Why can't I search the forum?

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Why can't I search the forum?

Postby Ruiseñor » Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:52 am

When I register I see that there are "basic" functions that are deactivated.

So it is very difficult to find out about some topics.

it's a mistake?
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Re: Why can't I search the forum?

Postby rdearman » Sun Jan 30, 2022 10:33 am

It isn't a mistake. It is a deliberate reduction of functionality in order to stop some of the things used by spammers. If you continue to post and participate the functions will open up to you. For searching you are probably better off using Google or Bing since we get scanned by their bots hourly. For Google you can use the "site" keyword to just search a single website.
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