Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Carmody » Wed Dec 07, 2022 10:32 am

Thanks so very much for sharing your moving journey, and especially your observation about the importance of "at least one comfy chair." The lack of a chair to settle into has been truly disruptive to my study routine and I look forward eagerly to the time that the chairs we ordered will arrive in 6 weeks time.
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:46 pm

I have now reached an important goal, or rather two. Most of my things were moved Thursday, and we have a law in Denmark that states that you have to inform the authorities at latest 5 days after the move - so I just did that, and now I'm again a citizen in the municipality which I left in 1972 when I started my university studies. The other important hurdle I have passed is that I have moved all books and study things plus photo albums and old VHS tapes out of their boxes and put them on shelves - either my own racks or the ones I have inherited. And lo and behold, I generally could get a logical setup, so that for instance my dictionaries go from Germanic and Romance languages on the left over "small formats" and Slavic languages to those on the right which I haven't learnt yet, like for instance Asiatic languages and Finno-Ugrian ones plus Georgian and Basque to the right. My travel guides are located on two opposing racks. However my modest collection of books in foreign languages had to be divided into two parts, one for French and Spanish, and the rest in another room. The problem is always those few books that differ a lot in size from their natural 'partners', and sometimes I have had to place them away from the bulk in or about the same language, but never very far. All in all I'm quite content.

I would like to attach a photo of my language books in their new surroundings (to supplement the one I published from their old location), but I have not yet got my old PC (the one where I fetch new photos on my camera from) connected to the internet, so you will have to wait a few days to see that photo. The relevant cable is still buried somewhere in my belongings.

During this process I have of course been able to look through my collections, and I have discovered things I had forgotten that I had. For instance..

SCOTS: ah have bytimes lamented that the Scots didnae print any beuks in thair leid, but ah did housomiver find a few in my hatter whit ah must hae bocht during ane o my visits thare ... and then at ance misglimmed - like "Alice in Wunnerland" and a collection o official documents frae auld lang syne. But the Scots should still print some mair beuks in thare ain Laeland Scots insteid of for aye uising Sassenach!

FR: Evidemment la majorité de mes livres litteraires sont en français puisque c'est la seule langue que j'ai officiellement étudié à l'université, et la majorité de mes livres litteraires en français date de cette période - or j'ai ajouté quelques livres science-fiction/phantaisie (apart deJules Verne généralement en traduction) puisque cela était le dernier genre littéraire auquel j'ai pris aucun intérêt particulier. J'ai aussi acheté plusieurs livres SF en Italien et quelques autres langues. Et parmi mes achats touristiques il y a évidemment beaucoup dans la langue du lieu visité, mais...

RO: de exemplu, am ales să-mi cumpăr ghidul de la Schönbrunn din Viena în versiunea românească – de ce nu? În plus, am câteva cărți vechi din epoca Ceaucescu (pentru că am urmat un curs de peste trei ani la limbă româna la anii 70), dar și câteva achiziții valoroase (deși traduse) din excursia mea la Cluj ca. acum 5 ani - inclusiv cartea lui Oliver Sacks despre muzicalitate și lipsa acesteia, pe care l-am citit în mod excepțional trei ori.

DU: Mijn gids voor het Vaticaan is natuurlijk op Nederlands - voor zover ik kon zien hadden de pauselijke marskramers het niet in het Latijn, anders zou het degene versie zijn die ik had gekocht.

EDIT 18/12: now with photo of my dictionaries and grammars at their new place (plus a lot of clutter up front).Please notice the electronic christmas tree in the middle (almost invisible,but it is there). When I still painted I made one Christmas nausea painting every year, and I have added one of those below. In a normal year there would also be several hundred Danish Christmas hearts of paper all the way round below the ceiling, but this year I haven't had time to put them up. Instead I have added a picture with some examples at the bottom:



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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Carmody » Sun Dec 11, 2022 10:04 pm

Congratulations on your great work!
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:53 pm

I have spent the time since Monday cleaning up my old apartment so that it can be put up for sale, but even though I have been working like a beast I'm not yet there, and now I have left the rest of the work for next week and returned to my house (which is my main official dwelling since last Sunday). But that house also looks like a dump, so I'll also have to clean things up here and drive to the recycling stations a number of times to get rid of things I can't keep. My apartment at least was in a highrise block with containers for paper stuff (including books) and a room for 'bulky waste like furniture, but I don't have that kind of luxury at my countryside estate so here I have to load as much as possible into the back of my old car and drive to a recycling place.

While I was in the apartment I didn't have a TV set, nor my language books, so late in the evening when I was too exhausted to keep hauling stuff I just had the stuff in my bag to keep me entertained OK, some people look at their phones in that situation and seem to be well entertained, but I'm not one of them). That stuff included the Catalan Unesco magazine about science fiction which I mentioned here several weeks ago plus a special issue of the super interesting Portuguese magazine Super Interesante, which poses more than 200 questions and answer each one briefly - no long articles in this issue.

CAT: Ja he comentat els primers articles a "El correu de la Unesco" de 1982 i ara he acabat de llegir-la. Al ser una revista d'una sub-organització de les Nacions Unides, es natural que hi hagui ha aportacions d'escriptors de diverses nacionalitats, i això comporta, naturalment, algunes referències inesperades. Per exemple, un rus anomenat Kazantzev escriu sobre la relació entre la ciència-ficció i ciència, i esmenta aqui uns quants autors russos que no tenia ni la minima idea que existeixin, però òbviament aqueles autores eren molt coneguts aleshores en el seu pais (l'URSS - com ja vaig dir, aquest és el any 1982!). Una de les coses divertides de la revista és veure el món des d'una perspectiva de fa quaranta anys (i sí, jo vaig existir en aquell any llunyà) - com quan a la pàgina 15 es fa referència als plans per construir un túnel sota el Canal de la Manèga. La revista acaba amb una llista d'autors coneguts del gènere, i jo llegit gairebé tots llavors, però la meva impressió és que avui en dia s'han oblidat en certa mesura -i això és una llàstima..


POR: A revista portuguesa com suas 200 perguntas e respostas é uma leitura difícil se você quiser fazer de uma só vez - então dividi a leitura em duas sessões (número dois quando acordei às 2 da manhã). Embora cada tópico seja abordado apenas brevemente, há muitas informações interessantes. Por exemplo, fica mencionado que uma tribo africana 'Kanembu' come quase exclusivamente uma alga chamada Spirulina maxima. Contém todas as proteínas essenciais (mais do que a soja ou a carne de porco magra) e tem mais vitamina A do que a cenoura e outras coisas boas. Mas se fosse para ser vendido na Dinamarca, provavelmente teria que ser disfarçado. Talvez o piloto do OVNI na pintura acima comeu um pouco demais das Spirulinas?
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Fri Dec 16, 2022 10:11 pm

I have now basically collected all my furniture at its new location, apart from the small table where I keep my paper and reserve pens and other periphernalia, but I'll get that down here before christmas. I have even opened the box with the router that is supposed to connect my old computer to the world, but the computer itself is ready to use - tomorrow. On the other hand I have still some four bags with stuff for the recycle station, and the people from the municipality that have been asked to remove a bothersome old metal bed and other stuff have not yet told me when they intend to do so, and I still have some two dozen boxes from the moving company which they have promise to fetch next time they are in the area - but I'm still waiting for that to happen. At my old place I still have a few pieces of furniture plus everything in the kitchen, but the main problem is that I have to cut the carpets into strips of max. 1 m width. That will be a grueling task, which I have planned to do Monday and Tuesday next week where the rain is supposed to pour down. But apart from that I'm closer to resume my previous way of living than I have been since October - and I'm looking forward to it

Two evenings ago I decided to refresh my Low German, and I first started out reading a book by W.F.Herz with the double title "Röms blifft Röms" un "Husum, ahoi". I do actually think that the author writes quite well, and his small stories from the life of the local population would probably be entertaining for most of the people who delight in reading tales op Platt, ...

PLATT: aver ik höff nich bannig veel Vermaak in 't dääglich leven und lütte Problemen vun Lü die nich eens existeern - dit is hard noog te sik interesseren vun 't unaptietliche private Leven vün real existerende Minschen. So gistern Avend höff ik en önner Book leest, un twors "Dit un dat beschnackt op Platt" vun Annemarie Jensen, die in Noorddüütsche Taagbladen lütte Essays över Sprok un Kultur schreev (un sachts dit nog daet - ik weet nich of die Dame noch lebendig is). Sie kommerteert to'n Bispeel de Wennste kring Du un Se op Platt, wo die Regel as 't schient en Tick lockere sünd as op Hoogdüütsch. Se beschnackt ok de Bruuk vun Du/Se un Nanaam, wat as 't lett en Tick meer formel as Du und Vörnaam. Hierr in Däänmark denk ik dat Du + Nanaam fröher normal wöör twischen Kollegen, aver hüüttotag sagen wir wohl du und Vörnaaam to jedereen (buten de Königin, die ümmer nog mit 'De' (=Se) tituleert waart).

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:29 am

I have still a lot of small things to accomplish here - but the things that bother me most now are those objects that somebody else should have removed, but didn't. For instance I had applied to the municipal bulky trash/recycling unit to fetch an iron bed and its matress and a defective pull-out table plus several sacks of paper trash and a rusty old wheelbarrow, but something has gone seriously wrong and they hadn't registered my application (which has to be done through a website) - so that those things still fill up my carport. And the moving company has still not picked up its two dozen cardboard boxes - they had promised to do it next time they were in the area, but maybe their definition of 'area' differs from mine. I could in principle tear up those boxes and move them myself to ne nearest recycling location, but not when the boxes aren't mine. Apart from that: I have spent a couple of days in my flat cutting the carpets into slices of max. 1 m width, and that was almost killing me. The rubber bottom on such carpets tends to become pure dust when you walk on them, and the bottom of the oldest one had also become stiff and brittle which made it hard to roll the slices into nice transportable rolls - so even though I wore a corona mask during the operation I still got trouble with my lungs. But apart from that things are moving forward - for instance I am writing this on my old computer, which now has been connected to the internet.

And language studies? Well, I have still not returned to the usual schemes with intensive test studies, wordlists and all that, but yesterday evening ...

RO: ... am citit jumătate din ghidul românesc al Palatului Schönbrunn din Viena pe care l-am menționat recent. Bineînțeles, nu știu toate denumirile de finețele arhitecturale sau trucuri în camerele castelului, dar nu le știu întotdeauna nici în alte limbi - uneori nici măcar în limba daneză. Desigur, sunt mai multe fotografii într-o astfel de carte decât într-un roman, dar a fost totuși un text util al să-mi testez abilitățile de citire în limba română. Castelul a început ca o masă privată a nobililor sub numele Katzenburg, dar mai târziu a fost deținut de diverși împărați și împărătese, care l-au folosit în mare parte ca cabană de vânătoare. Turcii au distrus clădirea, dar a fost reconstruită, iar în secolul al XVIII-lea, Maria Theresia a făcut-o să se extindă în magnificul castel baroc pe care îl cunoaștem cu toții acum sub numele de Schönbrunn - numit după un izvor mic îngrijit pe care cineva îl găsise în asociatul parc. De altfel, am fost vecin al castelului și al grădina zoologică asociată (cea mai veche existentă din lume) - am locuit doi ani în rând într-un hotel chiar în fața porții parcului în legătură cu 'gatherings' la Bratislava.


LAT: ... et alia pictura nauseae Nativitatis ut ante rem vobis exhortaret:

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Fri Dec 23, 2022 10:17 pm

Normality slowly returns to this house - I have made the first wordlist since I formally moved in here two weeks ago, and the choice fell upon Greek word starting with μ. When I have written these lines I'll try to get through the second half of Schloß Schönbrunn, but I have also the Low German book by Fru Jensen waiting on my night-chair.

Apart from that I have spent some time on the problem with the landscape photos that should have been portrait which I mentioned a few weeks ago. Wednesday in this week I connected my usual external harddisk to my new laptop and saw ... photos lying down like the trees around Tunguska :shock: . In the meantime I had cleaned out several megabytes of junk data from the apparatus so my first conclusion was that the 'stand up' marker only was stored as temporary data, maybe in the form of hidden thumbnails. So I took that disk and reattached it to my old tower where I still can work reasonably fast, and since my preferred photo editor (the obsolete PhotoImpact) apparently has a problem with Canon cameras I went through the whole caboodle again, except that this time I pulled the photos through Irfanview and shaked them a wee bit. A quick test on one directory seemed to indicate that this trick would work, and then I ran them all through Irfanview - which took several hours Wednesday and Thursday, but at least I could listen to music of composers from Vivaldi to Waldteufel while I worked. And then I connected the external harddisk to the laptop again - and was shocked: it seemed that NONE of my corrections from the old PC were visible on the new apparatus. However after a few minutes in absolute horror the true reason of this debâcle dawned upon me: all the corrections were done to the internal harddisk on my old PC, and I had just forgotten to copy them to the external disk. And where were all the corrections I had made a month ago then: well, I stored them on another external harddisk which I use as backup, and I suppose they still are there - but I can't take more shocks today. To soothe my shattered nerves I have relaxed by compiling a wordlist with some 200 Greek words, and in a moment I shall proceed to calm further down by reading the rest of my book in Romanian about Schönbrunn. Or maybe grab the other book and read about the nooks and crannies of Plattdüütsch. Or something else - now all my books and magazine in funny language are here with me so I can pick and choose. And tomorrow will be a totally normal day where I can continue my disrupted language studies in total confidence that all images that ought to stand up actually do stand up ... in two different locations, to boot. ... I hope...

Greek wordlist.jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:25 pm

Luckily most of my photos turned the right way, and I could quickly correct around 20 that still needed a wee bit of nudging. And then I spent most of the day before noon on creating my own small museum in my bedroom. I have already a wall full of paintings which aren't themselves nailed to the wall, but the wooden lists that keep them in place on the wall are - so that part of the museum would not be easy to change. On the other walls in that room (insofar they aren't covered by shelves or a big brown cupboard) I have hanged 23 other paintings on ordinary nails so I can change them once in a while to get some variation. And apart from two paintings all those of myself in the house are in this room. A smaller room contains old family photos in frames, and the living room still contains all my mother's landscape paintings - except one which I had to repaint because she had tried to wash it with water (I gave that to an acquaintance). I must confess that it to some extent feels like I'm living in her house, but at least the books on the shelves have now been chosen by me - and in one corner I have added a piano, two violins and a cello instead of some furniture that had to go. Rather ironical since I haven't played on any of those instruments for more than 25 years, but I couldn't bear throwing them out.

Later in the day I had a visit from my sister, and we dined on Danish 'æbleskiver' which I had made a few days ago and warmed in the micro. That's all the Christmas that will be celebrated in this house here in 2022 (apart from including a couple of gruesome Christmas paintings in the Iversen museum). And after that I have been writing a Serbian wordlist, but with a twist:

SER: Као вероватно знате, српски се може писати ћирилицом или латиницом, а та два писма су потпуно еквивалентна. Али више волим да користим ћирилична слова јер латиница означавају хрватски - довољно је тешко држати два језика одвојена, па морате користити све доступне трикове. Заправо имам енглески<>српски и бугарски<>српски и мали немачки<српски речник из Лангеншајта, али претходни отисак није увек јасно читљив, бугарска књига жели да се затвори, а Лангеншајд није баш велики. Тако да сам последњи пут када сам посетио Србију (Београд и Нови Сад) покушао да купим још један већи ћирилични речник и све што сам могао да нађем су руски и латинични - тако да сада поседујем српски<>латински речник и то је то што сам покушао да користим за своју листу речи. Али било је мало тешко, јер госпођа која га је направила јасно зна више латинских речи од мене, па сам поред њега ставио енглеско-српски речник - а они заправо нису изабрали исте речи. Имам и латински речник на дохват руке. Дакле, ситуација је мало компликованија него иначе.. Тако да ћу овог Божића вероватно покушати да ажурирам свој латински вокабулар.

Mobile paintings.jpg
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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby Iversen » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:58 pm

Before you can sell a flat you have to remove the dust that has amassed in the corners (and the carpets, furniture and other things too, as I have mentioned briefly a couple of times). I returned to my flat to do the final cleaning thing the 25. of December, where there aren't as many lorries on the highways ('motorveje' in Danish), but I had expected fewer small cars on the roads. Say, shouldn't people be at home eating themselves sick? Here in Denmark kids get their presents already the 24. to make them shut up, and since almost all shops and cultural instituations are closed the day after there shouldn't be any reason for them driving aimlessly around in the streets. Anyway, I returned today with the car full of things from my flat which may or maybe not find a new home in the house where I now live. I keep a bed and a comfy chair in the flat because I have to get back to put the sliced carpets out for the recycling people, but after that I'll just return once in a while to check whether someboday hasn't yet grasped that I have MOVED, for godssake.

OK, but then I had two nights in an almost empty flat. The first I used my laptop and its mobile egg to spy on the outside world, but the second evening I searched my luggage for written stuff, and lo and behold, I found the old bilingual printout set (mostly) about the Bulgarian town Silistra which I have mentioned here long ago - but there was third page which I hadn't read yet, and it didn't even mention SIlistra.

Half the fun doing such sets for languages which are relatively uncomplicate to read is to choose funny translation languages. So here is the list:

First five very short excerpts from discoverbulgaria.online:
The first about an Osmannic castle built by a German in the 19. century - translated into Danish. The second about the Archeological museum which apparently is a sight in itself - translated into Luxemburgish (which not is one of my target languages), the third about the Art gallery with a Catalan translation, the fourth abut the Etnographic museum, which apparently just occupies 300 'kante meter' on the second floor of something called the 'RIM-Silistra struktuer' - translated into Frisisan (one more non-target language) and finally a passage about the "Римската гробница" which in the Indonesian translation correctly is translated as 'Roman churchyard' - but without a dictionary I wondered whether the Roma had their own churchyard. Well, apparently not.

Then three somewhat longer texts from opoznai.bg, the first about the comercial complex "Централ парк" with a Romanian translation - and here it is noteworthy that the 100% Bulgarian name would have been 'Централен парк' so it must be diagnosed as a case of US adulation. The second text tells about a natural reserve with swamp bird and other critter, translation into Galego (one more non-target language, but easy to understand when you know a bit of Portuguese). And the third short text told about a cave complex inhabited by hermit monks, and here the translation language is of course Latin. As it is in the longer text on the third page.

BU: Този текст разказва основно за българска общност в Анатоля в Турция. Това общество процъфтява приблизително 400 години, докато България се отдели и националистическата вълна заля Турция - тогава българите мъдро избират да се преселят на Балканите. А сега кореспондент на novini247.com посети град Бандерма, разположен в местността, където някога са живели българите. И след това следва без обяснение история за градове като Кизикус, Пандерма и Панормо, които са основани от бежанци от Милет, който е бил йонийски гръцки град, който е предизвикал Персийската империя и не е избягал от опита.

It should maybe be acknowledged that even though I find Bulgarian relatively easy to read (even without a dictionary, but with a Latin translation), I still can't speak it :oops: , and I have hardly heard it spoken since a trip in 2008, where I bought a grammar (in French), but didn't try to learn the language. That only happened after I by pure accident found a long text about the Bulgarian copper age (which ended around 4325 BC, long before the bronze age!) and to my amazement realized that I could understand it. I do however ponder whether a trip to the town Silistra couldn't be arranged, now that I have read so much about it, and that might help a bit with the aural side of the language.

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Re: Iversen's second multiconfused log thread

Postby cito » Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:50 am

Iversen wrote:Later in the day I had a visit from my sister, and we dined on Danish 'æbleskiver' which I had made a few days ago and warmed in the micro. That's all the Christmas that will be celebrated in this house here in 2022 (apart from including a couple of gruesome Christmas paintings in the Iversen museum).

My mother’s family is of Danish ancestry and æbelskiver on Christmas morning is a tradition we (thankfully) have not lost! Awesome hearing you celebrate it too.
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