tastyonions wrote:She doesn’t sound weird to me. I noticed she corrected her own speech sometimes (“ain’t…isn’t in Manhattan”) to sound less “working class,” which I imagine is part of the character.
Thanks for your input! That's interesting, but I guess it's like with our native language: Sometimes there's a person in our surrounding that has a peculiar way of speaking to our ears, but others might not find it weird in any way.
2025/01/13Turkish- watching: youtube channel
Daire: Vaniköy'de Bir Yol Yalısı Dairesi2025/01/14Dutch- listening: podcast
Moorden in het Noorden, epis. 12
French- listening: podcast
La Fabrique à Polyglottes, epis. 35
Turkish- listening: podcast
Çocuk Haber epis. 12
2025/01/15French- I worked a bit with
Conjugaison Progressive du Français and linguno.com.
Italian- listening: podcast
Elisa True Crime, epis. 89
Turkish- watching: I started to watch the series
Behzat Ç on youtube, with subtitles in Turkish.
I don’t really understand a lot, but the story is easy enough to follow visually. I quickly learned the word “lan” though, an interjection which means something like “pal, buddy, dude”, or also “hell”, and is used in any other scene.
Typically for Turkish series, every episode is about 1h45 long. I managed to watch about half an hour so far.
2025/01/16Dutch- listening: podcast
Moorden in het Noorden, epis. 13
Turkish- listening: I listened to the last available episode of the podcast
Çocuk Haber.
2025/01/17French- I finished the part about the imparfait in
Conjugaison Progressive du Français.
TurkishYesterday I added some Turkish podcasts to my library on Podimo. Today I listened to the first episode of one about travel called
Seyahate Dair Her Şey, but it turned out there was only this single episode. It was uploaded at the start of 2020 - I guess the fact that travelling wasn’t possible for the rest of the year didn’t precisely motivate them to do more.
- reading: story I in
LingoMastery - Turkish Short Stories for BeginnersIn 2023, I went through this book very slowly. At that point, with intensive reading, I needed about half an hour or sometimes more per story. Because I wrote down the meaning of all unknown words with pencil, now I only needed a good ten minutes.
2025/01/18French- listening: podcast
La Fabrique à Polyglottes, epis. 36
Italian- listening: podcast
Un pasto alla volta, epis. 7
2025/01/19Italian- I worked a little bit with
Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italianaTurkish- listening: podcast
Bir Avrupa Macerasi, epis. 01
It’s about Turkish expats in Europe.
- reading: story II - IV in
LingoMastery - Turkish Short Stories for BeginnersThis week, reading an article, I learned a new English word, “tony”, meaning “sophisticated, posh”. I don’t remember ever having come across it before. The richness of the English language will never cease to amaze me.
I also learned how to correctly pronounce “Yosemite”. I always thought that it rhymed with “might”.
I’ve just now handed in the second big translation project I was working on since autumn 2024, and now I’ll probably have a week or two free before my next project arrives. I’ll definitely do some hiking, but maybe I’ll also find time for some studying.