Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

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Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby rdearman » Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:39 pm

Hello everyone. Apologies for the outage over the last 24 hours or so. This time it wasn't the spammers, but rather the server itself was hung. I eventually worked out what was wrong and did a reboot, and we seem to be up and running now.

The long delay is completely my fault because I wasn't looking at the right thing even though the error message was telling me exactly where the problem was! Dooh! What should have been a 10 minute fix actually took me ages.
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby Le Baron » Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:02 pm

On the bright side I got loads of work done! :lol:

Thanks for working it all out.
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby outcast » Sun Jun 12, 2022 4:39 pm

rdearman wrote:Hello everyone. Apologies for the outage over the last 24 hours or so. This time it wasn't the spammers, but rather the server itself was hung. I eventually worked out what was wrong and did a reboot, and we seem to be up and running now.

The long delay is completely my fault because I wasn't looking at the right thing even though the error message was telling me exactly where the problem was! Dooh! What should have been a 10 minute fix actually took me ages.

You should never apologize, we should just thank you.
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby Nogon » Sun Jun 12, 2022 7:56 pm

I'm soooo glad that the forum is back again! Thank you, rdearman!
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby mick33 » Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:10 pm

rdearman wrote:Hello everyone. Apologies for the outage over the last 24 hours or so. This time it wasn't the spammers, but rather the server itself was hung. I eventually worked out what was wrong and did a reboot, and we seem to be up and running now.

The long delay is completely my fault because I wasn't looking at the right thing even though the error message was telling me exactly where the problem was! Dooh! What should have been a 10 minute fix actually took me ages.
I agree that there's no need to apologize. Thank you for getting this outage sorted out.
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby IronMike » Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:45 pm

Rick, IMHO, you never need to apologize. You're working for free. We thank you!
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby tractor » Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:57 am

We are all grateful.
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby PeterMollenburg » Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:06 am

rdearman wrote:What should have been a 10 minute fix actually took me ages.

Still, better you on the job than me. With me, expect a few months, members leaving in droves and me wishing to burn all computers on earth into non-existence :lol: Thank you for the fix! Apology accepted, but only just ;) You owe me BIG time! Consider paying your debt in language learning materials....

Joking aside (but not for long!), this forum is worth so much to us language nerds, enthusiasts, aficionados, and I think it's evident in our replies (except mine, the ungrateful moron that I am) that we sincerely appreciate your work as well as the rest of the team :D
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby rdearman » Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:41 am

Actually I would have agreed with you about "wishing to burn all computers on earth into non-existence " a couple of hours into troubleshooting the thing! :lol:
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Re: Sorry for the outage! 503 Errors

Postby jeff_lindqvist » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:53 pm

Thanks for bringing the forum back to life, Rick!

In the meantime, I got some work done. :)
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