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Amusing or faulty foreign language usage in ads

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:18 pm
by tastyonions
Reddit alerted me to the existence of this magnificent South Korean yogurt ad today:

Transcript and translation for those who don't speak French:
Mon nom est Jean. (My name is Jean.)
Je vis avec elle. (I live with her.)
Chaque nuit elle me fatigue. (Every night she tires me out.)
Et le lendemain elle s'excuse auprès de moi en me donnant à boire un yaourt. (And the next day she apologizes to me by giving me a yogurt to drink.)
Aaaah, elle vient la puissance du yaourt! (Aaaah, the power of the yogurt is coming!)
Aaaah, viens souffle sain des myrtilles! (Aaaah, come, healthy breeze of blueberries!)

Let this be a thread for ads that use languages foreign to their intended audience in ridiculous or mistaken ways.


Re: Amusing or faulty foreign language usage in ads

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:53 pm
by thomas_dc
This is profoundly bizarre! I love it!

Re: Amusing or faulty foreign language usage in ads

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:57 pm
by Cainntear
And the switch to equally weird English is just the icing on the cake! Fantastic find.