504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
- Iversen
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
I have seen the ugly 504 a couple of times, but I have also noticed that I more often than earlier have to login in again after I have shut my PC down - I suppose that the 'remember me' cookies somehow become obsolete when there has been server problems. But there is one thing I haven't noticed, and that the inordinately slow functioning from the worst periods in the past. When the thing works it feels like normal, and so far it works most of the time.
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
księżycowy wrote:Good, I'm not crazy! (Well, ok, crazier than usual. )
Well, I haven't noticed any problems yet, everything seems to be functioning properly. Maybe it's me who's crazy?
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
Iversen wrote:I have seen the ugly 504 a couple of times, but I have also noticed that I more often than earlier have to login in again after I have shut my PC down - I suppose that the 'remember me' cookies somehow become obsolete when there has been server problems. But there is one thing I haven't noticed, and that the inordinately slow functioning from the worst periods in the past. When the thing works it feels like normal, and so far it works most of the time.
I think this happens when the bots try to log in to your account to try to guess the password numerous times. It probably is pretty random which users it affects as they might not be trying all of us all of the time, depending on how many madhines are under their control at the time....
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- Ogrim
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
Just this afternoon I wrote a post in my log about my summer, and when I finally was ready and hit the preview button, I got the 504 message. Now my post is gone, so I will have to write it up again, maybe tomorrow, as it was a rather lengthy post. The lesson learnt is to write the post in Word and the copy-paste it into the forum, just in case.
3 x
Ich grolle nicht
- jeff_lindqvist
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
Ogrim wrote:The lesson learnt is to write the post in Word and the copy-paste it into the forum, just in case.
A simple copy/paste before submitting has done the job for me since the late 1990s. No reason to compose offline or to use other software.
6 x
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Ar an seastán oíche:
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- Le Baron
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
I write it out in full using a quill and on parchment just in case the electricity goes off.
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
504 Gateway Time-out is an ongoing issue. I'm getting it at log-in and when clicking on a post or trying to like a post. It's not as bad as it was at the beginning of the year, but it's bad enough to make the forum for all practical intents and purposes unusable as it was meant to be. Hopefully, emk an rdearman are aware and working on a solution. If I hear from them, I will post an update on HTLAL.
3 x
- Le Baron
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
It's intermittent for me, but when it occurs nothing loads at all.
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To have talked much and read much is of more value in learning to speak and write well than to have parsed and analysed half a library.
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
The site seems to be running faster now, but if it comes back, I'll reboot, or poke around and see what's going on. Usually it's either much too high server load (from too many requests), or sometimes running out of RAM because the site has been running too long.
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- tommus
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Re: 504 Gateway Time-out IS BACK!
I have finally been able to log in but it showed no active messages. The menus were strange to navigate. It seems OK at the moment.
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