Any mods from HTLAL able to help with reactivating an old account?

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Any mods from HTLAL able to help with reactivating an old account?

Postby ros » Sat Jul 23, 2022 6:39 pm

After ~10 years away from HTLAL, I came across the forum again recently as I've gotten back into language learning. I logged in to my account and found (to my horror) that I was much less privacy-conscious when I created that account than I am now, so I got to work anonymizing any real personal info on the account. Part of that involved a switch to a new email address, but I didn't realize that reactivating after switching emails would have to be manually approved - and it looks like nobody's around to approve anything.

Are there any moderators from HTLAL here who might be able to approve that reactivation?
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Re: Any mods from HTLAL able to help with reactivating an old account?

Postby Iversen » Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:03 pm

It is not a simple task - fiddling with your e-mail address was the one thing that really could wreak havoc in the system, and in severe cases you would need administrator rights to sort things out. And as you may remember, the administrator of HTLAL became almost impossible to contact during the last period. I may still have a functioning moderator account there, but I have not used it for several years. If it just had been a matter of changing a password I knew a method, but I think your case is beyond what I as a moderator could do. And even if I could, there were restrictions that would prevent you from changing your old messages.
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White Belt
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Re: Any mods from HTLAL able to help with reactivating an old account?

Postby ros » Sat Jul 23, 2022 9:01 pm

I actually only learned about the administrator's absence after running into this issue, checking his blog, and figuring out through the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine that he had gone completely dark on the blog since sometime around 2016/2017 and from reading forum posts that he had been unresponsive to moderators for a few years prior to that.

My main concern was info in the profile rather than my old messages. I at least got my real name changed, so I may have to be content with that. Was the manual approval thing put in place by the admin?
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