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When do newbies get out of comment jail?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:24 pm
by Detinets
I can't remember which thread it was, but I read somewhere that when your account is new there are a set of limitations to prevent people from spamming the forum. One of the limitations i've been experiencing is that it seems that all of my posts have to be mod approved. I'm just wondering when that limitation is lifted? I'm guessing that there is some threshold number of comments but I can't find it (and I can't search for it either :lol: ).

Re: When do newbies get out of comment jail?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:02 pm
by Xenops
Welcome! A mod will have to correct me, but I think it’s 3 or 5 posts?

Re: When do newbies get out of comment jail?

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 1:26 pm
by rdearman
We don't actually tell people the number, because that is information which would be useful to a spammer. However, I can tell you that after a short number of useful, and approved posts you will gain normal membership and your posts will no longer be moderated.

One point to note is if you post one post (like a log) and then just keep editing that post, you'll never reach the threshold since edits are not considered toward thresholds.

Re: When do newbies get out of comment jail?

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:22 pm
by Detinets
rdearman wrote:We don't actually tell people the number, because that is information which would be useful to a spammer.

Totally understandable, I figured that the best answer I would get would be a range if anything. I guess I get to find out how many comments unlock full functionality the fun way :D

Re: When do newbies get out of comment jail?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 4:57 pm
by MaggieMae
I have to admit, I just got unlocked and it felt AMAZING. :D I wanted to send a message to the admins and explain how it made me feel like a real person now and how excited I was...

...but then I figured that was overdoing it a bit...

I was REALLY excited, though! :lol: