Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:51 am

I have finished or almost finished several projects the last couple of days. The main project is of course moving to a new location, and I still have to get a couple of things done here (like finding a buyer for my old flat), but yesterday I unpacked the last of my plastic bags with things from the flat - including my tools and toiletry stuff. I also reached the end of my music collection a few days ago and now only have to add a few items to the adjoined theme collection, I got through the word avalanche folly based on my multi wordlist project yesterday before noon (but still haven't done the repetition of the last new columns) and yesterday evening i almost finished my animal species list projects - but just when I was about to add informations about mice my old computer froze, maybe half an hour from having reached the last mouse on the list. And thus frustrated I went to bed, leaving the rest of the job for today.

The result was that I woke up around 6 o'clock this morning and stayed awake. This made it possible to finish two more things, namely the Italian magazine "Focus Extra" AND the latest issue of the member magazine of my travel club, which I didn't have time to read when it arrived before Christmas. Actually I also have a heap of about 10 cm of unread newspapers from December lying around, but I may just perouse them quickly and then dispose of them. I am too busy with too many other things to read that much old stuff...

IT: Ho già scritto che la rivista italiana poteva insegnarmi alcune cose nuove. Ad esempio, che gli egiziani forse non furono i primi ad addestrare i gatti. A Cipro c'è stata trovata una tomba di 9000 anni fa, dove una donna difunta è stata sepolta con il corpo di un gatto - e perché seppellire un essere umano con un furibondo animale selvatico preso dalla natura? Se sarebbe un animale selvatico, probabilmente sarebbe stato qualcosa di più grande di un gatto, e quindi è probabile che questo gatto sia stato allevato a mano e alquanto addomesticato - e che la signora morta non volesse separarsene. Altro fatto: homo habilis aveva già i centri di Broca e di Wernicke nel suo cervello due millioni anni fa - ma dato la taglia limitata del cervello forse non ha potuto parlare in frasi lunghe e complesse. Inoltre è stato calcolato che un essere umano dovrebbe masticare il suo cibo per il 48% delle ore di veglia della giornata se non avessimo pensato prima di friggerlo o bollirlo - ora è piuttosto il 10% (forse con riserve per i sostenitori di " Slow Food"). E a proposito, le dimensioni del nostro cervello sono cresciute man mano che mangiamo più carne. I Neanderthal probabilmente non erano socialmente avanzati come l'Homo sapiens, ma avevano cervelli più grandi di noi. Ma probabilmente non è politicamente corretto menzionarlo.


DU: Addendum: en nadat ik het bovenstaande had geschreven, heb ik een tekst studeerd over de verbazingwekkende hagedis Lystrosaurus die de ergste uitsterving in de afgelopen 500 miljoen jaar overleefde - die tussen Perm en Trias. De tekst komt van de website grelane.com, en ik moet hem al eerder in handen hebben gehad, dus deze keer had ik niet eens een woordenboek nodig (noch een vertaling). Hoera voor Lystrosaurus!

Lystrosaurus (Wikimedia).jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:16 am

I have now finished the species lists (there are many mice in this world!), and I have added the missing themes to my theme collection - leaving a lot of themes that aren't quite correct as far as I now can hear, but I jotted those themes down under adverse conditions from cassette tapes: with those I had some bad experiences when I rolles backwards to hear a theme again so I normally just listened once, and that's simply not enough. Nowadays where I have digitalized my music collection I can relisten as many times I want, and then I'm much more likely to get a proper rendering. But doing that for all the 104775,5 minutes (or 1746 hours) of music in the collection is simply not feasible, so I'll have to live with the approximate versions.

I still have some cleaning up tasks waiting for me in the house, but by and large I'm beginning to se the end of the monumental relocation project. Which in theory should leave me with a lot of free hours for language studies - at least until winter is over and the garden calls.

I do read things in the evening, and if I wake up before dawn I also read things in the morning. Like this past night (and morning):

GE: Mein Gute-Nacht-Buch von gestern Abend war „Mit der WAZ durchs Ruhrgebiet“ aus dem Jahre 2000. Die WAZ ist eigentlich eine Zeitung mit Hauptsitz in Essen, die Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, angeblich Deutschlands größte Lokalzeitung, und deren Verantwortlichen schien das Ruhrgebiet als Reiseziel offenbar unterschätzt zu sein. Herausgekommen ist ein hervorragendes Büchlein mit 180 Reisetipps aus der Region. Es gibt ein Reiseziel pro Seite, und gestern Abend bin ich auf Seite 50 gelandet - das Kochbuchmuseum im Westphalenpark in Dortmund. Und dies verdeutlicht wohl sehr gut, wie das Buch über Arten von Sehenswürdigkeiten spricht, die sonst in vielen Reiseführern unter dem Radar fliegen. Ich habe tatsächlich in Dortmund übernachtet, wußte aber nicht, daß es dort ein Kochbuchmuseum gäbe, also habe ich mich mit dem Tiergarten und dem Kunst-und-Gewerbemuseum begnügt.

Tatsächlich ist es nicht meine Schuld, daß das Ruhrgebiet als Reiseziel nicht mehr bekannt ist. Ich war schon mehrmals dort und erinnere mich sehr wohl an die Reaktion, als ich in 1998 das erste Mal zu Hause und auf der Arbeit verkündete, daß ich Winterurlaub im Ruhrgebiet machen wollte. Es mag wohl früher völlig verschmutzt und für die menschliche Inhalation ungeeignet gewesen sein, als Bergbau und Schwerindustrie noch dominierten, aber die dortigen Industrien haben sich verändert. Und in einem Gebiet mit insgesamt mehr als 5 Millionen Einwohnern, verteilt auf 4.435 Quadratkilometern verwachsener Städte, ist ganz schön viel los, was auch für Besucher interessant sein könnte.

RO: Și astazi dimineață am citit un alt capitol din cartea mea românească despre primele călătorii în străinătate - de data asta despre un om care a primit o bursă de 6 luni la Paris și a devenit un francofil pasionat de ciclism.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:10 pm

Last evening I listened to a series of Ecolinguist videos on Youtube

Nederlands - Engels 2
Actually I first listened to video no. 1 with this language combination, but there the Anglophones had to guess and translate Dutch sentences, and in between the Dutch lady spoke English :evil: - so I dropped that one and proceeded to no. 2 (it's not the first time that there is a pair of videos with the same languages and participants, and then no. 2 is usually spoken in the relevant languages).
Deutsch - Nederlands - Vlaams
Here the comprehension level was noticeable higher than when 2½ Anglophones tried to understand Dutch.
(Luxembourgish vs Deutsch (incl Schwiizertüütsch)
This one was also spoken in English, but at least I got the chance to listen to three different German dialects - plus a wee bit o' Lëtzebuergesch.

.. and then my computer froze...

I could have restarted it, but in frustration I went to bed and read the last 69 pages of my German guide to obscure sights in the Ruhr-region, and because of this I had to find something new this morning . So I rummaged around my shelves and found an Icelandic book about "Norræn Guðafræði", written by Ólafur Briem in 1940. My edition is however no. seven from 1991 - so it must be a standard work read by generation after generation of Icelanders (I can't see who else should buy it). To boot it is published by Iðunn, who also has published my English-Icelandic dictionary. I intend to use this as my goodnight reading the next couple of evenings.

IC: Ég las fyrsta kaflann, hvers vegna höfundur ræðir vandamálið við að læra um fornnorræna guðaheiminn úr verkum sem skrifuð voru eftir tilkomu kristni. En það er það sem við höfum núna og munnlegar sagnahefðir í Noregi og (sérstaklega) Íslandi voru mjög rótgrónar, svo ég er ekki verulegar áhyggjur.

When I got up around 8:30 I fed the birds in the garden (in spite of a spate of ice cold rain) and fetched my newspaper. I already have a heap of unread newspapers waiting for me and it grows by one item per day, but they'll have to wait ... I'm busy. After that I transcribed some Georgian, not to learn the languages (although I do translate from a bilingual printout), but in order not to forget the special alphabet once again (ah been there, done that). And also because I think the letters are pretty.


After that I turned the page in my latest Polish printout collection containing the article about Silwa Zoo near Gdansk (see above), and there I studied an article about the zoo in Wroclaw, followed by one about the Slaski zoo in Katowice - I visited both during my last visit to Poland.

PO: Wrocławskie zoo jest największe w Polsce, ale jego katowicki odpowiednik przewodzi w jednym punkcie: jest zniżka dla seniorów, ale we Wrocławiu trzeba pokazać kartę, która wydaje się być wydawana tylko Polakom. W Katowicach wystarczy być pełnoletnim.

I have printouts about a further four Polish zoos waiting for me (two of which I have visited), but after a pause in the middle of the day I switched to Russian (which for the moment is less relevant for me than it ever before has been in the world history, but I don't intend to drop it it this stage). When I relocated in December I just collected all the printouts I had (outside some cartoon folders with really old printouts), and it seems that I should have put some of them into the folders since I have worked them through already - but as it might be I ended up restudying a text about mammoths which I already worked on earlier in 2022 - so having seen the text already it was smooth sailing.

RU: Последние мамонты погибли на острове Врангеля в России около 5000 лет назад, но в статье говорится, что анализ ДНК указывает на два более ранних периода, когда численность мамонтов значительно сократилась, но после этих двух периодов популяция смогла восстановиться. С третьего раза не получилось...

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:28 am

Warning: the following message is mostly a collection of quotes from different Wikipedias. It all started because I for some reason looked Luxemburgisch up on Google (actually for a quite specific reason: I wanted to know how the Luxembourgers spell their language themselves), and then I got the idea to see what it is named in other Germanic languages and dialects - and then I ended up trying to read all the pages that had a page about the Luxemburgian language. SInce I found it quite fun to see the different languages/dialects juxtaposed I have quoted the beginning of the respective articles below. It surprised me that the Low German Wikipedia didn't have an article about another struggling Germanic variant, so instead I quoted the beginning of the article about the country itself, and when I had done that I decided to add Scots and Ænglisc (Anglosaxon), but it has to be said that there are even more Germanic language variants in Europe - I just had to stop somewhere. And not all variants have their own Wikipedia.

D'Lëtzebuergesch gëtt an der däitscher Dialektologie als ee westgermaneschen, mëtteldäitschen Dialekt aklasséiert, deen zum Muselfränkesche gehéiert. An der Linguistik gëtt et och alt zu de sougenannten "Ausbausproochen", respektiv "Kultursproochen", gezielt.

't Luxembörgs (eige naom Lëtzebuergesch) is 'n Middelfrankische (Middelduitse) taol die veural in 't land Luxembörg gesproke weurt. Daoneve weurt de taol nog gesproke in Aarle, in zuidelek Neubelgien (Sankt-Vith) en in Duitsland, boe ze lankzaam in 't Duits euvergeit

Ripoarėsch (Rhingland)
Et Luxembuerjesch (äje Bezeechnong Lëtzebuergesch) ess de Nationalsprooch von de Luxembuerje. Et basiert op däm moselfränkesche Dialekk, dä en Luxembuerch tradetionell jeschwad wiërd. Als Middelfränkesche Sprooche deet me zesammen et Ripoarisch on et Moselfränkesch bezeechne.

Zeêuws (rond Middelburg)
Luxemburgs (Luxemburgs: Lëtzebuergesch) is eên von de drie officiële tael'n in Luxemburg. Neffens wordt ze ok nog veul geklapt in de regio om Aerlen, in 't uuterste zuudoôstn van de Belhische provincie Luxemburg en in de regio om Sankt Vith, direkt t'n noordn van Luxemburg.

Luxemburgs of Letzeburgs (Lëtzebuergesch) is een taal die in ruimere zin – als variant binnen het Moezelfrankisch – wordt gesproken in het Groothertogdom Luxemburg, rond Aarlen, en in het noorden van Lotharingen, rond Thionville.

Luxemburgs of Lëtzebuergesch is die nasionale taal van die Groothertogdom Luxemburg en word deur sowat 390 000 mense gepraat. Die meeste van hulle praat dit as moedertaal, maar daar is ook 'n groot getal buitelanders in Luxemburg wat dit as tweede taal aangeleer het.

t Luxembörgs (aigen noam: Lëtzebuergesch, IPA: [ˈlətsəbuɐjəʃ]) is n Middelduutse toal dij veurnoamelk sproken wordt ien t Groothaartogdom Luxembörg.

Platt (Nederdüütsch)
Luxemborg (fr. Luxembourg) is en Monarkie, de in'n Westen vun Europa liggt. Navers sünd Belgien, Düütschland un Frankriek. In Luxemborg leevt up 2.586 km² 474.413 Inwahners (Juli 2006). Dat sünd 181 Inwahners/km². De Hööftstadt is Luxemborg.

Deutsch ((Hochdeutsch)
Die luxemburgische Sprache oder kurz Luxemburgisch] (Eigenbezeichnung Lëtzebuergesch) ist die Landessprache und eine der Amtssprachen von Luxemburg. Strukturell ist es eine moselfränkische Sprachvarietät des Westmitteldeutschen und damit Teil des kontinentalwestgermanischen Dialektkontinuums, soziolinguistisch eine eigenständige Ausbausprache.

Alemannisch (Schwiizertüütsch)
Luxeburjerisch, lux. Lëtzebuergesch, ésch e moselfränkisch'r Dialekt un de Nàtionalsprooch vum Grossherzogtum Luxeburi - newe Frànzeesch un (Hoch-)Ditsch de offiziell Sprooch vum Ländel.

Luxnbuagisch, oda wias in Luxnbuag söwa dazua sogn: Lëtzebuergesch - is oane fu de ofizieln Aumtsschbrochn fu Luxnbuag und is linguisdisch oana fu de moslfrenkischn Dialekt. Es ghead zu de westgeamanischn Schbrochn dazua und is aso aa no mim Deitschn und mim Holendisch fawaunt.

Luksemborgskt (Lëtzebuergesch) er eitt av vesturgermansku málunum. Luksemborgskt er móðurmál hjá sløkum 400.000 fólkum og verður fyrst og fremst tosað í Luksemborg, men eisini í teimum pørtum av Belgia, Frankaríki og Týsklandi, sum liggja fram við markinum til Luksemborg.

Lúxemborgska (lúxemborgska: Lëtzebuergesch, franska: Luxembourgeois, þýska: Luxemburgisch), er vesturgermanskt tungumál sem talað er í Stórhertogadæminu Lúxemborg.

Luxemburgsk eller luxembourgsk (Lëtzebuergesch) er eit offisielt språk i Luxemburg, nærskyldt med tysk. Luxemburgsk liknar dialektane som blir talt i dei tilgrensande delane av Tyskland.

Norsk Bokmål

Luxembourgsk, eller luxemburgsk (Lëtzebuergesch), er et vestgermansk språk som er nasjonalspråk i Luxembourg. I 1984 ble språket et offisielt språk i landet. Luxembourgsk er en Mosel-frankisk dialekt av den vestmellomtyske språkgruppen

Letzeburgsk (letzeburgsk Lëtzebuergesch [ˈlət͡səbuɐ̯jəʃ]) er et højtysk sprog, som primært tales af 400.000 mennesker i Storhertugdømmet Luxembourg (Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg), hvor sproget har officiel status, sammen med tysk og fransk.

Luxemburgiska (lëtzebuergesch) är Luxemburgs huvudsakliga talspråk. Det är nära besläktat med tyska och var ursprungligen en frankisk dialekt. Luxemburgiskan hör egentligen till det moselfrankiska dialektområdet. Historiskt sett är luxemburgiskan sålunda att betrakta som en tysk dialekt med ett stort antal franska lånord.

Frysk (fan Noard-Hollân)
t Lúksemboarchsk is in taal dy't benammen sprutsen wurdt yn it Gruthartochdom Lúksemboarch. Fierders wurde ek dialekten fan it Lúksemboarchsk sprutsen yn parten fan Belgje, Frankryk en Dútslân.

Luksemborags spriak: At Luksemborags spriak (Aanj nööm Lëtzebuergesch) as ian amtspriak faan Luksemborag. Hat hiart tu a mooselfrenkisk spriakwiisen faan't Madelsjiisk.

Luxembourgish is a West Germanic language that is spoken mainly in Luxembourg. About 400,000 people speak Luxembourgish worldwide.

The Grand Duchy o Luxembourg is a wee laundlockit kintra in Wastren Europe laund mairched alang wi Fraunce, Belgium an Germany. It haes near aboot 600,000 indwallers.

Letseburg (Frencisc: Luxembourg; Germanisc: Luxemburg), oþþe seo Letseburg Heah Þeodenrice is land on Europan. Her spricð man Frencisc, Þeodisc and Letseburgisc.

The map below was borrowed from the Bavarian Wikipedia:
D'faschidanen Variantn fum Frenkischn.jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Fri Jan 20, 2023 7:40 am

Since I wrote the message above I have been quite busy studying.

In the evening Wednesday 18/1-23 I worked on a text in Bulgarian about the Bulgarian Copper age - yes, copper, not bronze. There was a phase long time ago where there was a quite advanced culture in the Balkans based on copper (sometimes plus arsenic, but not yet zinc). But this culture suddenly disappeared, and then there is something like a vacuum until the 'real' bronze age starts several thousand years later - and the learned ones have been scratching their heads about this 'hole' in the history. The special thing about this article is that it was the first sizeable text in Bulgarian I ever laid my hands on (several years ago), and I was surprised that it wasn't harder to understand. And finally I read about 'jætter' (jötunn) and 'diser' and 'trolde' in my Icelandic goodnight book plus something about the god Odin.

Yesterday, Thursday 19/1, I started out studying some passages in my Indonesian-English parallel guides to Singapore, this time about shopping - and I did the wordlist immediately after. Later on I studied a fairly long article about the Kraków zoo in Polish, and I relaxed with a short text in Afrikaans about the Macrorie Huis in Petermaritzburg in South Africa. This museum was the preserved home of a bishop from the late 19. century, but in 2015 somebody stole the cast iron fence (!), and this plus falling subsidies led to the closure of the museum in 2016. Unfortunately I never got the chance to visit it. And then in the evening I did wordlists in Greek (around 230 words) and Ukrainian (around 100 words), followed by some more Bulgarian copper age and as goodnight reading the rest of the chapter about the gods in my Icelandic book.

And today I woke up early and read two episodes from my Romanian book about the first time a number of people from Romania got an opportunity to travel abroad.

RO: Un lucru pe care l-am observat într-unul dintre aceste comentarii a fost că o doamna a mers cu trenul din România în Scoția cu o bursă. Aici a fost cazata la o familie care a refuzat sa dea calor la caloriferele, asa ca a inghetat si a racit. Fetele scoțiene, în schimb, alergau pe vreme înghețată în rochii scurte și bluze subțiri. O altă doamnă se afla în DDR cu soțul ei jurnalist chiar după război, unde era o lipsă de bărbați adulți acolo - așa că fetele excitate țarei i-au asediat pe toți ceilalți membri ai delegației, iar soțul ei era supărat că nu ar putea participa la activitățile imorale.

BU: Това, което учудва изследователите в случая с българската медна епоха е, че не е открито нито едно неиндоевропейско топонимание. Така че, ако медните хора са говорили по друг начин (което е доста сигурно), тогава всичко трябва да е започнало отначало, когато е започнала бронзовата епоха. Известно е, че орди от войни идват от степите на север от Черно море, но генетичният състав на българите сега показва, че те не са изместили напълно местното население. Така че защо по-ранните имена на места не са оцелели?

IC: Það eru tvær guðaættir í norrænni goðafræði, æsir og vanir Mín eigin ágiskun er sú að siðir tákni eldri norræna menningu frá því fyrir 400 e.Kr., og síðan voru goðsagnirnar tvær sameinaðar þegar víkingaöld hófst - löngu fyrir árásina á Lindisfarne, sem hefur aðeins verið talin tímamót vegna þess að munkarnir gátu kvartað skriflega. PS: Myndin hér að neðan sýnir Völuspá, hið fræga kvæði um sögu heimsins frá Ymi risanum í Ginnungagab til Ragnaröks.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:41 pm

Yesterday I didn't get to study at all, since I had signed up for a meeting in my travel club in a village 100 km from here, and so I started in the morning looking up opening hours for attractions in that area,and then I spent most of the day visiting some by them - 3 museums (including one with an aquarium), one cathedral, a supermarket and a pizzeria. The first of these museums was "Ribes Vikinger" in the town Ribe, which fits nicely my current goodnight readoing, where I got through the chapter about worship practices after midnight. Tacitus wrote that the Germans drove a goddess Nerthus around on a cart, and the book claims that the worship mostly took place outdoors - but later small hourses were built to house holy paraphernalia. Near Upåpsala there was a forest where the swedes hanged animals and sometimes speople, but we haven´t got anything like that in the rest of Scandinavia or Iceland - although there are some mass graves around, probably with war casualties. The famous bog bodies from Denmark (Tollund man, Grauballe man) were generally put into the bogs before around 400 AC, and may be related to a culture that changed drastically around that time. It was also back then that we switched from "Urnordisk" to Old Norse, which meant that most words were cut down to half the size. I'll read the next chapter this evening - it tells the story about the world, and i guess that the main source for that will be the poem Völuspá.

Today I wanted to do something about my Latin, and then I got the idea to use my Latin translation of Harrius Potter II with the English original as my backup help, and I also have the sizeable Grossses Schulwörterbuch from Langenscheidt within reach - and I have already words in the Latin version that around among those in the dictionary. However I mostly understand what happens without checking the original. Since I don't really care about the plot I just jumped into the book at the 4. chapter and studied the text there - but of course I have read the whole book long ago so I roughly know what happens.

EO: Kaj ĉi tie hodiaŭ mia fratino vokis min. Ŝi estas membro de fejsbuka grupo kiu rigardas malnovajn poŝtkartojn, kaj iu alia en la grupo publikigis malnovan poŝtkarton kun antaŭpresita teksto en la franca en la fronto, sed ili ne povis kompreni la dorso - kaj mia fratino povis vidi, ke ĝi ne estis franca kaj ankaŭ ne hispana. Sed la enhavo de la kartp rezultis esti mortiga rakonto pri viro in Spanlando, al kiu kolego en Danlando petas lin viziti sinjorinon en Hispanio. Kaj kiam li alvenas tie, estas ankaŭ alia, hispanlingva sinjorino. Ili ekscias je lin, ke la amiko de la kolego ne edziĝis kun sia amatino, ĉar ŝi edziniĝis kun hispana viro. Kaj nun li iras hejmen al Danio - feliĉan Kristnaskon, kara Samideano. La tuta ĉio estas skribita en Esperanto, kion mi feliĉe komprenas.

DA: og så fik jeg i øvrigt en laaaaang fortælling om hvad de ellers kigger på i den Facebook-gruppe - men det meste er på dansk.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:50 am

Yesterday I did study. Before noon I moved the bulk of my paintings to a corridor which until recently was blocked by the cardboard boxes of the relocation company - and I also hanged some of the larger paintings on the walls. Result: one more area of the house looks as it should. And then I took a walk and had a conversation in Danish with a guest. In the late afternoon I studied a Polish text about the Devon era, where the fish really got the upper hand in the sea - and the dry land finally was invaded by living things. And after that I made some Polish wordlists that included the words from my zoo texts - but when I had used all those words I just couldn't stop and extended the list with with a few hundred words from my fat green Pons dictionary.

After that I rummaged around my old printouts and found one in Greek ...

GR: ... για τους Σουμέριους, οι οποίοι εμφανίστηκαν μεταξύ Τίγρη και Εύρφρα περίπου 6000-4000 προ Χριστού, αλλά εδραιώνουν πραγματικά τον νεοεφευρεθέν πολιτισμό τους προς το 3000 προ Χριστού - και αυτό είναι επίσης πολύ καιρό πριν! Οι ερευνητές συζητούν ποιος εφηύρε πρώτος τη γραφή, οι Αιγύπτιοι ή οι Σουμέριοι, αλλά οι Σουμέριοι συμμετείχαν τουλάχιστον από την αρχή. Έχω γράψει προηγουμένως για την εμφάνιση της γραφής εκεί κάτω, και φαίνεται ότι ξεκίνησε με εικόνες σε βάζα για να μπορείτε να δείτε τι υπήρχε μέσα, και από εκεί αναπτύχθηκε μια ιδεογραφική γραφή σύμφωνα με την αρχή του γρίφου - η σφηνοειδής γραφή. Όταν οι Σουμέριοι κατακτήθηκαν από τους Ακκάδιους υπό τον Σαργκόν τον Μέγα, οι Ακκάδιοι υιοθέτησαν αυτή τη γραφή, παρόλο που δεν ταίριαζε πραγματικά στους ήχους τους, και μετά πέρασε στους Βαβυλώνιους και σε άλλους λαούς της περιοχής.

EN: The Greek text is quite long, but towards midnight I remembered that I long ago printed the complete Occitan Wikipedia article out - which also is quite long (and I couldn't include a translation since Google Translate had - and has -a hole there). It happened so long ago that I actually had to find the text in my background storage folders, but I found it and I have started reading it as bedtime reading (the Norse gods have to accept a pause for a few evenings). It is piece of cake to read (since it was written in the orthography that harks back to the golden age in the medieval period, and I learnt that writing system plus a lot of troubadour words during my study years back in the 70s), but I have not planned to learn Occitan as an active language so I have to refrain from writing this in the relevant language. Or rather, when I studied the text for the first time several years ago I did concoct a summary in some kind of tarzanesque Occitan and published it here on Llorg (or was it still on HTLAL?), but apparently I was more adventurous back then. With just an Ancíent Occitan -> Modern French dictionary (Foulet), Greimas' grammar plus some grammars sheets written by my teacher way back in the 70s plus some very impressive internet resources to assist me during the process it must have taken a long time to concoct that message. I have written short passages in Occitan in this thread a few times since, but today I'm just too lazy to follow up on that activity. Shame on me ...

By the way, the Sumerians called themselves 'people with black heads' ('small stocky guys' would also have been a fitting description). The Greek text mentions a theory that says that they originally came from the mountains and therefore they built tall ziggurats to worship their gods, the Occitan text seems to think they always had been living in the swampy lowlands and just built them for fun. The name "Sumerians" was given to them by the Akkads, and the reason that we can read Sumerian today (in spite of it being a linguistic isolate) is precisely that the Akkadians and Babylonians continued to use the cuneiform writing system and kept records of the deeds and myths of their predecessors.

S0414a01_Sumerian king (Glyptotek).jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:25 am

SCO: In the threid aboot the NLP model Deinonysos gave a link tae an airticle in the Guardian whit lat ken that aboot hauf o the Scot Wikipedia had been maked up by an American yonker that didnae e'en speak the leid and tharefore it wis so misleart that some hamespun Scotsmen had proponed that the hale lot be scrapped, whauras ithers dinked that it wad be eneuch tae keep the airticles, but gaither a buird o genuine Scotsmen tae rewrite awthing - stock and brock - whit that American lad had done. The seicont strategy wad be the maist logical in my humble opeenion - if a cabal o Scotsmen can be gaithered and git the hale thing duin insteid o argie-bargie oer the details.

Whitsomiver that piece o information wiled me intae havin a wee scance at the Scots Wikipedia, and I airted oot that 'tis nae at aw spelt like the Laeland Scot whit ah learnt feckly frae the Scots online site and its dictionar (ah dunno whit deealect it represents). Tae lat see the differs ah have translated the Wikipedia airticle aboot the Scots leid, owerleuing aw wirds in the online dictionar (and bytimes an aw The Essential Scots Dictionary, whit ah awn as a printed beuk) - the airticle aneath shoudnae be ane o the American anes, but aye, it has a lang and quirkie history:

Scots Wikipedia:
Scots (or "Lallans[...]) is a Wast Germanic leid o tha Anglic varietie that's spaken on tha Lawlands o Scotland an en tha stewartrie o Ulster en Ireland (whaur it's kent as "Ulster-Scots", "Scotch", or "Ullans") an tha leids o Scots Wikipedia. En maist airts, it is spaken anent tha an* Inglis leid. (...)

Me and Wikipedia and Scots online
Scots (or "Lallans[...]) is a Wast Germanic leed o the Anglic varietie that's spoken** on the Lawlands o Scotland and in the stewartry o Ulster in Ireland (whaur it's kent as "Ulster-Scots", "Scotch", or "Ullans") and the leids o Scots Wikipedia. In maist airts, it is spoken anent tae an Inglis leid.(...)

**but least "spake" in the past tense
*for why "an" and nae "the" here?

Platt: Um un bi datsülve Problem höff ik mit mien Platt, aver hier is de Wikipedia jedetmool vervaat in diesülve Orthographie dat ik uut mien Sass "Plattdeutsches Wörterbuch" kenne. Ik höff aver ook 'n önner Wöörböök (Hinstorff) dat ik in Berlin höff kööpt, un dat bruukt 'n önner Schrievwies, sachts vun een totaal önner Dialekt vun Plattdüütsch..

P6314a01 _ the last o the clan (Faed).jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:25 pm

One more glorious day has passed, and now I only have to choose what to read before I fall asleep. In all likelihood I'll manage to finish the Occitan collection, but maybe I also can squeeze in some Icelandic or Romanian or whatever before final closing time.

In the decision guide thread i told what I did Thursday, and also that I expected to read more in my Occitan text collection. When I searched for it in my collection of antique printouts I expected it to tell me about the Sumerians and just that. Actually it soon continued from the Sumerians to the Akkadians and Guths and whatever other peoples that one after the other dominated the Middle East - and back to the Sumerians for a couple of local late dynasties more. But the Sumerian language basically became an extinct relic like Latin later on when the Akkadians conquered them some 4000 years ago, and the last knowledge of the Cuneiform writing system disappeared shortly before the year 0 (or -1, because there actually isn't a year 0 in our calendar), and then it took some luck and a lot of hard work to pull it back from oblivion.

As for the Occitan text collection it went on from history to Platon' Fedra (Occitan spelling) and calendars and primates, and now there are only two articles left: one about Francoprovencal (or 'Arpitan'), which once was spoken in Southeastern France and in the Val d'Aosta, and the other about the notion of Anno Domini and New Year. I'll try to finish those now, and then I am out of Occitan stuff to read (Assimil was too irritating). But there are of course other languages in the world so I won't be bored too much.

Area where Arpitan allegedly was spoken.jpg

I started the day with a continuation of the Ukrainian text about the Burgess formation which I also studied Thursday, and after that a text about thalamus infarct from the Russian Wikipedia, and from there to the the Greek article about the Sumerians - and contrary to the Occitan text collection it sticks to the topic - the next article in it tells about the Sumerian language. Then I spent many hours squeezing joint sealant into the cracks between the ceilings and walls in my house - I have had the stuff lying around for years, but only found a way to use it when a friend of mine lent me a contraption that produces thin white sausages of filler stuff which you easily can push into the cracks. Then I made four sudokus (too easy!) and returned to the Polish article about the Devon era, after which I made a Polish wordlist with some 60 words - and then the last of my music files with music of Carl Philip Emanuel Bach ended and I'm ready to pull the plug and go to bed.

Tomorrow I have promised to accompany my sister and some of here friends to the local castle museum which boasts a collection of some fine Danish-made porcelain from the 18. century - a collection called "Flora Danica" because that's exactly what is painted on all the parts. I think the plan was to give it to Katharina the Great of Russia (who actually was a princess from a tiny kingdom in Northern Germany until she got married to her good-for-nothing Russian imperial husband, whom she soon got rid of) ... but then she died and we kept the whole caboodle, hurray! And apart from that I also have to buy some more sealant to finish the cracks sealing project.

F6336a02 - Flora Danica (Koldinghus).jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:43 am

Yesterday I bought more acrylic sealant and visited the porcelain exhibition as planned, and when I returned home I primarily worked on Polish (because that's the Slavic language that has caused me most trouble). AS I write below I first started to copy and study the devonian texts, then realized that I hadn't done enough active text studies recently (due to fatigue and laziness) so I started to write small commentaries to the information in the text at hand, and then at some point I needed to consult my green sheets and became irritated by the fact that I never got around to write about the pronouns. Then I took my two grammars (a thick and a thin one) and devised the tables below for the personal and the possessive pronouns. And then several hours had passed, and I relaxed with a fairly short article about the Sumerian language in Greek - and this time just copying, no commenting, but I'm aware that the commenting (in writing and in thinking) has to be stepped up - now that I have got the time to do so since I'm over the worst part of the relocation exercise...

POL: Wczoraj pracowałem głównie nad językiem polskim. Najpierw zajmowałem się głównie studiować tekstu o okresie dewonu ze wszystkimi zabawnymi i futurystycznymi rybami. Ale wtedy pomyślałem, że bierne zajęcia nie wystarczą – trzeba też robić aktywne. Ale potem pomyślałem, że bierne zajęcia nie wystarczą – trzeba też robić aktywnie. A potem zacząłem pisać komentarze na temat ery Dewona, zamiast po prostu kopiować tekst. Ale potem zauważyłem, że moje zielone arkusze nie są wystarczające - a potem wziąłem moje dwie gramatyki i dodałem kilka tabel dla ważnych zaimków. Trwało to kilka godzin, dopóki nie sporządziłem poniższych tabel - jeden zestaw dla zaimków osobowych (i kilku innych rodzajów), drugi dla zaimków dzierżawczych . I jak widzisz, nadal umieszczam biernik między mianownikiem a dopełniaczem, ponieważ taka jest jego logiczna pozycja. I ja tylko neutrum pomiędzy niż męski i żeński, ponieważ to czyni tabele prostszymi. Nie obchodzi mnie, co robi reszta świata...

I finished the evening reading some more about Norse mythology, and now I only have one chapter left with short stories about famous episodes from Snorri's prose Edda. I'll probably look through that chapter tonight, but after that ...

IC: ... væri gott að afrita/skrifa athugasemdir við (!)/ kynna mér hluta íslensku bókarinnar með orðabók og grænu blöðunum mínum. Ég læri ekki nóg með því að lesa bara bók og hunsa eyðurnar í skilningi mínum!



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