti di trasposizione sono scritti come tali.

Ma ci sono anche partiture ridotte per gli dilettanti a cui piace tenere conto di ciò che suonano i musicisti. Qui normalmente si omette i parti dei instrumenti che non hanno niente da fare durante un certo tempo, il che non solo risparmia spazio, ma anche rende più facile rivedere la musica nei passaggi più tranquilli. Alcuni editori scrivono anche strumenti di trasposizione come se fossero tutti in Do, una pratica introdotta in partizioni - ma non voci - di Prokofiev. Poiché la mia musica non ha alcuna prospettiva di essere mai suonata, ho anche scelto di seguire questo principio. Il sistema tradizionale è già stato gettato in pura confusione perché ci sono strumenti in altre toni di Do (spesso Si bemol) che si scrive come suonano - come le diverse tube. Perché i direttori e i lettori di musica dovranno guardare voci che traspongono tra le righe che non lo fanno semplicemente perché cornisti e trombettisti non riescano a capirlo quando ogni tubaista nel mondo riesce a farlo?

Quando scrissi musica ai vecchi tempi, la carta di nodo era difficile da ottenere, e perciò scrivevo spesso la musica nel modo salvaspazio menzionato sopra. Ma allora dovevo sapere in anticipo quali strumenti userei in un particolare passaggio (corrispondente alla larghezza della pagina) ed è stato difficile perché di solito scrivevo la musica direttamente nella partitura. La panacea miracolosa contra questo è, naturalmente, scrivere un "punteggio" ridotto con solo due o tre pentagrammi, dove si nota solo le voci principali e le più caratteristiche figure di accompagnamento (indicando gli strumenti previsti). Molti compositori, forse la maggior parte tra loro, tuttavia, fanno un passo indietro nella misura che si siedono al suo pianoforte e compongono, e più tarde strumentalizzano la particella di pianoforte che ne resulta. Ho sempre considerato questo come un imbroglio, ma ovviamente si deve avere un certo grado di udito assoluto e immaginazione acustica per non aver bisogno del pianoforte come gruccia.

EO: Hodiaŭ mi povas permesi min aĉeti centojn da folioj fotokopiitaj, do mi skribas laŭe rekte en la plena partituro. Jes, escepte de unuopa detalo: mi havas 21 stabojn en mia papero, kaj mi opinias, ke ĝi aspektas tre malbela kun krucantaj voĉoj sur unu nodosistemo, do mi preferas provizi apartajn liniojn por la lignaj kupraj blovistoj. Kaj tiam mi malfacile klopodas trovi spacon por tuta orkestro - eĉ se mi reduktas la ŝipanaron.

GR: Το άρθρο της ελληνικής Βικιπαίδεια σχετικά με τη παρτιτούρα είναι εξαιρετικά σύντομο, αλλά ευτυχώς υπάρχει και ένα καλό άρθρο για τις γνωστές πέντε γραμμές, το λεγόμενο πεντάγραμμα, και αυτό το άρθρο εξετάζει όλα τα στοιχεία σε μια γραμμή κόμβων, από το κλειδί στο λεγόμενο οπλισμό (μια λέξη που οδηγεί το μυαλό μου στη μάχη των στρατιωτών). Πρώτο έρχονται οι χαρακτήρες που δείχνουν την τονικότητα του έργουον (υφέσεις και διέσεις), και έπειτα έρχεται το σύμβολο του μέτρου. Και τα εμπόδια ονομάζονται 'διαστολεις', τα οποία με κάνει να σκεφτώ μετρήσεις της αρτηριακής πίεσης αντί γιαυποδιαίρεση της μουσικής.

SE: Поменуо сам дугачак чланак - ради се о неутриноима и писаним на српском, али овај чланак о којем ћу коментарисати касније.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:03 am

I mentioned that I had studied a fairly long text in Serbian, and for once it was not from Wikipedia. I found it at a site called elemetarium.cpn.rs, and I guess that .rs is the code for Republika Srpska in Bosnia, where they actually do write in Cyrillic, and their language is supposed to be Serbian - but I had more cases than usual where I looked a word up in my dictionaries without finding it, which could be due to some regional differences between Serbian as spoken in BeOgrad and Serbian of the Srpska Republika. In spite of this I found it reasonably easy to understand the meaning. The irony is however that even though I understand the words I don't quite understand all aspects of the subject, which happens to be the weird behaviour of neutrinos.

SR: Неутрина су електрицно неутралне и врло мале, и скоро не комуницирају ни са циме - сто их су веома тешко детектује. Међутим, они су произведени у незамисливим количинама фузијом у соларни језгри, па су научници поставили огромне уређаје да би интерцепт неке од ових елусивих честица. Нису очекивали да ухвате много улова, али резултат је био још лошији од очекиваног. Зашто? Нобеловој награди за физику за 2015. годину добили су два физичара који су дали предлог за објашњење. Случај је да постоје три главне врсте неутрина: електронски неутринои, муон неутринои и тау неутринои, а физичари су у почетку рачунали на бројање прве групе. Лаурати су сугерисали да сиромашни неутрино имају проблеме са идентитетом: на путу од Сунца до нас, они константно мењају идентитет између три типа, тако да истраживачи својим великим и скупим уређајима откривају само дио очекиваног броја електронских неутриноа. А онда механика функционише поново. У математичком смислу, резултујућа количина долазака неутрина израчунава се под претпоставком да осцилирају приликом промене идентитета - можете онда додати таласне функције и процијенити очекиване детекције.

EN: Well, I still found it somewhat hard to understand how the superposition of wave functions for the various identities those dastardly elusive neutrinos choose to assume while hurtling towards us can result in something less than the quantity you would have had if they had had the decency to stick to just one identity during that short trip, but quantum mechanics is not always as intuitive as you might have wished.

And of course I couldn't resist the temptation to see what Wikipedia had to say about the topic of neutrino oscillation. Of course there is a substantial (and quite technical) article about it in the English version, but there is also a good explantion for dummies in the German version - and to my surprise there is even one in Low German - albeit shorter and not quite as technical.

Platt: EK bün froh dat nich öll plattschnakker öll sien Tiet verbringen in de Moor met 't Törfgraben (so lange dat geiht). Platt is ook goot vöör Quantenmechaniek! Die Serbske Artikel wöör schreven om ons Normalos te verkloren waarom de twee Physiker uut Japan un Canada sien Nobel bekam, un ik bün fröh dat 't liekers ook wat substantielles över neutrinos zegt. De Artikel op Platt geeft nog en poor unvermotete details toe, wie to'n Bispeel dat ..

Na dat Standardmodell hebbt Neutrinos keen Masse un dormit sünners ok keen Massenünnerscheden. Bito schülln de blots as linkshannig Deelken opduken. Hebbt de Neutrinos aver doch en Masse, as dat dör de Neutrinooszilaatschoon bestätigt warrt, sünd ok rechtshannige Neutrinos möglich. De Swack Wesselwirken hett blots influss op linkshannige Neutrino-Deelken, de rechtshannigen dorgegen weern blots vun de Gravitatschoon beinflusst (Sterile Neutrinos, WIMPs)

Is dat nich verwönnerlich? Worüm sünd die rechtshannige Neutrinos even meer Kontaktschwach als die linkshannige Neutrinos? In een önner Tekst höff ek butendem seehn, dat neutrinos sien liekers ekstreem kleene Masse nich vun de famose Higgs-deeltje kriegen kann, omdat het Higgs-Ding nich mit Neutrinos kommunikeren kann - sachts is een Majorana-Partikel dorför verantwoordlich - aver nüms weet 't zeker.

2-Flavour-Oszillatschoon vun hoochrelativistisch Elektronen-Neutrinos na Myon-Neutrinos.jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:15 pm

This will be a fairly short message since I have had some computer trouble. I have had a product named Malwarebytes on my computer for a long time, but only the free version which can scan and remove nasty things, but not detect them on the fly. It once saved me from a rootkit that prevented me from running and even writing javascript scripts in html files, so I have kept it as a supplement to my other virus check program. OK, I installed a new version, and without asking me it installed the new version as a 14 days test premium installation - and then I lost my internet connection! I suspect that its real time functions compete with those of my other virus detector, and the message was that my IP connection was invalid. Bah.. I have restarted the machine a couple of times, and in this moment things seem to function again .. but just a moment ago I couldn't make a search on Google. Then I tried again with another search term and got through. Something is rotten on my PC, and I have to investigate it.

Today I have read and to some extent studied a number of printouts in Russian about astronomical topics (mostly translations from English), including some about comets. The collection was made several years ago, but it seems that the lot still can be found at the site Astronet.ru (around page 55 because of their age). I have not visited that site for several years, but if there are 54 unread pages with articles then I have something of a task in front of me.

RU: С неуверенным доступом к Интернету кажется немного неуместным писать о кометах на русском языке, поэтому я просто упомянул о трех кометах сегодня. Во-первых комета лавджоя (Lovejoy), которая, возможно, пережила проход через внешний слой солнца. Это потрясающее выступление грязного снежка.. Другой - комета Гаррадда, у которого были два хвоста. Текст сказать, что это на самом деле нормально, но мы обычно видим только один хвост, потому что хвосты близких друг к другу. Но здесь они были явно распространеных, и мы увидели их с благоприятным углом. Последняя комета называлась Лютеция (латинское название для Париза), и это было упомянуто, потому что она была сфотографирована космическим аппаратом Розетты, который направлялся на комету Чюрюмова-Герасименко, где он приземлился небольшой аппарат теста.


EDIT: I now have reached the conclusion that the real time web check of the Mal-something program was so slow that it caused time-outs, and once it had caused a time-out the browser would be locked and refuse to connect to any site. And with all their references to found sites search engines like Google were particularly hard hit. So in this case the cure was as bad as the malady, and I have had to drop the real time check.

Having done that, I have reopened the Astronet site and made some more printouts, and the next couple of days I will be studying Russian from somewhere in outer space.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:21 pm

Today I have spent a lot of time finishing the first movement of a symphony, but I did also find time to stady a Russian text about the Permian extinction some 250 million years ago, which claimed that there also was a catastrophic meteor impact at that occasion, like the more famous one 65 million years ago which ended the reign of the dinosaurs. The problem now is that we have two killers in both situations. We already had a serious candidate for the Permian extinction in the shape of the Siberian traps, which can be described as a long fissure in the area that now is Siberia. It led to hundreds of thousands of years with constant flow of lava and outpouring of poisonous gases with the result all ecosystems simply broke down and most animal and plant species died out for good. But now it is claimed that some isotope proportions indicate that there also was a meteor impact at the end of the Permian, although the actual impact site hasn't been found yet. Similarly the presence of iridium in rocks all over the Earth showed that a meteor several kilometers wide had impacted the Earth at the end o the Cretaceous, and in this case the crater has been found at the Northern edge of presentday Yucatan. It is less wellknown that the climate already had been under pressure for some time before the impact because of the effects of the so called Deccan traps, caused by the movement of India towards Asia. And to boot I have just watched a TV program about the category 9 earthquake that hit Northern Japan a couple of years ago. OK, not in the same league as the two other events, but the difference is that now there are human beings living on the planet.

FR: Ma lecture de table 'bonne nuit' hier était un peu plus philosophique que d'habitude. J'avais regardé un liste des peintures que j'ai publiées ici, et là je me suis rendu compte que cela inclut une peinture basé sur les oeuvres du philosophe français Descartes. Pour moi il est surtout l'inventeur du système des coordonnées, si cher à tous les écoliers avec le moindre trace d'interêt dans les mathématiques, et aussi pour avoir écrit "Je pense, donc je suis". Le livre que j'ai trouvé sur mon étagère s'appelle "Discours de la Méthode" dans la série des Nouveaux Classiques Larousse, mais il n'est pas tellement nouveau puisque je l'ai acheté pendant les années 70 pour mes études - et je ne l'ai pas lu depuis. C'est une édition écolière avec une longue introduction et des notes partout, et je ne comprends pas vraiment comment les érudites peuvent passer toute leur vie à scrutiner des oeuvres philosophiques. Descartes semble être un homme agréable et intelligent, mais il écrit des phrases interminables avec très peu de détails concrets. Je sais que c'est la manière d'écrire des philosophes, mais .. OK, pour lecture de nuit c'est pratique puisque on dort très bien, mais il faut pourtant préciser que j'ai pu lire jusqu'à la page 60 où l'on trouve la fameuse formule de "je pense, donc je suis" ... après qu'il s'est imaginé qu'il pourrait se passer de son corps et toujours être lui. Cette idée est effectivement une conséquence de sa conception dualiste du corps et de l'âme. Moi, je suis sûr qu'il me faut un corps avec un cerveau pour même pouvoir penser que j'existe du tout. Mais bien sûr, on peut exister sans pouvoir penser qu'on existe seulement parce que on peut penser. Après tout, c'est ce que font les méduses.

D'ailleurs René Descartes s'est enrhumé et mourut moins d'une année après être émigré à Suède pour s'y entretenir avec la reine Kristine. Pauvre de lui...

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Mon Nov 27, 2017 6:16 pm

GR: Αφού την ανάγνωση του βιβλίου μου του Ντεκάρτ (Descartes), επέστρεψα στο μικρό βιβλίο ελληνικό από την Θεσσαλονίκη, το οποίο μπορώ να διαβάσω σε μεγάλο βαθμό. Έχω χτυπήσει λίγα λόγια στο μικρο Λαγγενσεϊτ (Langenscheidt) μου, και οι περισσότεροι από αυτούς δεν στέκονται. Το αντιλαμβάνομαι ως ένα ευνοϊκό, έτσι το παθητικό μου λεξιλόγιο είναι αρκετά καλό - παρόλο που είναι ενοχλητικό όταν συναντήσατε μια άγνωστη λέξη. Έχω μεγαλύτερα λεξικά, αλλά δεν είναι κοντά στο κρεβάτι μου.

DA: når man har et større projekt, der kræver meget tid og forårsager en del bøvl, siger man på på dansk at det trækker tænder ud ("it draws teeth out"). Og lige nu har jeg den der maledetta sinfonia hængende over mit hoved... Jeg spadserede en mindre gåtur i en nærliggende skov i går for at hvile hjernen ('to myalo'), og hvad skete der? Jeg fandt på at der manglede en langsom sats mellem den 3. og den 4. sats, der begge er ret hurtige. Og jeg fik også nogle brugbare ideer. Heldigvis lykkedes det at begrænse skaden - jeg valgte at lave en langsom intro til 4. sats (haha, snydt!). Men da 2. og 3. sats følger attacca, så jeg mig så nødsaget til også at definere dem tilsammen som én sats i to dele, og nu er der så kun tre satser i min symfoni (hvoraf to med en langsom og en hurtig del). OK, der er fortilfælde hos bl.a. hos så gode folk som Mozart og Dvorak, men jeg skal passe på som en smed for ikke at komme på den idé, at der burde være fire satser i en anstændig συμφωνία.

Maleriet nedenunder forestiller en skovtur, men ikke noget bestemt sted. Og vores skove ser noget mere afpillede ud for tiden.

EN: ..and as you can read above (maybe with the help of Google Translate if you STILL haven't learnt Danish) my language studies are for the time being hampered by work on my second symphony. I'm in awe of people like Molter and Haydn who wrote more than one hundred sinfoniae each - or of people like Telemann, JS Bach and Vivaldi, who wrote so much music that it would be a full time job just to listen it through... if you could get a complete recording, that is..

IT: Infatto si dice di signor Vivaldi che scrisse la sua musica così in fretta che il copista accanto di lui stentava a tenere il passo. Ed allora hanno scritto con penne di piuma. Quante piume hanno consumato Telemann o Vivaldi nella loro vita?


PS: I just entered my Danish text above into Google translate to see whether the result was comprehensible. And by and large it is, but it amazes me that it uses three different wrong translations for the Danish word "sats": batch, bout and bet, but not the one and only right one: movement. Which just goes to show that GT hasn't got much to show in the realm of context sensitivity. Please also note that the comparative in Danish can be used to denote a fairly high degree (without any overt comparison). And "passe på som en smed" just means that you have to take extremely care - you don't have to look like a blacksmith.

GT English: When you have a bigger project that takes a lot of time and causes a lot of trouble, you say in Danish that it draws teeth ("it draws teeth out"). And right now I have that maledetta sinfonia hanging over my head ... I strolled a smaller walk in a nearby forest yesterday to rest the brain ('to myalo') and what happened? I found that there was a slow rate between the 3rd and 4th batches, both of which are quite fast. And I also got some useful ideas. Fortunately, it was possible to limit the damage - I chose to make a slow intro for the 4th batch (haha, cheated!). But since 2nd and 3rd batches follow the attacca, I have the need to define them together as one batch in two parts, and now there are only three bouts in my symphony (two with a slow and a quick part ). OK, there is a precedent in, among other things, in such good people as Mozart and Dvorak, but I have to look like a blacksmith not to come up with the idea that there should be four bets in a decent συμφωνία.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:04 pm

I have again spent more time on my symphony than on language training, but as you may remember I have mentioned a Russian site named Astronet.ru some days ago, and also that I have made more printouts from that site. They have the advantage that they are short and deal with subjects I know something about - maybe because I'm reading about things that happened as far back as the years 2012-13.

RU: В 2012 году космический корабль"New Horizons" еще был на пути к Плутону (он прошел в 2015 году), но в одной из небольших статей Астронета было сказано, что с помощью телескопа Хаббла мы ранее обнаружили 4 новых лун вокруг Плутона. Мы уже знали, что у него была одна большая луна по имени Харон, которая - настолько велика, что некоторые астрономы считают Плутон + Харон двойной системой, а не одним телом с драбантом в обращении. Другая статья рассказывает о проходах Меркурия. Заголовок - «Засечь Меркурый», и в моем двуязычном тексте изучения, Goggle переводит это в "Hak kviksølv" ('cut mercury' (as a metal))", EN: but if I switch to English then it is translated as "Sight Mercury". Sigh! (or sic). RU: - Пути Googla необоснованны. но, к счастью, я знаю, что это ситуации, когда самая внутренняя планета он проходит мимо диска солнца. Слово "Засечь" не указано в моих словарях, но я больше уверен в датском переводе - хотя не имеет смысла в контексте. Фактически, в переводе теперь задается так много головоломок, как разрешает. Мне скоро придется искать тексты по другим вопросам, чем наука, потому что их слишком легко понять - с переводом или без переводого..

GR: Έχω επίσης διαβάσει αρκετές σελίδες στο μικρό μου βιβλίο για τη Θεσσαλονίκη - τώρα έφτασα στα μουσεία. Και εδώ δεν έχω κανείς μετάφραση, αλλά δεν είναι δύσκολο να διαβάσω το κείμενο. Έψαξα τη συλλογή των βιβλίων μου και έχω βρει ένα μικρό βιβλίο για την Καστοριά - θα είναι το επόμενο ελληνικό μου κείμενο. Η παρακάτω εικόνα είναι από την Καστοριά:

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby vonPeterhof » Fri Dec 01, 2017 3:07 am

На самом деле английский перевод был ближе. Может быть в словарях есть форма несовершенного вида засекать? В любом случае, тут предполагается значение "to pinpoint" или "to spot", так что "to sight" в принципе подходит.
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