HTLAL Preservation

Discuss the LLORG's and HTLAL forum's past and its future here.
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Re: HTLAL Preservation

Postby Raconteur » Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:51 am

aj8250 wrote:HTLAL is hosted by Swisscom. Swisscom have announced that web hosting will be discontinued at the end of this month. Unless alternative arrangements are made I expect that will be the end of the HTLAL website.
For now at least (JUN 13) it seems that the site is still up. Does it mean that alternative arrangements were made after all? Or is it simply that Swisscom is taking longer than the company anticipated to shut down all services. I guess time will tell!
aj8250 wrote:In case anyone is interested, I have imported the HTLAL posts into a local instance of phpBB. I did this for my convenience as HTLAL is very slow, unreliable, and the search and tags features don't work without an account.
I would very much be interested in that. As some have pointed out, the archive here is getting better and better, but some of these older posts are still very much a great read, and I keep discovering new nuggets of wisdom every time I take a deep dive in the old HTLAL archives. It would be a shame if it all went away forever.
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